Rabies virus is the most lethal virus. Neuroinvasive rabies is a death sentence.
I cannot stress this enough: if you have any physical contact with a bat—especially a bite—get treatment immediately. If it gets into your central nervous system, you will die horribly.
I cannot stress this enough: if you have any physical contact with a bat—especially a bite—get treatment immediately. If it gets into your central nervous system, you will die horribly.
Crazy guys, trapping and tracking vampire bats.
Take bat exposures seriously. DO NOT fuck around with rabies virus.
Also, the rabies vaccine is incredibly expensive—I got it in 2010 and it was over $900 for the 3-series prophylaxis, can’t imagine what it is nowadays.
(I used to be a veterinary nurse)
We found 2 bats in our building last year (in the daytime), and I literally had to remind my colleagues about rabies. I'm sorry for this woman.
“Bites from bats can be incredibly small and difficult to see or to detect,” CDPH Director Dr. Tomás Aragón said in the news release. “
Maybe she didn't realize she had been bitten, so never sought care?
No movement yet, while uninsured and underinsured Americans make tough choices.
ME: "Viruses don't 'want' anything. they're technically not even living things. Also, rabies kills 100% of untreated victims and has been around over 4,000 years."
I got the vaccine series.
One morning before my last shots, my throat painfully spasmed when I tried to drink some water. It never happened again, but it was distressing.