So are we all - including the institutions charged with prevent this - going to sit by for four years while this traitor destroys our country? Someone should be building the gallows right now.
Wondering when tRump will start flying the Russian flag over the White House. He shows us every day that he works for Putin and not the American people.
Just so you know.. spoke to a few folks who know about this stuff and they tell me the actual change in cybersecurity is not nearly as severe as the headlines suggest in regards to national risk. However, politically it is a very strange and certainly not improving our security.
Yes America is Trump’s first gift to Russia! Putting America first… ugh Americans voting for that twobit loser from Queens makes me angry at every moron that voted for him! They are all the dumb lil F’s that threw spit balls in the back of class instead of learning anything! 🤬
Hegseth is too busy firing the competent people and replacing them with ass-kissers, that he isn't paying attention to what he's about to do to our military. He's completely out of his depth
really DEI Hegseth, knows nothing about cyber security , he can barely text. what does he do all day at the Pentagon, bet he plays solitaire on his terminal. America please stop being idiots .You can get rid of these losers, take your country back, “by the people for the people” it just takes one .
So Zelensky gets screamed at and Putin gets the to enjoy the Americans not fighting back against Russian attacks for the first time in some years. Sounds “neutral” as hell to me.
Galeazzo Ciano, Mussolini’s son-in-law and Foreign Minister and Hegseth's analog —who often manipulated Italy’s foreign policy in ways that served Nazi Germany’s interests rather than Italy's
Ciano shielded Axis-aligned forces from scrutiny – He played a key role in aligning Italy with Hitler’s Germany, even when doing so was against Italy’s broader strategic interests.
Hillary was right the entire time. That would include the time that your Republican friends were vilifying her constantly, before you all realized you were building the infrastructure for maga.
Trump spokesman B.S. Malarkey said that President Trump will change the name of the Department of Defense to the Department of Offense. “We’re offensive, not defensive,” Malarkey quoted Trump as saying. “And there’s nobody more offensive than Secretary Pete Hegseth.”
Russia is making out like a bandit on this one. It like the last hurrah. The muskyrump is throwing everything he can get his hands on to mother Russia’s boi puti hoping not to get navalneyed. Or some poison of choice. The fear is palpable when u look for it. Walking tog at Helsinki? Check it.
So basically, Russia can continue their Cyber attacks on U.S. but the U.S. must halt it's Cyber operations? Trump's making Putin seem like he's powerful.
LOL Trump honestly thinks he dictates terms to Russia? No matter how softly he lobs the ball, Putin will call for him when he's ready, not the other way around. Trump is so lost in the woods he can't recognize the f*cking trees.
Maga mike, good little Christian that he is, wants old people to die in the streets, just like he wants women with nonviable pregnancies to die in parking lots and people with brown skin to die in his concentration camps.
Hegseth welcome to spending the rest of your natural life in prison or even death for treason! You fools think you have presidential immunity, u do not! When u tell the military to shoot Americans, because that’s what’s coming, remember this trump nightmare will end one day. U will answer to this!!
So as a recap : no more Ebola surveillance, no more air traffic controllers, no more crypto regulation, tulsi at DNI, RFK for no vaccines, no more hurricane monitoring, and no more cyber security. If someone wanted to inflict huge damage to the US, that looks like a recipe.
If the Republicans had a drop of shame in them they would arrest him, Vance, Musk, and Mike Johnson Tuesday night at the State of the Union! The damage those four have done to us is catastrophic!
This only makes sense when you look at it from the position that they are all working for Russia. The entire Executive Branch, a good portion of the Legislative Branch, and some of the Judicial Branch are compromised.
We've been getting it drummed into our heads for years that Russia was/is our near peer adversary. Now they're calling the shots. We've obviously been compromised.
See the Trump negotiating skills here? Trump agree to give Russia anything they want in Ukraine unimpeded by us, only if we also agree to give Russia everything else they ask for that is also against America’s interests. How could Trump not accept that deal?
“Donald Trump and J.D. Vance just destroyed the transatlantic partnership that kept the western world safe for 80 years and rather than spend the weekend trying to repair they both went on vacation”
No, this is NOT to “draw Russia into talks.”
We know that Trump calls him all the time because he said so.
They are enacting Putin’s Agenda to weaken the USA and create a sypathetic plutocracy.
Ever hear of Elon Musk?
OMG...draw Russia into talk?
These guys have been playing the world for centuries, and you are going to uncover all our bellies, hoping they will come and talk to who exactly?
Russians own us.
They are here.
They are dismantling our government.
The tech bro oligarchs will run the country "like a business."
Russia will make sure to pick up whatever they can for their benefit.
We are cooked.
Wait for the SOTU when he announces his reign.
They want Putin's hackers to have unobstructed access to the entire data stream that Musk stole and that no one will be watching when they install the Trojan Horse in the back door that Musk and "big balls" left wide open.
All together now: Russia. Russia. Russia.
We weren't fooled then by the denials, deflections, and disingenuous disinformation. And we aren't fooled now.
R stands for more than Republican in the US today, and it's never been more obvious.
This crop of republican crazy people will drive this country right into the ground. The Oval Office meeting with President Zalinsky was a nightmare. And Trump and Vance are a total disgrace. The kept out of the room Associated Press, and Reuters. Two of the best non-partisan news-gathering agencies.
pure appeasement .
The Repugnacans created this situation and the Dimocrats let it happen.
Are the White guys up to the challenge now?
500,000+ died.
Dems ran an ineffective campaign and continue to contribute to this abuse of office by not fighting back obo the people.
Is anyone therefore going to show some actual leadership and fight back, before it’s too late?
The US Power Grid was getting old, anyway.
He handed them the keys
Just Krasnov following orders.
Jake Broe
No, this is NOT to “draw Russia into talks.”
We know that Trump calls him all the time because he said so.
They are enacting Putin’s Agenda to weaken the USA and create a sypathetic plutocracy.
Ever hear of Elon Musk?
There’s more of us and it’s time we prove it!
Stand up, boycott, Resist!
He's just leaving a door open for Putin to come in and take everything!!!!!!!
I have a daughter. Do you like daughters? I like daughters.
They are in the Whitehouse and in Fox News. Some are your own neighbors!
These guys have been playing the world for centuries, and you are going to uncover all our bellies, hoping they will come and talk to who exactly?
Russians own us.
They are here.
They are dismantling our government.
Russia will make sure to pick up whatever they can for their benefit.
We are cooked.
Wait for the SOTU when he announces his reign.
Looks like there is NO AMERICA first at least for the next 4 years. Sad!
We weren't fooled then by the denials, deflections, and disingenuous disinformation. And we aren't fooled now.
R stands for more than Republican in the US today, and it's never been more obvious.