This is nightmare fuel
One evil guy getting a toehold is an inspiration to the rest around the world.
Trump sees it and has goals.
Some saw the lack of accountability for Jan 6 & are inspired to do far worse.
Now it’s a growing movement & nearly impossible to stop.
There is an inherent fault built into the system.
One person one vote is easily hacked. 1/3 of people are imbeciles. 1/3 are able to read and write. 1/3 are intelligent. About 8% of smart folks are sociopaths.
Advantage Sociopaths. They’ll eventually rule any democracy.
On your profile it says, paraphrasing, “When AOC is President”.
Isn’t THAT still a democracy?
Based on his lifetime of infidelity..
He's CHEATING on US/us! He's shacking up with Russia, Israel & the others!!
Gosh, I remember that day so well.
At least she won't be living there this time. She's only going to attend State dinners and special functions.
Rigid controls over free speech and media. Ceaușescu issued a measure that effectively outlawed contraception and abortion. Maternal mortality rates skyrocketed as women sought unsafe and outlawed means to terminate their pregnancies.
Go team.
but there's a real problem in that 200K subscribers ditched WaPo over the non endorsement and it doesn't matter, bc under Bezos it doesn't rely on subscriber income or input anymore.
This is very much in the autocrats' playbook, Orban especially, and it's not good.
None of it is for the people, but they bought the lies and voted for it anyway.
We are just getting started. Stay resilient.
Will America allow Trump to pillage & plunder our Country?
There are 346 Million Americans.
50 Million MAGA’s & decreasing by the day .
Trump is anticipating Civil War . That’s been the plan since 2016 .
or shorter:
Autocrats of the world
Welcome to the postmodern era.
Nietzsche was anti-egalitarian but culturally anarchist.
Fly often to Fund genocide
And burn the future
Global warming is real
What about the similarities with Germany in the 30s? Kristallnacht...
We are just watching it play out for at least the 4th time.
If you do not learn your history , you are damned to repeat it.
That voted for it.
Something they seem to miss… that, inevitably, the more brutal they are… the harder it is on their own later.
Full statement here:
We won’t be happy about seeing the 🍊menace and his oligarchy live like king’s either. Thanks MAGA!
There is an inherent fault built into the system.
One person one vote is easily hacked. 1/3 of people are imbeciles. 1/3 are able to read and write. 1/3 are intelligent. About 8% of smart folks are sociopaths.
Advantage Sociopaths. They’ll eventually rule any democracy.
you will find they have all grown up in fear of someone or environment made them hate this world. its actually quite extraordinaire how they all align this hate to their childhoods. fact is we all had struggles growing up!
but their narcisim natures also made them NOT ABLE to cope with same said....
and why they all look like theater dolls when trying to show affection to other people. including wifes or lovers.
and other people we have to watch them engage on the worldstage!
We've had the $$$ private sector controlling Congress (R & D) for decades
simplest example? Dept Interior & Bur Land Management..
Taxpayers are getting ripped off- royalties, grazing fees, oversight & planning super discount
perc dot org - 1980s to take land
Tyson Perdue Cargill JBS Smithfield Natl Beef
He called for fed $$ to support expansion of meat processing’.
Never happened? Why is that?
Lobbyists?? Haaland & Stone-Manning failed … BLM needs to be gutted
BLM is actually the biggest threat to small, independent ranchers & farmers
federal grazing leases are ~evergreen. The leasee needs to REALLY SCREW UP to lose the lease. 10 year leases that otherwise NEVER come up for FREE MARKET BIDDING
Fed grazing lease = ~90% discount & have been flat for ~50 years. $1.35/AUM v ~$15-20/AUM private
BLM is to promote sustainable practices; instead, they are a puppet for BigAg & $$$$ players. Revolving door 4 big$$
A lot of people worked very hard for years to achieve that - to win against people bending and breaking rules to stay in power.
He said at one of the CPAC 'with the Proud Boys and me we can show you how to bring Authoritarian govt to the US." He got a standing ovation from the MAGATs on that one..
What I mostly think, though, is that you get a little endorphin hit from acting superior on the internet.
Vance is going to take trump down ASAP with the 25th A. They only needed his voters, trump is too dumb to do Project 2025.
But they can't do anything with the military, SCOTUS will shoot them down without even hearing it. The Insurrection Act? No way...He has to declare war to use the military.
Maybe you can use your fame and be a leader of a movement
BTW is Joe still crying?
There is an inherent fault built into the system.
One person one vote is easily hacked. 1/3 of people are imbeciles. 1/3 are able to read and write. 1/3 are intelligent. About 8% of smart folks are sociopaths.
Advantage Sociopaths. They’ll eventually rule any democracy.
Even as late as 2015 fincen fined Trump $10 million for money laundering. That was at the start of the '16 election. See any stories on it? NOOOOO.
A lot of local media is owned by a few which is why they all say the same things.
NYT & a few might be the last line.
Billionaires are controlling what the media puts out. I'm trying to find some independent news because it is bad.
There is an inherent fault built into the system.
One person one vote is easily hacked. 1/3 of people are imbeciles. 1/3 are able to read and write. 1/3 are intelligent. About 8% of smart folks are sociopaths.
Advantage Sociopaths. They’ll eventually rule any democracy.