Talking ain’t doing a goddamn thing. What legislation is she helping push? What downballot races is she highlighting? She’s never been anything but a fraudulent snake oil saleswoman. Fuck her.
Shouldn't that be a question for the representatives Dem voters chose to put into power? Their party does run down ballot. Perhaps you should just not accept the bullshit that is fed to you.
You’re singing her praises so I’m asking YOU. Y’all love to trot her out and she is a do-nothing and is destructive. At least back the WFP because they actually get folks elected. The people I gave and give my money and time to are the people currently making noise and effort.
Stating facts isn't singing her praises. It just is what it is. You can't take people seriously claiming she has disappeared when there is evidence of her active.
After her stunts in 2024? Remember: She hired Republican consultants, was represented in NV court case by 47's former personal attorney Jay Sekulow, and took votes away from Dems. Her campaign manager Jason Call voted for 47 because he was unhappy with Kamala's stance on Gaza. Nearsighted morons!
That's not why he did it. No ProPallie that sat out the election ACTUALLY cares about Gaza. I don't take the horseshit fake empathy from Trumpers and I'm not going to take it from the Pro-Hamas crowd.
True but it made a difference in 2016, which lead to the antebellum SCOTUS we’re now stuck with….plus that crowd 24/7 vomits about Dems in the critical weeks before the elections, and that absolutely matters. I left that crowd cuz of the toxicity. The entire Left makes my nose bleed.
Not really. Their issue was the genocide. If Kamala spoke out against it, even a little bit, she would have won. Jill Stein didn’t force Kamala to stay silent.
there was/is no ability to speak out even a little bit. People were saying evil things about what happened on October 7 and some still act with hostility on the topic, so no discussion is possible. Kamala spoke and people were not listening for her nuance. They wanted to be divided. Still do.
It all started in 2016 when the Democratic Establishment Machine Manipulated the State Delegates against #BernieSanders Even tRump admitted that he didn't want to run against Bernie Because Bernie has Real People & Real Voters #AmericaNeedsBernie🇺🇸
Wouldn’t be surprised if she was strategically funded by GOP and/or right wing fascists just to siphon votes from the Dem candidate. What’re your thoughts on this ?
If you actually tried even a little, you’d see she’s working with other anticapitalist grassroots organizers to build worker solidarity. But, that doesn’t fit your grifter narrative, does it?
How do you reconcile this with the fact that she openly supported Trump, which is basically the antithesis of everything she supposedly believes in? She is bought and paid for. Conning more people into buying her bullshit doesn’t prove she’s not full of shit.
The stupidity, gullibility and depravity of the American people cannot be blamed on Democrats. Everyone knew the choice on the ballot was Freedom versus Fascism. Americans willfully chose Fascism. They deserve everything the Nazis are going to do to them.
Bullshit. Your false dilemma is a logical fallacy at best and an outright lie at worst. Relying on logical fallacies and lies illustrates your cognitive deficiency and negates your opinion on literally everything.
1. Again, your opinions are based on ignorance, defectiv logic, lies and childish emotions and therefore have no validity.2. You keep changing your story. Try to FOCUS!. 3. The US invented modern genocide and only you stupidet, naive children believe any US president is going to rein in Israel.
Your inability to understand English is your weakness, not mine. Keep wailing and shrieking little tyke. As I've noted, your asinine opinions and claims are of no importance to anyone.
This site is for adults. Back to Kiddie Korner with you until you learn to express yourself coherently.
It's hilarious how many liberals are opposed to any competition to the Democratic Party in this so called "democracy". Especially considering the Dems have like 90% of the same agenda as the Republicans now 🤣
It’s depressing how 3rd parties never coalition with Dems to actually win, but instead work directly against their own interests by going solo, peeling voters away from Dems, and thus boosting the GOP.
Not a party necessarily, but the DSA did that and fairly quickly learned that coalition really just means capitulation when you do it with the dems. Now, a significant chunk of DSA wants a new party because the dems moved right despite DSAs efforts to move them left.
Speaking as a life long third party voter who only started voting for Dems to combat trump, you aren't wrong but that's still a weak justification for making a dumb choice.
That's the way that the Dems spin it because ultimately the Greens lose them votes. The Republicans spin the Libertarians the same way. I'm not a supporter of the Greens by any means, but opposition and pluralism is supposed to be a good thing in a liberal democracy.
There are definitely better options on the left, I'm not disagreeing there. I'm not a Jill Stein fan girl and I didn't vote for her. My frustration is directed at the Dems for actively funding legal battles to boot other parties/candidates off of ballots in key states. That is undemocratic.
The only time a Green or Independent lost votes for Dems was Nader and Bernie. Rest of the time they’ve had less than 1% in the general election if they’re lucky. Greens need to concentrate on local races, get to congress and fed judiciary and build a foundation
The Democratic Party is the opposition party right now, and the Green Party just serves to spoil votes away from the opposition party to solidify the RNC's triple majority
Harris literally ran as a neocon talking about the most lethal military, paraded war criminals around, and talked about building the wall. Who the hell one wants to vote for a Republican disguised by a D in front of their name?
Competition that starts at the Federal level isn't competition at this point; it's power siphoning. A 3rd Party that can't win City Council seats or compete in Statehouses shouldn't be taken too seriously.
You aren't responding to the mathematics part of this. There is no way for more than two parties to function with our electoral system. All of your energy should be in changing the way we elect people. We need ranked choice or similar before any kind of third party option makes any sense at all.
Independent parties haven't had a chance in US elections since ever. I would love for the opposite to be true, but until that happens there are effectively only two choices.
Which party tries to suppress the vote, gerrymanders competition out of electoral districts, promotes sand finances 3rd party candidates to dilute democratic votes? The GOP. How many times as a republican candidate won the popular votes since Reagan?
Only 2 times. And Trump did not win a majority of votes, meaning he did not get over 50%. Which party opposes eliminating the electoral college? The GOP. Try again with, you know, facts and stuff.
It’s a cycle where they put forth boring, wealthy, center right candidates with a few halfhearted progressive policies and then, win or lose, blame progressives for lackluster results and try it again.
It would be fine if she didn’t exist to 1. Enrich herself, 2. Support Republicans & 3. Have strong ties to Russia. She has ruined the Green Party so it can’t be competitive.
I agree that the Greens could find better candidates and I think they should focus more on local elections. That post was not meant to be a Jill Stein endorsement.
In first-past-the-post/winner-take-all elections, a party polling nationally at <5% (in this case I think <1%) has ZERO chance of providing a real alternative. The only thing it can do is leach votes from a candidate who has a real chance of winning.
And stop the damn' whining about "both other parties are the same." They are bloody clearly not the same, and if that's the sodding best you've got, you're fucking lost for all time.
There are systemic barriers to a third party. It isn't a question of will; it's a question of math. The system must be reformed and modernized first. Anyone telling you differently is playing you for a rube.
Pretty far from the truth. The dems are nowhere near like the repukes. Hell, the repukes aren't even repuglican anymore. I don't know what that party is now, but it has nothing to do with American democracy.
We’re a democratic republic, not a democracy. Where did you miss that?🤡😹
You think only 2 parties exist. Hang on for the labor party~the left with guns n ammo . 🤡
A republic with democratically elected representatives and a federalist system that allows for some direct democracy at the local level. Guess your definition of a republic is actually aristocracy???
Can we all agree that Greens need to build a foundation at the local level by winning races starting with seats like school board and city councils instead of putting most of their effort into general elections every 4 years?
Oh 100%, I'm absolutely with you on that. I think they could focus on some high visibility local elections, where they could actually put their policies to the test. Then, once that is established, use those successes as a springboard for candidates in higher office.
We had a green candidate for mayor in San Francisco in 2008, he was beaten by Gavin Newsome. I was hopeful that his rise as a Green all the way to be Newsome’s challenger would stimulate 3rd party activity at the local level. Shortly after that a new and horribly worse tech boom happened in SF
I would LOVE some real competition. Bernie is real competition, not someone who shows up every 4 years then fucks off till it’s time to fundraise then appears again. She does lunch w Putin in between her general and election appearances so I guess she keeps busy that way
I'd agree that Bernie is more electable, however, he continues to try to funnel people into the party who has screwed him out of 2 presidential nominations.
Meanwhile, Jill Stein was arrested alongside students protesting Israel's genocide earlier this year, which is true grassroots action.
Youre not looking close enough. All of them are owned by the same top 1%. Do your research in who funds whom. Youll find theyre not that different even if the paint color looks different.
again, look at who owns and works in those companies you stated. If you truly believe any one major party is for the environment, for minorities, anti-war, and for getting people out of debt without profiting off of people in debt you're naively mistaken.
"Do your research" = you having no supporting facts but pretending they exist. This is the type of rhetoric that I'd expect from Trumpers on Twitter or TruthSocial. You want to compare their donors on OpenSecrets? I bet we won't observe significant overlap
My friend...7 people own most of the companies/stocks around the world. I invite you to learn who they are and learn who they put their money into (companies and politicians). I GUARANTEE YOU there is significant overlap if you took some personal responsibility see where that money is going.
As if our current president isn't? He did win the popular vote after all, by a wider margin than all 3rd party votes combined. Start punching right if you actually want to win an election. . .
Don't be inconvenient to their propaganda coming in with evidence and all that. How rude. How can they fool themselves if they have the truth in front of them? Meanwhile they ignore Harris has signed on to a talent agency and has as much interest in the issues as she ever did - none.
She & her followers are politically nearsighted. With all the threats in the World, to "stay firm" on an issue without considering the pros & cons is not only foolish, it's dangerous. Case in point: Her campaign manager Jason Call voted for 47 because he was unhappy with Kamala's stance on Gaza...
bryan metzger on X: "Jill Stein's campaign manager says Trump's election was the "better ...
Feb 11, 2025 — Jill Stein's campaign manager says Trump's election was the "better outcome" versus a Harris victory
Because you are amused by your own ignorance? She never went anywhere. An anyone who thinks so, wasn't paying attention. But good luck attracting more voters.
Wait until the next election season. In the meantime she is getting her performance appraisal from The Putin/Musk/Trump triumvirate followed by a nice three year vacation.
Nobody is offering her money now,so it is hibernation for her.All her principles come out again when someone fills her coffers for messing up the next election.
Her Actions Put The Environmental Disaster, George Bush, Into The White House Instead Of Al Gore.....She Did The Same For Trump In 2016.....She's Really Too Irresponsible To Contemplate....
She's like Allannon and has to return to the Druidsleep for 3 years for every 1 she is out campaigning for president. Its not *great* but its the price you pay for an Elder Druid politician.
Her voters are unrepentant. They'd vote for her again. They do not feel guilty or humbled by the danger we're facing. Also, they do not care one fig that every pro environment policy is being undone
Only a true nitwit would believe she is anything but another Russian recruit with Putin pud dick-tating every word that comes out of her mouth. The ALL DAY SUCKERS in her herd are the most pathetic rubes in existence. Even the MAGA suckers weren't as deluded as Jill Stein supporters.
People who voted for Jill Stein cost Harris electoral victory. At the moment, I suspect anyone with a brain and shred of concern for America would care very little for anything she has to say.
Yes, but "I want my voice to be heard, and I want choice..." said the kids who do not know how this works. Have at it, youngsters! You just sacrificed "your choice" for a long time!
She’s back in the crisper until Russia needs a sham candidate to con smooth brained progressives and environmentalists into voting against their interests.
She always pops up to run for POTUS. Stein had her time on the city council and then lost her seat. She can’t decide if she’s pro or anti vax. She attempted to get to know Putin. She needs to stay in her activist role. .
Please less hate and anger, its giving ignorance (that's not how democracy works) & makes blue sky as crappy as x. Less hate, more facts. She was recently speaking at a rally. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Please stop blaming 3rd party voters. NOT what a Democracy is about.
It's both. It's a COMPLETELY valid question to ask where she is in the middle of a constitutional crisis since it's not plastered all over the press, and it's snarky because "I told you so" in that she's always just shown up during election year and done nothing else.
It’s kind of hard to not blame third party voters. Until we make changes, third party does not get electoral votes. Can not win the election without electoral votes. Stop voting third party in a two party system or CHANGE the system!
They've done *nothing* to actually make that happen though, just cry every 4th year about how unfair it is, and handed the white house to the fascists. We can in fact blame them.
I'm sure you believe that, however I've known that people have done what they can year round. I hear your frustrations, it's easy to blame. Let's look for solutions.
We know the solution, and it's to stop supporting grifters like Stein. You're NOT doing things year round, otherwise we would have term limits, Federal ranked choice voting, and stronger turnout in LOCAL elections to put actual progressives in Congress.
well, yeah, but also, in order for the green party to maintain party status they have to run someone every so often. she's pretty transparent about this & knows she won't win. people just don't bother to listen to her.
Y’all fucking snowflakes in the comments pointing fingers at 628,129 (0.4%) people who voted Stein instead of the 85.9 million people who skipped out on voting says a lot. Maybe target the actual fucking Nazis, y’shit stirrers.
I’m a Dem. Jill Stein is a highly compromised, un-serious politician. She’s referred to as the “election cicada” as she only appears out of nowhere every 4 years and her last campaign was literally supported by Republicans, including Trump lawyers. Apparently you’re easily duped ❄️
It's not an election year. Normally, you wouldn't hear from her for another three and a half years, but depending on what goes down during this fiasco, you may not ever hear from her again..
This post aged well. Pretty obvious she’s still an activist for peace, while blueMAGA spreads hate to voters. Try urging your party to do better instead of being cool with ethnic cleansing.
Because that’s not happening here! The US Government has always backed Israel and you all act like it is something new! Not saying it is right but read the Fckng room! Before you get all crazy I am Arab and right now my life here is at risk because of Jill Stein!
The only ones who helped Trump get elected was Kamala and Biden by being such bad candidates. Literally how hard is it for a huge political party to find a decent human for a candidate?
Like I said, how was helping to elect Trump the better option? You not voting for Kamala didn't prove some point to the establishment. All y'all proved is that you'd rather a monster win office than someone who isn't your idea of a perfect candidate.
The only one who helped trump get elected was Kamala 😂 all she had to do was be a better candidate and more people would have voted for her. Don’t blame anyone but her (and the trump voters)
Reflecting on things and her place
In the whole this of everything and
Executing her escape plan. IMO
Arab voters were spot on; she’s got priority for Gaza.
Just not quite the same as Palestinians’ expectations.
She is still closer to Bernie than the dncorporatewhores
She's bought for just like the rest of em
Jill Stein did not get enough votes to hurt the democrats, they imploded all on their own. Stay losing shitlibs
This site is for adults. Back to Kiddie Korner with you until you learn to express yourself coherently.
Apparently she's had some trouble with the flu/asthma issues for the last couple weeks, seems to be recovering though.
The Democratic Party is the opposition party right now, and the Green Party just serves to spoil votes away from the opposition party to solidify the RNC's triple majority
Harris literally ran as a neocon talking about the most lethal military, paraded war criminals around, and talked about building the wall. Who the hell one wants to vote for a Republican disguised by a D in front of their name?
Listen to the "build local bases" voices.
In a world where despots exist, she isn’t a rational choice if you want to win
She is to the right of me
I’m all for more VIABLE parties if those parties have the support and ballot access to win. Stein has never had that
You think only 2 parties exist. Hang on for the labor party~the left with guns n ammo . 🤡
Yeah, your knowledge of democracy is non existent.
Good to know we have green Nazi too.🤡😹
Build a base for the high rise first. Yes?
please learn to read.
I’m having a really good and civil discussion with the person you’re talking about. Would you like to join in?
Meanwhile, Jill Stein was arrested alongside students protesting Israel's genocide earlier this year, which is true grassroots action.
I didn’t say I like or love him. I said he’s been real competition. To me he’s been a disappointment
She wasn't even going to run this year but was the only candidate that could support a campaign for the Green Party in the time they had.
I think Stein even knows she is a weaker candidate than Bernie because for years they asked Bernie to run for President on the Green Party ticket.
SpaceX, Timothy Mellon, Adelson Clinic, Securing American Greatness, Building America's Future, America's First Action
Top Harris Contributors
Future Forward USA, Asana, American Bridge 21st Century, Laborers Union, Bloomberg LP, Evidence For Impact
No overlap
No word on her being at any rallies or demonstrations in the past month.
Feb 11, 2025 — Jill Stein's campaign manager says Trump's election was the "better outcome" versus a Harris victory
That has me sick.
And that thing for Jill Stein is being a Russian shill.
Filthy whore!!!
So no reason for her to say/do anything right now.
Too bad my insurance is ass.
you can google. shes no more of a grifter than any democrat. lol (all the elections they ran)
dems attacking grn party while saying grn doesnt do shit:
She's under her rock for 4 years
It’s her career.
Stein has never had a path, plan, or support to win an election, only siphon votes from the Dems.
She blames Ukraine for the Russian invasion.
Tells you all you need to know about her.
It's not as if she needs rest after murdering 20k children like Harris.
But that isn’t saying much
Harris is a former VP and the most recent nominee for president by the DNC
And she lost so she’s unemployed
Jill Stein is an activist that occasionally runs for president
At least now the US will occupy Gaza with Israel and not let their citizens back in if Trump gets his way.
People who obstained are sort of like toddlers who don't get their way so they throw a fit and ruin it for everyone.
Now we all suffer. Gaza will suffer more.
She was legally allowed to have a campaign...