Anyone that can go to this should go in fact every single one of us americans should just drop everything we doing and march to washington dc and when millions of us are there they can get the idea of who the fuck is really in charge here in the USA
The protests in the sixties were better organized than this! Weeks of advertised notice and better coordination.
You need to organize for hundreds of thousands or, better yet, a million!
I’ve known about this event, which I can’t attend. I’ve looked for local concurrent events that might work, with no luck, for the past 3 weeks. I’m in NYC. It’s not like I’m in the middle of nowhere. It’s been hard to find information about protests before they happen.
I get the frustration.
Have you signed up with an Indivisible group in your area? They're usually good about advance notice and having good details on local protests. Good luck!
It doesn’t have to be in the same place. In fact each city and town should do their own protest with as many people as possible. If becomes nationwide, it becomes more impacting.
Let me also add that you guys need to mix these protests with strikes. I know that unions were disbanded years ago… but trust me, you ain’t getting sacked if you all show solidarity. Combine the two protest factors and the PEOPLE ALWAYS WIN!
Mind, it doesn't help that the US Mainstream Media is currently controlled by people invested in keeping the current Admin throwing us into repeated and endless constitutional crisis. So they wouldn't be reporting on any protests because that'd give them weight.
That’s nothing new mate. Before specimens like Rupert Murdoch contaminated the US media/journalism, we had already experienced it 20 years earlier and continue to do so.
This doesn’t stop solidarity. That’s upto you guys. There are no excuses.
Nobody beats the French. If the refuse collectors are being taken advantage of, there’s a general strike where even bankers show solidarity.
In the US they’ve made people believe that’s communism. But obviously it isn’t because Europe functions.This is the message that needs to be told to Americans
I can see the tyrant invoking the insurrection act even if not a single pint bottle of water is thrown. We might see the prorogation of the US Constitution before the weekend.
I wish I would hear about these things more than a day or two in advance.
I'm sure it's announced somewhere, but with as splintered as left-liberal groups are, I'd have to follow a lot to find this information. It doesn't really blow up until like a day (or even a few hours!) before the protests.
Read these books by Dr. Bandy X. Lee: The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump and her follow up book: The More Dangerous Case of Donald Trump. Psychiatrists discuss the truth of his mental condition which demonstrates his mental illness.
While Veterans are ONCE AGAIN trying to save is from evil, is siding with the GOP! #SchumerMustResign 🪧 should be chanted loudly in DC today.
& Just a thought from overseas. These Movements take time to build. Dismantling Apartheid S. Africa took decades!
Think of this as a practice run for 4th July...
I don't disagree that planning is necessary, however, spontaneous grass roots movements are likewise necessary for a multitude of reasons. Planning can be done for the future, while we still act now.
I agree and disagree. When things are this important it should be possible in a few days. It should be every day but people are afraid to act. This is why the crazy government can continue. If people want change stop postponing and act now!
It's not getting announced on CNN, like you how are average people not tuned into online political content supposed to know about it in time?
You might be privileged enough to drop everything and drive several hours across the country. Not everyone is.
It’s perfectly possible to be disruptive without resorting to violence. There are lots of ways to protest and get other people supporting you. The oligarchs want violent protests as a pretext for more repression. I’d also like to point out that the use of condescension weakens your argument.
I want people out on the streets calling for change. What I don’t want is masked thug’s attacking law enforcement officers, committing acts of vandalism to property, or burning down people’s businesses, looting stores or beating up people who disagree with them. That’s not how democracy works.
I suppose only presidents now have monopoly on legally committing crimes then.
But hey maybe my cynicism will be unwarranted.
Hopefully the ruling billionaire class will be moved and impressed with how calmly people demonstrate that they won't want to sacrifice throwing tea into the harbor.
Exactly! It's not just Trump. It's the whole party! If they weren't already compromised, Trump would never have been installed. They would have blocked him and outed him as a Russian asset. They did not because they are also Russian assets!
If anyone is driving from the Tampa area I’ll split the gas and room. I don’t drive and plane tickets are like ridiculous. Had I known about this earlier I would already be there.
2026- "Too Big To Rig": Reach out to the 99 million eligible voters who didn't participate in 2016, 2020, and 2024 and demonstrate that we ARE a 2/3 Majority who want democracy.
For you that complain that you need more time to plan. No, US need action now. To make change people need to make sure change happen and actions happen every darn minute. And yes I do get the problems with this. However, when a revolution (of any kind) shall happen everyone have to make sacrifices
I hope there's a big turnout, but more time is needed to allow people to plan. Start planning the next one, and the next now, so people can prepare and get there. They'll get bigger every week.
Some protests on a Saturday or Sunday would be great. I’d love to be involved in this stuff but I have a job and all.. I swear every one I’ve seen is in the middle of a week day
Someone pointed out to me that it's done on a weekday because that's when Congress and others will be in their offices, as opposed to the weekend when everyone will most likely be home
Heya, Betsy. While you’re sharing this, and others, remind the vets that the oath they gave is still valid, and their constitution says you can rise up against a tyrannical government.
The FL governor had a law passed that said if protestors are blocking traffic you can legally run them over. magas on sites mentioning protests are gleefully reminding their cult followers of this.
i am canadian living in canada, far away from washington, d.c., but i wish i could be there with you.
that delusional, deranged psychopath wants annex our country so he can get his grubby little fingers on our minerals and water
btw. tomorrow is the Ides of March, just saying
Would be really fucking cool if these things circulated more than 24 hours before it happens. Some of us have full-time jobs. (Not aimed specifically at you, OP- thank you for sharing)
Event was announced in early Feb.
28th Feb:: Total economic boycott
7-14th March:: Amazon Boycott
National March on Washington, DC noon March 14.
21st-28th March:: Nestlé Boycott
7-14th April:: Walmart Boycott
18th April:: Total economic boycott
21st-28th April:: General Mills Boycott
It was to fill their pedophile ring in the basement of that pizza parlor. They serve cats. Any other conspiracy theory gossip you need answer to? Idiot
They mention that in 1979 he “invited other like-minded individuals to a meeting, where they formed an organization known as the Moral Majority” in order to take over the Republican Party and eventually the nation.
Please. Let the democrats know what you think about them caving to bullies by voting to keep government open while sacrificing those who need their protection most!
It’s clear it’s “the latter” not just one party fuck them all get them all out now or Canada will since we all acting like a bunch of spineless babies. Granted some are to poor for any of it those people like me I give the pass on.
You need to organize for hundreds of thousands or, better yet, a million!
Seems as if there was.
I get the frustration.
You guys need to make it tell!
You NEED to come out in your millions. Apathy and lethargic nonsense won’t get you anywhere.
Ask the French! They’ll tell you how to do it.
If it's just me, at least I know that I tried to do something.
This doesn’t stop solidarity. That’s upto you guys. There are no excuses.
In the US they’ve made people believe that’s communism. But obviously it isn’t because Europe functions.This is the message that needs to be told to Americans
And I wish I could!
I'm sure it's announced somewhere, but with as splintered as left-liberal groups are, I'd have to follow a lot to find this information. It doesn't really blow up until like a day (or even a few hours!) before the protests.
Think of this as a practice run for 4th July...
For those who live in the bulk of America this was announced way too late to arrange transportation and hotels.
(It was announced months ago—you won’t find it on CNN)
It's not getting announced on CNN, like you how are average people not tuned into online political content supposed to know about it in time?
You might be privileged enough to drop everything and drive several hours across the country. Not everyone is.
First reference was about 2 weeks ago.
Until you occupy DC and fight harder, nothing is going to change
It's not like anyone else is going to step foot in your shithole country these days
Remember to roll over when they tell you to as well.
But hey maybe my cynicism will be unwarranted.
Hopefully the ruling billionaire class will be moved and impressed with how calmly people demonstrate that they won't want to sacrifice throwing tea into the harbor.
You guys are really going to show them!
Oh but serious question though: You understand the stakes have never been higher right?
"I want to make change but I don't want to be too disruptive"
"don't block the streets"?
"don't break any laws"?
D'ahh, FUCK OFF.
You guys have no idea how to protest
It's fucking pathetic.
After removing their eyelids, bind them nude to the ground, covered in honey for the ants to get started on...
Thoughts? Considerations? Alternative proposals?
Look at her, putting up numbers on the scoreboard for our side.
President Trump cut all your USAID funding?
A little self sacrifice is needed.
"Oh, I'll just protest when it's convenient for me..."
The American people, choice MAGA, and now protest?
Great American disaster!!!
Nothing like a little advance notice!
They’ve been posting this for weeks.
There are weekend events and by all means, you don't need others to protest. You can do whenever your heart desires
P.S. RETIRE CHUCK SCHUMER. You are irrelevant and out of touch with reality.
the 🍊💩
will pardon you
or maybe he will mow you down with the military
it will be Wild !!!
that delusional, deranged psychopath wants annex our country so he can get his grubby little fingers on our minerals and water
btw. tomorrow is the Ides of March, just saying
28th Feb:: Total economic boycott
7-14th March:: Amazon Boycott
National March on Washington, DC noon March 14.
21st-28th March:: Nestlé Boycott
7-14th April:: Walmart Boycott
18th April:: Total economic boycott
21st-28th April:: General Mills Boycott
If you can go go!
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