No, it really is the evil people destroying the world. This saying, which I abhor, is a perfect example of displacing aggression to a safer object, rather than where it should be directed.
You’ll end up with a Republican supermajority that changes the Constitution to eliminate gay marriage, abortion, free speech, Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare, unions, privacy rights, civil rights, women voting, birthright citizenship and political dissent.
Make calls every day #5calls
Capitol Switchboard (202) 224-3121
Attend town hall meetings
#Bluestormrising #resist
#dumptrump #banelonmusk
#cancelelonmusk #taxbillionaires
On Tuesday, March 4th, we are going to present THE STATE OF OUR UNION. We will go live at 7pm Eastern. We will break this up into 30-minute blocks. Spread the word! TO KEEP TRUMP’S RATINGS LOW, DO NOT WATCH ANY NEWS NETWORKS. LIVE at or on the Black Star Network (BSN) app.
This does not call for war .. it call's for diplomacy and conflict solution .. but keep going ..
Guess what. When your boss says "no or else" .. you can find a compromisse so both are happy .. or .. you just kill your boss and call it self defense ..
congress MUST stand and walkout on Trump tonight .. !! STAND when he starts to address the nation .. one by one walk out!!! Do not listen to his lies .. SHOW the world that Democracy lives and works…STAND and walk out like the United Nations did when Russian spoke !! They all stood and walked out!
Bigger problem is that in a country the size of the US, such a huge number of people aren't even watching
Up here in Massachusetts, we're worried about losing power from Canada. When the lights go off, an awful lot of people are going to ask what's happening for the first time
The thing about civic duty is you have to have a country worth a fuck in order to motivate people to be civic minded. Doing your "civic duty" while also living in a fascist police state just feels wrong.
Of course. But we see what not voting/not caring will mean. What if 100% of the non voters were Democratic votes. Or 50%. It would be different.
If 100% were Republican votes, there would be no difference. But we would know.
I'm beginning to think it will be destroyed by those who refuse to work with others who generally feel the same but are prescribed as individually impure.
There’s 54 of them in he senate. ALL culpable and will suffer in the end for their spineless behavior. If it’s only in history books… which will have to be chronicled to protect the truth.
Their legacy is forever stained.
and lol it's funny but no it will be destroyed by #Trumpuskutin
You’ll end up with a Republican supermajority that changes the Constitution to eliminate gay marriage, abortion, free speech, Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare, unions, privacy rights, civil rights, women voting, birthright citizenship and political dissent.
Capitol Switchboard (202) 224-3121
Attend town hall meetings
#Bluestormrising #resist
#dumptrump #banelonmusk
#cancelelonmusk #taxbillionaires
Guess what. When your boss says "no or else" .. you can find a compromisse so both are happy .. or .. you just kill your boss and call it self defense ..
Up here in Massachusetts, we're worried about losing power from Canada. When the lights go off, an awful lot of people are going to ask what's happening for the first time
They just don't know
At least not public schools.
By design?
If 100% were Republican votes, there would be no difference. But we would know.
Their legacy is forever stained.