Thanks & also!. In my opinion the older (= late 19th- & early 20th-century) black&white photo's of Medieval churches are the most beautifull. Especially those photo's of Romanesque churches🤩.
Yay Notre Dame! Our creepy gothic fave is nearly done! I must say tho it’s kinda weird to see the whole thing in shades of white and ecru; I’m used to seeing it dark and streaky, looking like a goth crypt.
Some of the photos from the restauration were some of the most stunning photos I've ever seen. Especially ones where the faces in the art were looking back at the people there to help...
Sounds scary. I’m not bad with heights, but not great either. I remember the Notre Dame roof feeling OK as it was, but not the sort of place I’d like to lean too far out.
I remember the day of the fire: it was morning in my time zone & I followed a live video feed of it while I was at work. (I had the kind of job that permitted such things occasionally) It seemed like such a huge deal to me—a devastating event. & none of my co-workers paid the slightest attention.
I've always remembered that: how insular & non-Eurocentric most Americans are. & one of those 2 co-workers is from Germany. I'd have thought she would have been interested. so weird.
(so sue me, I love that song)
* Misses point entirely.
My photo is a Strix along the same level.
Both are mythological but neither are Gargoyles (water spouts). 🙂
We went to Notre Dame just before the fire, so it felt more immediate than it would otherwise have done. Great to see it get its mojo back.
Fires, however...