This is heartbreaking. I try putting myself in their shoes. Imagine, you don't know where they've taken you; they strip you of your clothes; they shave your heads to humiliate you. You are thrown in a cell; you have no access to an attorney; your family is distraught. Is this America, or the Gulag?
Steven Miller is the poster child for hysterical mail. Wearing a tie doesn’t make them a man he is weak. He is cowardly and I look forward to the day. He ends up in prison.
I believe he’s cultivated Nazi style into his entire personality, and I hope he does serious prison time for what he’s inflicting on us.
Next time we indict them - just treat them like the Venezuelans: No due process, let them rot in Guantanamo until we feel like dealing them. 💁♀️
I'm looking forward to the American version of Nuremberg trials. These two assholes will surely be in the dock, along with Trump, Bondi, Kennedy, Lutnick, and most of the rest of his cabinet. And in the end, they'll all get what they deserve!
I’ve been saying this since the beginning! I’m sure he is exiled from his family whose history is Auschwitz!!!! He also ought to be in front of a firing squad!!!! This is a very very dangerous human!!!!
The treatment of these men, these human beings, is horrible. We were Americans and we don’t treat people this way. Remember innocent til proven guilty? They didn’t even have their day in court. What’s happening to my country???
He is more than likely informing Trump who to attack and what messaging to use
He needs to go
Get rid of Trump's handlers because he cannot come up with these hate filled acts
I have been saying that ever since he began with the power of the president is absolute on some news show. Thank you for posting ,and for your service sir!
But will they?
Human Rights and the entitlement to challenge deportations under the law means nothing to them.
This is no longer a democracy and I hope mid-term the GOP suffer.
The whole administration from trump on down is pure evil 😈 trumps going after everybody and everyone this bastard is ruthless I just hope the morons that voted for this sob in the end have to eat grass farmers to if you can put aside his past and vote for him your fucked up in the head
I’ve been comparing Miller to Goebbels since 2016. He is one who needs to be watched carefully and then put in prison for treason. Nazi fuckhead that he is.
Sure those two aren’t related? They have a similar resemblance but it could be the evil in both of them. It’s funny how they accuse our country of having a “deep state” that’s “persecuting” them when it’s been them the this whole time. Shit, they do inspire a deep state 2 put them back in the box.😡
Ever seen The Hunters? And read true stories about escaped and protected Nazis hiding out in South America, Argentina mostly bc it’s about the whitest euro country in SA? Some hid themselves as Jews all over including here. Tattooed numbers too. This guy Miller reminds me of the those Nazis.
Who are the Trump régime counterparts to Hitler’s inner circle? Where do Musk, Vance, Jordan, Miller, Graham, Johnson, Tuberville ,Kelly fall into positions held by the likes of Hess, Goebbels, Göring, Himmler, Bormann, etc.?
Always thot of Goebbels as a young Mitch McConnell. Miller is the Rudolf Hess type. He could parachute into Russia to negotiate w/ Putin. Then maybe stay there...
I’m almost positive. No, I am positive that they knew that there were no gang members Venezuela confirmed that that gang was eradicated years ago so guess what they took most of the gay men they targeted gay people on purpose evil has no bottom.
Bitch keeps rencarnating, so do the people who have to deal with him. Wonder how many rounds we are on and they still wont fuck off. Oh well once more with feeling kids. YKWTD.
Yes, Miller, Homan and Goebels are all cut from the same cloth. I would like to lump Trump in there with them, but the orange feces is just too stupid.
Wasn’t it Miller who came up w/ taking kids from their parents at the border (then losing them) a way to stop migration? Most vile thing to do to a child & traumatise for life.
I am shocked ,,,,,,,,,that it took this long for someone to finally show the similarities between these two, if there ever was a case for reincarnation this is a good one .
And why doesn’t Venezuela contact El Salvador and settle what is wrong in his people’s deportation from U S America to El Salvador’s worst prison camp?
remember a year ago when Miller removed his tongue from trump's arse long enough to claim trump was a fashion icon and a trend setter? still makes me smile every time I see either clown
What kills me is Steven Miller wouldn’t be here if his family hadn’t been allowed to immigrate here. They’d have perished in a concentration camp. Talk about an ingrate.
I was wondering when someone would notice the striking similarity between them and it's not just physically. The most striking thing is that Miller is Jewish.
Kudo's to your post on Steven Miller the Nasty Natzi head of his
Fuhrer Trump/Musk, tell me that
History isn't repeating itself as we watch it repeating itself???????
It's happening all over again. One of my history teachers asked this question to our class once. Why do we study the past?? The Answer: So we are not doomed to repeat the same mistakes and in some cases atrocities again. Yet here we are. DID YOU LEARN NOTHING IN HISTORY CLASS??? Are you that stupid?
All these guys are reincarnated nazis. History repeats itself because we all come back. All those who suffered and all those that caused so much suffering, they did not dissapear in the dust of history. They are here. It is us.
It’s enough to make you believe we are living in a matrix with the same story line repeating, or to make you believe in a God, with the exact same tests for humanity that we failed before. The Deja Vu…Creepy.
ICE, led by Homan and with Miller’s policies are Gestapo wannabes. This is truly scary stuff. And our congress, if they had an ounce of courage, could hold these guys accountable. I’m referring to the Republicans mostly. They need to stop referring to themselves as Christians, especially Johnson!
Is this the young man whose lawyer was desperately trying to reach him? She was worried for his safety. When due process rights are lost for some, we are all at risk.
When Jeff Sessions was dismissed because there was a line he wouldn’t cross, Trump mused “where is my Roy Cohn” his former mentor and personal attorney, Stephen Miller is Roy Cohn’s replacement and he was one nasty self hating piece of work
In the US many foreign born doctors staff rural hospitals and towns. Cutting Medicaid will decimate the financial support of those hospitals and all nursing homes ( 2/3 of nh pts are on Medicaid).
Loss of the hospital, those jobs and health services will kill many small towns.
So very sad what these people are doing, will continue to do. No guard rails. Deporting without due process. Threatening governors who don’t bend the knee, impeaching judges they don’t agree with and a Congress that won’t stand up to any of his policies.
SM should have been charged for violating human rights during the first administration. He detained immigrants and separated them from their children while putting them in cages. AG Garland was a failure. Now this guy is doing it again because he got away with it the first time.
These are places constructed in the mid 1930’s to hold political opponents, opposition media, gay’s, anyone who opposed the Nazi administration and eventually Jewish population. You know where this led. Hopefully Venezuela will not turn into this!!
Goebbels in the end killed his children, his wife and himself.
That is what the Millers and Homans should keep in mind. That is the destiny of evil. Self-destruction. That's where their minds will lead them to.
There’s a Karma bus waiting for both of these motherfckers somewhere.
I would start showing the gallows of the Nuremberg trials that awaited the War Criminals because that is exactly what all of these people are. All of them
Next time we indict them - just treat them like the Venezuelans: No due process, let them rot in Guantanamo until we feel like dealing them. 💁♀️
If the GOP keeps this up, it won't end well for them.
I can’t fucking believe the Democratic Party is not fighting to stop these people right now.
He needs to go
Get rid of Trump's handlers because he cannot come up with these hate filled acts
He's less Goebbels and more Mussolini; less ghoul, more thug.
Human Rights and the entitlement to challenge deportations under the law means nothing to them.
This is no longer a democracy and I hope mid-term the GOP suffer.
23 and me? it's those filthy lips and Scum thoughts
He is evil personified. Makes me I'll to think that he is even reproducing and someone even sees anything redeeming in him to marry him.
But, we all know what happened to Goebbels, don't we?
Fuhrer Trump/Musk, tell me that
History isn't repeating itself as we watch it repeating itself???????
Loss of the hospital, those jobs and health services will kill many small towns.
spawn? That is one Creepy POS.
A lie told once remains a lie but a lie told a thousand times becomes the truth
Propaganda works best when those who are being manipulated
are confident they are acting on their own free will.
These are places constructed in the mid 1930’s to hold political opponents, opposition media, gay’s, anyone who opposed the Nazi administration and eventually Jewish population. You know where this led. Hopefully Venezuela will not turn into this!!
That is what the Millers and Homans should keep in mind. That is the destiny of evil. Self-destruction. That's where their minds will lead them to.
I would start showing the gallows of the Nuremberg trials that awaited the War Criminals because that is exactly what all of these people are. All of them