You should know that a big part of 18F's work was to make sure multi-million to multi-*hundreds*-of-millions dollar contracts at fed *and* state level didn't go to shitty enterprise IT consultancies that *repeatedly* delivered tech that didn't work, was late, or didn't even do what it needed to
Sweet Jesus what a time
Any sizable government doing anything has many decisions makers all over. Figuring out how to equip folks everywhere to make good choices is hard hard hard. 18F did so so so much, to highlight successful keeping an eye on the prize.
Musk/Trump & co. don't want the government to operate at all...
Except, of course, when it comes to the parts of the government that can enforce their rule.
They stood up user research. They helped assess vendors on what they could *actually* do.
When people say they were the tip of the spear, they really were.
States needed 18F to even have the thought that feds would have their back.
If we had an 18F here, boy would some folk be in trouble with their scams
Guess Mr. Swasticar can’t deal with success if it isn’t his.
And elon’s pullout game.
Wouldn't be surprised to see this work go to an elon musk entity
Really sorry for 18f!!