We must shut down the country on 3/22-23 for 48 hours, and again on 3/25-27 for 72 hours. Stop work as you can, call in sick, take 1/2days off, come in late, take long lunches, leave early. We must work stop our airlines, trucking, transportation and retail and industrial manufacturing.
This is shit you would see in other countries, not USA. Unbelievable. There are/were laws and legal processes in this country. Follow the law and process people within the law and due process.
Why do people still hold on to the law? When it failed them on the most important moment of mankind :(
Why r people at this moment still thinking they will win thinking THE LAW is at their side???Thru the years laws have been implemented that shielded the few more, and us less!
On another thread on Bluesky, it was discussed that there are infiltrators here taking names of those they consider to be agitators. We are no longer a democracy so anything can happen.
It's an app you download from the store. It's free and you can send large video files, you can set text to Auto delete. It has end-to-end encryption so even if they went to the service provider they wouldn't be able to see your texts without getting your phone.
Hmmm, what other person spreads propaganda about a certain country... maybe ICE should pick up Felon-President Trump for spreading propaganda about Russia!
The “Washed up Post”…that’s a shat newspaper and obviously the Trump media helped misinform, not inform voters…everything was about a couple of botched assassination attempts towards Trump. Of course the publishing of conveniences is their obedience and it helps elections too…conspirators af.
This will continue as Tump's facists regime uses "Hamas" as the cover for intimidating and getting rid of people who challenge the Trump regime. It is an affront to the 1st Amendment and America.
I will never believe anything this MAGA admin accuses anyone they deem an enemy of their dictatorship building and dear leader of. Ice picks up an individual and then puts out an obvious lie about that person. They lie about everything.
When something bad really happens, we will not believe them.
Yes , we do . Remember when Bezo, was at the 2025/oligarch celebration party at lago. Smiling and sucking up . Greed makes you sell out, when you don’t even need to.
Remember the freakout by the right-wing that Hunter Biden sold artwork for a few hundred thousand dollars? Apparently if it were in the tens of millions it would have been fine.
It's time to clean up your digital footprints in social media. I got rid of Xcrement a few months ago. I've been cleaning on my FB account. I don't want to give it up because there's a couple of canning groups there that have a lot of good info.
As far as entering & leaving the country, I would suggest wiping your devices before you go. Maybe even go as far as a hard reset & don't install any social media apps. Empty out all your text messages, download your pics to a flash drive & put it in a safe place, & be logged out of everything.
I also remember that every article it published had critized any democrat, & endorsed any republican. That is when I stopped subscribing. I want to know facts, not propaganda. It's too late now
Both of these ideas came from Sociologist Dr. Lena Rodriguez (from Australia).
1) State & Federal Judges come together to write an Amicus Brief to reverse immunity decision.
2) Judges who have been threatened to file case with the Supreme Court to do clarifications around immunity decision.
While the John Thune and his fascist party stand by and watch. People need to start getting on Thune's ass more because he has power to stop this Nazi bullshit. Thune is a fascist.
And so the tramp of jackboots continues.
So really now, are our options only to submit or leave?
Or what would the modern equivalent of Samizdat be?
The old anti-Soviet resistance had to do so under the radar.
Got some bad news for the blooming "springtime for A'murcan nazis"-- that 1K yr hatefest shtler promised lasted about 12.
&ended w those buffoons crawling around like naked mole rats, hanging after an Int'l trial or offing themselves.
Aren't we doing the same thing?!
Letting it roll until the suffering becomes intolerable?
I give credit to the amounts of ppl(-unlike our 'wait & see' Congressional Dems) who are in their faces every day.
(The maga who are there are only concerned about themselves-the h8 stuff is ok🙄;)
I've spent all my life in the US, so like most Americans, I've never experienced that kind of horrific destruction. Unless you count Hurricane Katrina.
Fucking morons voting against Harris or not at all because of Biden/Harris “lack of support” for Palestine, thinking the genocidal criminal Netanyahu would do much worse under a genocidal Trump.
In the (near) future, you will be fined and even jailed/deported for things you write today and in the past.
A system will profile you into categories.
A flag system (china), a point system, all will push you in a life you never choose! It will make U passive and quite like never before. Fear!
No totally not. But we should once and for all focus on the 1%, the few, they/them. The live on both sides. And feed from both sides.
We know for decades that the 1% is the poison of it all. yet we fall for their puppets every time.When they r down, we r free! No other way possible!
If this line continues yes then you must be careful in what you write. Algorithm will pick your writings up, and a alarmbell rings in someones email all automated.
IF we take them down, we take things like this also down. else it will only evolve more and more, that will hold the earth itself jailed
“First they came for a bunch of people I didn’t care about like the mentally and physically disabled , LGBTQ people and I kept silent because I was a Nazi sympathizer until they came after clergy.”
That 4 billion company that is housing immigrants makes them cook and clean the facility. I wonder who owns this company? It's time to knock them down a peg.
Hooded DHS agents showed up at this guys house without a warrant, demanded his passport, and then carted him off to detention in Louisiana. Today it’s foreign nationals, next it will be American born dissenters. Terrified yet?
Remember well that refusal by the gutless owner of wapo to take a stand against the pos! He isn't moved bt any of this! He is making more money kissing the butt!
For ANYONE still participating in US civic life by travelling there and spending money because YOU will be safe is still providing your tacit support and acceptance for these abuses.
Is that really who you are?
At some point, your morals should demand you stand up and stop participating IMHO.
American brothers and sisters, do you know that your government is interacting with those who send millions of dollars a week to the killers of American soldiers? Please stop this betrayal. Has the blood of thousands of soldiers been forgotten?
The #MAGAts are #disappearing people. We’re living in a #dictatorship. This is not a drill. It’s time to #call and #write all of your #representatives to #resist #ASAP! They fear hand written #postcards more than #email or #calls. The #PostOffice will sell you as many postcards as you can afford.
Reminder: it is not illegal to “spread hamas propaganda”. Our current president spreads Russian propaganda daily and does our intelligence director. It is the medias responsibility to fact check both.
Bezos still doesn't give a f*ck. WaPo is still compromised. Until it regains its independence I read it as I read FoxNews: to see what the other side is eating.
“Under this administration; we see federal agents empowered to violate our civil rights, raids that target immigrants without criminal records, the detention of veterans and citizens, deportation of children with cancer, and the division of families who are now in pain and scared.” - Noemi Avelar
“The end to the due process of the law leads to situations where a government official can argue that the lack of a criminal record for someone perceived to be an enemy of those in power just proves that person is a criminal.” - Heather Cox Richardson
ICE detains anyone who knows anything about conflict, esp. if they are not white. Remember Trump calls anyone he doesn't like a "terrorist" or a "national security threat" bcs these terms have little intrinsic meaning but empower him. Disband ICE and arrest the storm troopers.
You can disagree with people but when you start jailing them or disappearing them you are doing wrong. That’s what they’re doing and regardless of who didn’t vote for them right or wrong if there’s no constitutional rights and rule of law you get to where we are now and where we are going.
I get the point. But, their hysteria over GAZA is one of the reasons we have President Donald J. Trump. Did they really think Trump would treat them with dignity and respect?
I totally agree! I even said many times did they think the Muslim ban guy was going to be good for them? What were they thinking! It was a huge mistake on their part. But we cannot jail, or deport or disappear them because of their willful ignorance. Also he is trying to disappear them himself!
The gaza nuts are rabid, they're either practically trumpy or silent. The non Palestinian gaza nuts are interesting to me bc where was the rage for Ukraine? The middle east - Isreal-gaza have been fighting forever. Hope they're happy with gaza-lardo👎sick‼️
I agree 100%. The GAZA crowd didn’t give a damn about the genocide in Ukraine. They didn’t care about immigrants. I actually pointed out the hypocrisy multiple times to the GAZA crowd before Trump was elected. As you said, fighting in the Middle East is nothing new. It’s been going on for centuries.
Civil war. Not wishing for it, just observant. Due process is being ignored, civil rights are already hollowed out to the point of being largely symbolic, court rulings-unless in trump’s favour- are being ignored, & law firms are nervous. HTF else is this going to end without a full on civil war?
Ummmm, no. That’ll turn a bunch of spineless treasonous Republicans into martyrs.
I hope there’s legitimate midterm elections, and America puts Dems back in to clean up the GOP mess, per usual, but as enough of y’all chose a sociopath, over incremental change (& respect) only a war will fix it 🫤
It appears that high-profile accounts are more focused on discussing Elon and Trump rather than addressing the pressing issues faced by those negatively affected by their actions. People don’t care about this when we are living it.
Moving them around keeps their lawyers and loved ones unable to help and each new facility in the for profit detention centres makes money. It’s as much about the money as it is harassing and illegally deporting people.
Sorry to correct you but unfortunately it’s ONLY for wh8 M@G@TS.
For wh@ I’ve been hearing is they’ve been unjustifiably det@ining LEG@L 🤡 supprtrs & vi0lating rights wout any cause.
It’s 🥹🥹🥹🥹 &
I said during the election that they don't care about what paperwork you have. They don't care if you're illegal, green card or citizen. They're coming after brown faces and their "enemies".
They won't stop there. Then they'll go after Jews, libs and anyone else who isn't white and Christian.
They've now taken to blatantly lying about what the charges are, and have completely thrown out due process. How is this not the scariest illegal shit seen in this country since lynching? How are they getting away with this?
Just how many people work for ICE? I know they were talking about enlisting other agencies to assist but certainly seems like a lot of personnel are in use in these efforts.
“… before being taken to Louisiana.” Not “before being taken before a judge” or “before being interviewed.” They’re taking him across multiple state lines. How is this not illegal?
Talk about government waste of resources. Shuffling people all around US for no reason other than to obstruct justice + delay / overburden immigration proceedings.
Oh, it also makes sure that all the major private prison companies get their share of the nice juicy government fees for housing hostages ... er, detainees.
It's important to remain neutral in difficult times. WaPo would have been on the Titanic suggesting people consider the iceberg as the victim because it was assaulted by the mean boat.
Fascism is here. It took less than a year for the Weimar Republic to fall and be replaced by a one-party totalitarian state. It took mere months after Hitler became Chancellor for the Enabling Act to pass which basically gave him power to override the system’s checks and balances.
If you’re not straight, White, rich, conservative, Christian & male, you’re being erased. We are the frog slowly boiling to death bc we don’t feel the rise in temp. ICE is trump’s Gestapo. Suspending due process for these arrests/deportations. Only a matter of x before he expands his list of OTHERS.
Hard to believe these ICE men can be so heartless and ruthless for another human.Their day will come whether it be here or beyond the grave,it will come.
The Much Quoted Constitution. Especially the 2nd over recent years. The 1st amendment is the most important. But in trumpieland. That Document has been Incinerated. And its Ashes Flushed into the Patomac.
We're going to have to begin discussions of self defense sooner than later.
Tariffs, answer of the world, also Tariffs? But they do it because they r victim of,.. blah blah blah,.
European Army? while NATO? cause they can't control the independent armies, the need consent first. EU army NOT!
Why r people at this moment still thinking they will win thinking THE LAW is at their side???Thru the years laws have been implemented that shielded the few more, and us less!
This is NOT the way America works.
I hope they sue the federal government,
@electiontruth.bsky.social is finishing up with #Pennsylvania #verifythevote
I am somewhat chagrined at not knowing.
They didn't want to choose between her and the white RAPIST.
Understandable. Rough decision for intelligent people to make.
Justice is coming
When something bad really happens, we will not believe them.
It’s a shame we couldn’t have them still leading us.
1) State & Federal Judges come together to write an Amicus Brief to reverse immunity decision.
2) Judges who have been threatened to file case with the Supreme Court to do clarifications around immunity decision.
So really now, are our options only to submit or leave?
Or what would the modern equivalent of Samizdat be?
The old anti-Soviet resistance had to do so under the radar.
All civilizations collapse in time, I truly believe this is the beginning.
&ended w those buffoons crawling around like naked mole rats, hanging after an Int'l trial or offing themselves.
Letting it roll until the suffering becomes intolerable?
I give credit to the amounts of ppl(-unlike our 'wait & see' Congressional Dems) who are in their faces every day.
(The maga who are there are only concerned about themselves-the h8 stuff is ok🙄;)
I've spent all my life in the US, so like most Americans, I've never experienced that kind of horrific destruction. Unless you count Hurricane Katrina.
And know here we are.
First amendment allows him to have at it. Meaning,
Trumps the one belongs in a cell, the turds wiping his ass with it, the Constitution..
It sure is !
Under a legit, leg@l
But s defnitly n⭕️t n the “🍊🤡”whlte🎪.
A system will profile you into categories.
A flag system (china), a point system, all will push you in a life you never choose! It will make U passive and quite like never before. Fear!
We know for decades that the 1% is the poison of it all. yet we fall for their puppets every time.When they r down, we r free! No other way possible!
IF we take them down, we take things like this also down. else it will only evolve more and more, that will hold the earth itself jailed
Is that really who you are?
At some point, your morals should demand you stand up and stop participating IMHO.
Remember the past 4 years?
Remember the slow walking?
How did that turn out?
Their 💩💩 coverage. This is reprehensible!
I hope there’s legitimate midterm elections, and America puts Dems back in to clean up the GOP mess, per usual, but as enough of y’all chose a sociopath, over incremental change (& respect) only a war will fix it 🫤
It’s this boldface, decades long, cheating-and-corruption to gain (and now, keep) power I suspect only a civil war will change. 🫤
One thing though….Why do they keep moving people to Louisiana? That’s very odd.
Just leave the US now TBH.
For wh@ I’ve been hearing is they’ve been unjustifiably det@ining LEG@L 🤡 supprtrs & vi0lating rights wout any cause.
It’s 🥹🥹🥹🥹 &
Bc they never really cared about free speech. It was just a convenient bludgeon.
Same thing with their fake caring about antisemitism.
They won't stop there. Then they'll go after Jews, libs and anyone else who isn't white and Christian.
2 - You have to get rid of him NOW. Waiting longer will be much harder to fix the damage.
3 - A world war or a nuclear attack on you might end everything. He's creating enemies. Ask Macron.
I don't think you want no.3!
I only hope Bezos sells it.
But thank god “Killer Kamala” wasn’t elected, she would have been so much worse I’m sure. Jill Stein told me so.
Know an immigration lawyer that experiences this all the time. It makes it really hard for the attorneys to arrange meetings with their clients.
They book an appointment to see their client, only to be told they’ve been moved.
If only Musk / Doge would crack down on that!
Because look at how well that went for them.