If refusing to govern the way their constituents expect them to then ducking accountability by hiding isn't taxation without representation, I don't know what is
I think Singapore has right idea on corporal punishment..any politician that won’t hold town halls and listen to their constituents has to either give all their salary we gave them as their government paycheck or we cane their ass!! You represent us not the other way around…
Kat are you stoned? lol how you take my opinion that of the 536 federally elected politicians and in my eyes 530 of them are pieces of shit and turn that into disabled kids being punished? lol I think you ate a funky brownie lol
The gop are shivering cowards & afraid to face their constituents. They avoid them. They’re afraid of trump & will not stop him from destroying our country. The programs that trump & the gop are destroying affect everyone. The gop is only interested in themselves & staying in office. No backbone!
Then bring the town hall to their homes and office and demand that they hear you. They should not have a moments peace until they either listen to the people, resign, or be removed from office.
Sure seems there are some representatives that have forgotten they are to in office to represent their constituents voices. Very evident when they refuse to listen to their constituents voices.
Looking at the real damage that has been inflicted on most of America, there is no explanation that can justify treating other human beings with such disdain. Facing voters would force them to face themselves—and this is a burden they can’t be bothered with.
It’s also one way of campaigning for your democratic opponent. Those abandoned citizens need to be reminded of their Representatives cowardice come November 2026🤨
Yes, it is! We pay their very nice salaries and most of the costs for their very nice benefits (72% of healthcare premiums). And it continues after they retire which kicks in with less than 10 years of service. They do not pay into Social Security, either
Now that the reason for the original revolution !! Ladies and Gentlemen, I have a nomination for “ post of the night “ !! Bravo, I salute you madam 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👍🏾 ( Informative/ Real shit category)
Or blaming the uprisings at town halls and tesla dealerships on democrats, antifa, soros, etc. The fact MAGA tools believe this shit show just how stupid we, as a country, have become.
I agree! Just look at the response to this post! I've never had a post with so many likes. This says the meme resonates and the more we spread it the better. People are p*ssed and the pot is going to boil over eventually
Sure is.
Those of us who protest our “representatives’” refusal to meet with us and withhold paying our tax bills until they do ought NOT be penalized for doing so.
They know they’re in deep shit. They can put out the spin that it’s “democratic operatives” but they can read polls like everyone else and they can see the warning signs blinking red for the economy. When they start fearing the public more than their base is when they start turning on Trump.
How hard would we laugh at Republicans in blue districts if they claimed they were victims of ‘taxation without representation’ because elected Democrats don’t speak for them.
As a European I find this “No taxation without representation” intriguing.
Does it mean that if you are not automatically registered to vote you will also be exempt from taxes?
If IRS knows where you live why shouldnt voter registration?
And it still working as strong as it did then. The rich raise all their money in one hand and watch it trickle down to their own pockets and no further
Republicans don't care about you, only lining their own pockets. Why do you think they want to be reelected instead of standing for the oath of office they swore to uphold.... Lickspittles all of em.....
Republicans did it before, refused to hold town halls and answer questions about them trying to cancel Obamacare/ Affordable Care act insurance. they had some arrested when they came to their DC offices to talk to them. Yet they re-elect them again any way.
Time to confront MAGA in the streets and in their homes.
If the they won’t talk to their constituents, their constituents should talk to them.
Time to shine the light on MAGA.
Having Town Halls should be mandatory. These fools hardly work, they haven’t raised the min wage yet they increased their salaries, they have the best healthcare, access to pensions, insider trading, and other perks. Stop voting for the GOP they tell you that they hate you all the time.
We need this Project 2025 tracker website to be spread far and wide.
See what has been completed, what's in progress, and what's next (the worse).
!!! https://www.project2025.observer
They can talk a lot of shit like the old saying you can dish it out but you surely can't take it without your orange clown to blame someone else for his own problems
These people who are not meeting with their constituents need to be removed I don’t give a shit. These people are not playing by the rules. Remove these people that’s what needs to happen. Start holding these people accountable.
My US Rep is a Democrat, and her idea of a "town hall" is an unannounced phone call that dumps you into a phone conference that you can't actually participate in except passively by listening to pre-screened questions.
As in NC they'll CHEAT to win. The NC SCOTUS judgeship is STILL under attack by the GOP Fascists who LOST and have lost every lawsuit they've brought but are STILL trying to get 60,000 votes THROWN OUT! They think they can CHEAT their want back into office no matter how we vote!
Yes, they've probably been cheating to win their whole lives and just brought their skills into government. When you learn about Trump's father, influences, and mentors, it's easy to see why he's so despicable. Add like minded people and we have the shitshow we're seeing.
Welcome to the Billionaires Gilded Age. Trump is converting this country into an old white guys billionaires country club. We, you and me, get the privilege of paying for their tax cuts. It’s kind of hard to justify this 🐂 💩 in an open town hall meeting.
MN1 has carefully curated conference calls with screened questions. How about actually facing the people Brad? (He’s not on this platform so I can’t tag him)
Politicians in North American have become like fat pigs at a trough. They don't always work for us & they become corrupt. I cannot believe some politicians are called career politicians, like that's a good thing. I am sick of this & demand accountability. I am doing what I can to fight tyranny.
Every citizen of D.C. would like a word here. The license plate there states Taxation Without Representation. I paid taxes when I lived there, but I had nobody to call to advocate for me in the Congress of the US. Congress additionally has the power to overturn DC's laws if they don't like them.
No, it's on purpose and by design. People in DC voted to legalize weed with almost 70% approval rating(by votes on the ballot), but Congressional Republicans reversed that nearly immediately. Congress just TOOK medicine(weed) from nearly 1 million DC residents without so much as a thought about them
Ding ding ding. That's the right answer. Johnny, tell us what this intelligent person has won for completely cutting thru the bullshit and speaking truth to power.
Time to overthrow tyranny (again) so we can have representation. Let’s use the 250th anniversary of the declaration of independence to birth an even better America! #Revolution250
It is definitely taxation without representation for me. None of the R bozos represent my values. And the Dems who might, seem to be on some political austerity program.
Yeah, Congressmen John McGuire had a Town Hall scheduled but never showed up!
I went a rally today and it was suggested that "We the People" schedule Town Halls, invite the press and voice our issues. We can provide a chair for Reps. If they don't show up that chair will be occupied by a chicken.
It's also called, "being a whiny little wimp who is too fukking cowardly to stand before your voters and explain your support of unsupportable and horrific votes for, among other things, pinheads and greedmongers for Cabinet positions."
True but what are the odds they will reimburse this when it's time to vote. That's why it's important for the dems to get off their buts and fill the void
avoiding your constituents because your actions are so different than what they elected you to do means you are not their representatives and should resign.
Our Congressman never has ANY town halls. Neither did the skank before him. He’s a felon asslicker and praises the criminal at every chance he gets.
……but he loves Jesus and praises his political success on being a hardcore believer.
We the People MUST remind OUR representatives that THEY ALL work for and answer to US! They do as WE, their constituents, say! If not, they'll feel OUR wrath during the next election cycle. They need stop listening to the 1% & represent US! WE need to take back the power of our voice & vote! NOW!
Unfortunately there is no constitutional provision for recall of Congressional representatives. Republicans have 2years to destroy the democratic republic.
Fellow Americans! Marjorie Taylor Green refused to come to a town hall to explain why she's enabling Trump to destroy America and help Putin. What is she afraid of? #Accountability
They should be disqualified in the next elections if they won't face those who vote them in. They represent the people of their district, and everything they get, do, or say comes from that. Enough of these cons lying to the people getting elected making shit loads of money for nothing.
... but I would certainly call it gutless.
and taxation without representation.
Elected representatives literally afraid to face their constituents of voters, huh
We already had a town hall in Emmer's district a couple weeks ago (which Emmer did not show up for). So your district should ask Walz to do you first.
There is no public record or evidence to suggest that Zelenskyy wrote to Trump after the meeting to say he wanted to come back.
Stupid and cheesy/corny, sounding shit, right? Some shit you'd hear on Naruto, right?
But it's true!
If we get this message out, get people on board, go public...at the very least it's a huge statement against the white house. We are on our own.
Those of us who protest our “representatives’” refusal to meet with us and withhold paying our tax bills until they do ought NOT be penalized for doing so.
The fact that our Congressional representatives don’t align with our individual values doesn’t mean we didn’t have a voice in selecting them. Right?
Does it mean that if you are not automatically registered to vote you will also be exempt from taxes?
If IRS knows where you live why shouldnt voter registration?
Makes it more motivating to vote.
Sorry about your current leadership, best wishes
Thanks for the well wishes... we're gonna need them
What's wrong, reps? Why don't you love our country?
If the they won’t talk to their constituents, their constituents should talk to them.
Time to shine the light on MAGA.
Please honor us with your follows and likes. My substack will forever be free and hosts my policy platform here:
We need this Project 2025 tracker website to be spread far and wide.
See what has been completed, what's in progress, and what's next (the worse).
Aren't there like 900M guns in America?
King George = King Elon
I went a rally today and it was suggested that "We the People" schedule Town Halls, invite the press and voice our issues. We can provide a chair for Reps. If they don't show up that chair will be occupied by a chicken.
……but he loves Jesus and praises his political success on being a hardcore believer.
Go to his/her local office during house recess. Gather there. Protest there.
80,000 vets losing their jobs is horrendous.
I remember they throw BRITISH TEA in the BOSTON HARBOR!
How come LOTS of ELECTED DEMOCRATS don’t do stuff like that to
14th Amendment Sec 3 states FELON Trump’s ILLEGITIMATE!