Remember when Trump used to count and post how many times Obama played golf? Then he proceeded to play 3X as much in one term than Obama played in two terms. Good times.
I honestly prefer if Trump plays a lot of golf. It's less time he spends destroying the country, and more time that his fat ass risks having a heart attack or stroke.
What a fraudulent waste of taxpayer money. Playing golf is a self serving game & its total cost should be paid by trump out of his pocket & not the taxpayers. You don’t conduct presidential business while playing golf. Where is the cutting of government waste when it comes to his golf adventures?
Adam, you’re absolutely right. Taxpayers are funding the lavish lifestyle of a convicted criminal while millions of Americans are struggling to pay rent and buy food. This isn’t just corruption — it’s an insult to every working American.
That’s the only exercise the fake President gets…getting in and out of a golf cart, walking a few feet, hitting a ball &/or at least pretending to. 😉 The rest are arm lifts shoving a hot dog in his mouth and/or lifting his can of coke. Putin certainly picked a winner. Those two are stuck in the 80’s
JD might be worse. He is a southern idiot and has an evil streak. Watch his face at the Trump congressional speech and compare it to baby face Johnson.
Where's the indictments for all these so called fraud claims that have been found 🤔 I thought it's against the law to commit fraud against the United States government 🤷🏿♀️
Hakeem Jeffries & Chuck Schumer are failing democracy & Democrats & they need to step down as Leader & Minority Leader. Call them & tell them to do so. Call Jeffries at (202) 225-5936 or (718) 237-2211. Call Schumer at (202) 224-6542 or (212) 486-4430 (Schumer has 9 offices - who's paying?)
Where is the DNC. We have an election coming up the could actually flip the house. And change this dynamic. Come on everyone that’s what we need to focus on.
To put that $18.2 million for 6 golf trips in the proper perspective, one complete round of golf (18 holes) / trip is the equivalent of firing 18 GS-15 employees or firing more than 100 GS-1 employees.
According to the OMB, the starting pay for GS-15 government employees in the DC-MD-VA-WV-PA area is slightly less than $168K (GS-15 the topmost civil servant pay grade).
Alternatively, $168K is equivalent to firing about 5.6 GS-1 employees per hole of golf (GS-1 salary starts just below $30K)
And a lot of that $ goes straight into his pockets because the secret service pays to rent rooms, pays for food, and pays to rent golf carts to follow his fat behind on the golf course. He profits every time he stays at one of his properties.
Say what you will about DJT’s penchant for golf but at least he never wore a tan suit, used a private email server, or pronounced “the” as “thee” sometimes. The horror.
At his own family’s money-making property which collects payments for the stay of himself, his golf fees, and his entourage, no doubt. It’s a money transfusion.
Mayor Wu came from Boston to DC armed with the truth and now trump has taken away the better business administration in Boston, what a little man he is-Rapist and treasonous pos
Ok. How in the world does a round of golf even come close to being a part of an $18 mill tab.??? Expensive courses only run a few hundred dollars per round plus cart rental. How does he rack up that much by playing golf?
I wanna add, I’m not devils advocating for his golf games but if you negate be ride and the security detail (because the ride and the detail are available 24/7..) then you’re just figuring the cost of his golf rounds. How does this get into the millions ?
Spending $1 of taxpayer's money on the felonious narcissist is $1 too much. Talk about wasteful spending.
A felon having SS protection is beyond wasteful as well.
Unfortunately, his cult members have never had a problem with him playing golf every weekend. Or, that it is always at one of his properties that he is most definitely overcharging to use.
I remember just a little while ago when Repubs complained when Biden would go home to Delaware occasionally and it it never cost the amount Trump spends and then puts in his pocket .
I'm pretty sure golf is just an excuse at this point, because Trump owns courses that are way closer than Mar-a-lago. But that's where he needs to be to have those million-dollars-a-pop 1-on-1 lunches and dinners with well-heeled "donors".
The local government for which I work calls it "waste, fraud, and theft," and I find it interesting that these criminals have opted out of using "theft."
Keep in mind, when the Media tried to justify the way they reported on Candidate/Pres.Humpty Dumpty Trump as being "unbiased" when they treated him as normal, when you read ABC folding and paying 15 million instead of fighting a frivolous lawsuit over free speech and Journalism integrity
And a Republican congress who is mum on protecting the Constitution. Cut their wages to FEDERAL minimum wage, take away their travel and health benefits....just like they are planning to do to 99% of the country.
Food for thought for a wannabe dictator who should remember how revolutions end.
Day1:spreading putin's lies
Day2:spreading Krasnov's lies
Day3:spreading putin's lies
Day4:spreading Krasnov's lies
Friday: Shifting the blame
Weekend: Golf
20 January - March 9
Cut them out. Problem solved.
If he leaves.
$18.2M / 6 trips / 18 holes = $168K / hole.
Alternatively, $168K is equivalent to firing about 5.6 GS-1 employees per hole of golf (GS-1 salary starts just below $30K)
Every weekend, he golfs:
~6,000,000 school lunches
~272 National Park Ranger annual salaries
~And enough money to fully fund Veteran Suicide Hotlines for a decade.
Every weekend.
These graphics are very accurate 👍
A felon having SS protection is beyond wasteful as well.
How do Americans feel about suddenly flipping and becoming Russian and Putin supporters?
You're now assisting Putin and North Korea in the destruction of a free democracy in Ukraine!
Just sayin'
He can do no wrong in their eyes.
The golfer in Chief . . . again...
... and it's costs the taxpayer millions . . . again ...
💠 😠 💠
right amount?
Trump has turned America into his own playground.
One can't elect a criminal expecting him to turn into a decent human being.
And shellacked.