until the newsmedia properly calls out trump for having zero understanding of what soft power is and how to wield it, he's going to think that shouting at someone on tv is winning and put us all in even more danger every single time
He doesn't even know how to use explicit power very well. I'm certain that anything with the amount of nuance soft power requires is beyond his understanding forever. Also, I think many in the media would have a hard time explaining to anybody else what soft power is.
trump believes that ur masculinity is the same as leadership. if you want someone to agree with you, tell them they already do. if you want to appear more correct, yell at them.
he couldn't shut up about missiles, but giving aid protects us from harm. supporting our democratic allies does the same.
helping struggling nations to fight disease and build infrastructure creates positive relationships from which the US can foster mutually beneficial agreements in areas like defense and trade. the same is true for supporting allies in war.
Remember when he let in those two Russian murderers into the Oval with no translators. I felt I was going to explode. As if he was selling our Nation's soul!
If President Zelenskyy were on the ballot here in the United States I would vote for him & I know many others who would. I’m embarrassed to be an American today.
Unfortunately Trump doesn't care. It is all about money. power, control and revenge. This administration is like a giant gang of out of control juveniles. There is no oversight. No I do not believe the Republican party line. And quite frankly I am wondering if the Republican party supports America
So happy to see Europe standing together with Ukraine! As well as that bipartisan group of senators who met with Zelenskyy today before his oval visit. True visual of how deranged trump is!!!!
They aren’t. The magats will believe whatever the felon tells them to get right with him. They’ll “realize” they were fooled by the press and Dems & that trump actually hates Russia.
The entire world sees that Trump is a puppet of Putin. He is a threat to democracy and the world order. He is a traitor to the United States of America. If Putin can’t be trusted (he can’t) then neither can Trump.
Either they’re all in this collusion together or the entire US intelligence apparatus just thought 🤷♂️ when it became apparent what was coming years ago.
The American people do not support this President bowing to Putin over Ukraine. This is despicable that he would sell out a democratic country and our allies around the world for murderous dictator in Russia.
I read Portugal has a 2 year waiting list for Americans wanting to move there. Retirees and people working from home are bailing from here. I’ve wintered in Mexico often and once you leave America the stress melts away.
Trump and his propaganda machine are going to try and change that number. Great efforts were made re Jan 6's first coup attempt, with some success because of Fox etc.
But is trump coherent enough to understand? Are Americans willing to speak up? And will the suckup vp , aides and senators willing to challenge trump? So far it seems the answer to these questions is no.
Definitely not shaming (and I grew up using "pussy" as a pejorative term so I get it), but every single woman I know is stronger than the man-children who fawn over Donny. I'm sure you agree!
I keep hoping that maybe, just maybe, one of his flights to or from MAL will involve a sleep-deprived, strung-out air traffic controller or two. That and the plane he wants from Boeing is the mother of all rush jobs.
Yeah - but not to worry - Musk going a few unused software licences in a department that employers 15k people...
I'm sure in his mind the two balance out.
That's what they think now. But the Republican Wormtongues in their media will have them believing that Zelensky is an ungrateful scrounger and Trump was serving him a bit of hard truth before the week is out.
Can someone share this on the bad place & tag #MarcoRubio? You know, he's the one who betrayed EVERYTHING he has ever believed & is now constantly lying to the #American people!
No #MarcoRubio #Americans certainly DO NOT stand with #Trump!
They'd be important to a party that expected to have to compete in future elections but not so much to one that expects to control the government for the foreseeable future.
Presidents and VPs who NEVER sided w/Russia and ambushed a European leader on live TV:
Eisenhower / Nixon
Kennedy / Johnson
Johnson / Humphrey
Nixon / Agnew, Ford
Ford / Rockefeller
Reagan / Bush
Carter / Mondale
Bush / Quayle
Clinton / Gore
Bush / Cheney
Obama / Biden
Trump / Pence
Biden / Harris
When is everybody going to figure out that THE ADMINISTRATION and the entire GOP DON'T FUCKING CARE ABOUT POLLS! IT's ABOUT HOLDING POWER AT ALL COSTS!
Until control of the House and Senate shifts, we need the GOP to fear something more than they fear Trump. Something that Trump can’t save them from like, I don’t know, being voted out? But there’s more to it I think ….
10% don't know/not applicable (whatever the hell that is).
1 in 10 are so incredibly uninformed they have no knowledge of the past 80 years of international relations? that Russia/USSR isn't very friendly? That Putin has ruled without restraint for over 25 years?
Education is so sadly lacking.
Never in my sixty-four years have I ever seen an ally's president (or even an antagonist's president) savaged like JD Vance tried to do today. That Curtis Yarvin-loving freak really needs to go away.
If only it mattered to Trump. He is a Russian assett, whether or not he was recruited. He has ushered in a new world order that puts the US as no longer being the leader and has put us all in danger.
Saw you on MSNBC. Trump loved the British and French kissing up to him. Precisely the reason he needed a good show to bail on Ukraine. All he had to do was ask Vance how he gets out of it, Vance took care of it. He’s Trumps hitman.
It’s nice, but where are the numbers coming from? Because if you’re pulling only blue sky, where people do have a few more cells in their brains they’re not gonna trust ballsack rus. We need to see the polls from old people and red areas. I’m sure they’re starting to realize they fucked up.
You still think they're going to allow free and fair elections at the midterms? Do you really think they give a flying, New York fuck about poll numbers or popularity?
How can it be 9%?!? This has been going on a long time now, have people not opened a map and learned the importance of Ukraine to Europe by now?!? We have refugees everywhere from there are people still that clueless?!?!
- Russia is not our friend
- Putin wants to see the US and Western Europe fail for its own gains. These sentiments are well documented
- Putin is a dictator who has dreams of old Soviet glory
- If Russia wins, USA loses
Trump may be compromised. Or his greed wins over USA interests.
Look, we already know there are at least 2 #RussianAssets leading the #FederalGovernment the best way to assure they have #NoPower over #Anyone is if the remaining #FederalWorkforce went on #Strike until #Congress did THEIR JOBS to #Impeach and #Convict bypassing #Corrupt #SCOTUS
He’s way worse than any other
I say impeach his Ass!!
he couldn't shut up about missiles, but giving aid protects us from harm. supporting our democratic allies does the same.
helping struggling nations to fight disease and build infrastructure creates positive relationships from which the US can foster mutually beneficial agreements in areas like defense and trade. the same is true for supporting allies in war.
yeah, not hard.
Returned I would imagine would mean to a government office to be checked in?
But Good Times! I hope the files had fun…where ever they were.
Despair never gets anything done. Get mad and act out.
They have disgraced themselves. Enjoy paying for their own security.
See it soon.
He and Musk are following Putin's directives to destroy the US Govt, hand over Ukraine, and pull out of NATO asap, damn the consequences.
This is a blitzkrieg on our country for total control. Nothing else matters.
I am not an Amerussian
I am with the Good Guy
:reminded yet again of why we chose the bear, and I don't mean the Russian bear:
I'm sure in his mind the two balance out.
maybe we should not allow men or republicans to run for office anymore....
"Russian showboat... GO FUCK YOURSELF!!!"
The American People stand with Ukraine.
fox not news will convince a large portion of maga ites that Russia and North Korea are thier friends
And it won't be that hard to do because they are fucking stupid
might wanna ask 2006-era bushie jr how that’ll work out
is that he didn’t name “American” as the official language of the United States…
and claim that he invented it.
The idiotic white house and the media are lying 24/7.
No #MarcoRubio #Americans certainly DO NOT stand with #Trump!
Poor Trump. No rare Earth material deal he wanted. He's crying like a baby. Help soothe that sad ass soul. Send one of these to:
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW,
Washington, DC 20500
Repost to EVERYONE
You can donate directly here:
Eisenhower / Nixon
Kennedy / Johnson
Johnson / Humphrey
Nixon / Agnew, Ford
Ford / Rockefeller
Reagan / Bush
Carter / Mondale
Bush / Quayle
Clinton / Gore
Bush / Cheney
Obama / Biden
Trump / Pence
Biden / Harris
Why don’t you dress Sexy?
Leave or we come in after you.
Go do it. His military is decimated. Take out the rest of it.
1 in 10 are so incredibly uninformed they have no knowledge of the past 80 years of international relations? that Russia/USSR isn't very friendly? That Putin has ruled without restraint for over 25 years?
Education is so sadly lacking.
The emotion dRumpf displayed today made me think that maybe it was fear, not anger.
What is the Russian's hold?
- Putin wants to see the US and Western Europe fail for its own gains. These sentiments are well documented
- Putin is a dictator who has dreams of old Soviet glory
- If Russia wins, USA loses
Trump may be compromised. Or his greed wins over USA interests.