Putting on a show for his audience of one over in Moscow….too bad he’s such a bad actor…
too obvious.
too obvious.
He wants the attention. Regardless of how, regardless of who it hurts, he wants the spotlight and the supply.
Don't get me wrong, he'll sell us out in a heartbeat (if he already hasn't) as long as he thinks he can avoid the consequences. If he's smart, he knows that's a tough one.
OTOH I think Vance was there to stir up shit, him and that asshole MTG's boyfriend asking about the suit.
What he and Vance didn’t expect was for Z to argue back intelligently with facts.
That threw them off their game. While Rubio sat there like the kid who wasn’t let in on the joke.
R Rapist
U Unhinged
M Moron
P Psycho
J Jackass
D Delusional
V Vicious
A Asshole
N Naive
C Corrupt
E Egomaniac
Members of Congress-Democrat and Republican:
Boycott the speech
Wear Putin mask
Trun your back in protest
Make it clear--we won't accept his destruction of our democracy!!
Only difference is that Jersey Shore has better actors.