I'm not ready to admit the "actual America" in question is "mythical". Not just yet.
If I'm wrong, I'll gladly take all the "I told you so!" bitchslaps with grace.
It's already happened twice. You guys didn't learn the lessons of 2016. No bitchslaps aimed at you, but this ain't baseball, you don't get a third strike.
We can but we have to hold these traitors who have committed treason fully accountable & treason is punishable by death & is the only acceptable conclusion to this & it must be public that way we all get to see what happens when you go there and the world gets to see that we do take care of our mess
Not if we dont vote out the Republicans and take the house and senate back so we can get trump out the whitehouse. and even then its gonna be decades before theyll trust americans again.
You may one day be able to rebuild some bridges. Americans generally are amiable people. But we will never ever trust you again. I have completely changed my mind on America this year. It is an arrogant force for bad in the world and the sooner we rebuild our independence from it the better.
Is gonna take a while,because the 🍊🤡🍊💩 want to isolated 🇺🇸,when the 🍊🪳 leaves the White House,the 🌎 is gonna get better.
Remember,the 🍊🐀 is NOT a "politician" is a criminal & puppet.
At the time, the rest of the western world was hesitant. The feelings expressed at the time turned out to be prescient. They asked Biden why should we trust the US when Trump could happen again.? How many times can we have a redux?
The problem is America did this to America. It's now impossible to trust American democracy not to do it again. So it's kinda over for the American reputation now.
When they figure out how to subdue Ukraine 4f(fatFeloniousFascistFuck) our golden God King will give Taiwan Xi to China.. I'm not the only one who sees this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=89ogIQdpmPk
Because they had to do it with Germany to prevent WWIII. And what Germany did in WWII hasn’t been surpassed by 🍊🤡 yet, thankfully. But it will require the US growing the hell up, and even then the US will not be the world’s de facto leader for generations.
Good question. Best case scenario, the American political system continues without a dictatorship. Every four years the country could flip from friend to enemy. A sensible government would need to consider and mitigate all long-term dependencies.
Today was the day that the world officially ended the post WWII alliance. All of the monuments to remember the sacrifices of those who died fighting fascism, that remind us this should never happen again, should be wrapped in black out of respect and sadness.
What was unraveled in 30 minutes today in the oval office, will take decades to fix, if at all. Europe just abandoned the United States, by our own doing.
Even if the next president is not a republican how can the world believe you would not elect another Trump like person again. Fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me.
I think we (Americans) all accepted that illusion as reality. It seems only democratic presidents were powerless. Obama couldn’t get his SCOTUS nominee in. Biden couldn’t prevent a dictatorial collapse…
Good way to start is for someone to prove Trump/Elon cheated. Right now they think we voted for that jack wad. Confirming we didn’t would make them more open to do something about it.
The Divided States of America can no longer be trusted. Even after Mr Trump has gone there’s a sizeable proportion of the electorate who are stupid so there’s no guarantee you won’t do it again. Next time you decide to invade a country or someone flies a plane into a tower. You’re on your own.
I have looked at this question tangentially. "How long did it take Germany to be accepted back into the world after WW2?". My gut tells me, the USA is looking at 15 yrs with exceptionally good behavior to regain trust and even then, it will always be there in the backs of people's minds. If you act.
Some precision to my estimate. Trump remaining yrs in office = 3+. IF there are elections and IF there is a new leader who tries to fix things he/she will need 2 mandates. Let's say it is a Democrat like Obama. Give that person two terms = 8 years. THEN the next GOP = 4 yrs. Total = +/- 15 yrs.
The problem is that once we open these doors they don't close. Anyone who wants to follow this playback in the future will have it to follow and expound upon. And the GOP will never pass laws to preempt it. American representative democracy as we knew it is over.
Only when the WORTHLESS POS TRAITORtrump is dead!
Humanity should be given that gift ASAP! It can NOT happen soon enough!
You know it’s bad when we’re ALL cheering for the cholesterol!
Fiona Hill called it when she testified in Trump’s first impeachment with regard to his shakedown of Zelensky and Ukraine 🇺🇦 A true patriot who loves his country and his people.
Today was revenge for Trump. He loves only vengeance and attention. Ask Melania.
As a Canadian…it’s like having a neighbour you liked and trusted live beside you (for the past 4 years).
Only to have an asshole move in under a 4 year lease. He’s obnoxious, keeps threatening to alter the property line and you just want to raise the height of the fence.
Very very doubtful ! We are now despised across the free world, allies - we have none (other than Putin). Who needs enemies when you have so called friends like shit stained America.
What happened in the past weeks, broke my heart. I'm from germany, but your country has always been very close to me. You've always been a friend and even more, even when we've not always had the same opinion. I just can't believe what's actually happening. This is a nightmare!
I apologize profusely on behalf of those Americans who still believe in a free democratic world order.
I am shamefully embarrassed to be American today 🇺🇦🙇🏼♂️🇺🇦
We are being invaded here in the US. We are under distress for sure. I don’t think he won. And 75+ million people. That is almost as many people in Germany. Can you imagine having 3x that many people who are uneducated. Voting.. I see Germanys far right party came in 2nd in elections.
It would certainly be easier to do that if this administration was stopped in its tracks and removed from office. But legacy media, the GOP and SCOTUS (to a greater extent) all seem to support Felon 45/47, his bro-bride Elon, and newly vocal attack dog Vance.
Not with this administration. The best we can hope for is that the world knows most Americans do not agree with this. I hope our former allies keep Democracy alive and well.
And so those who don’t want this have to join to resist in creative ways, and support the ACLU and other democracy upholding lawyers who will be fighting Trump in court
Meanwhile NATO nations are pondering...
I don't know if I should get back with my boyfriend! He's so abusive and violent. But I know he wants to change! I'm sure he'll change for ME!!!
As an American... I don't think I'll ever trust my own country. People chose this, they watched Jan 6th and said that wasn't too much. They chose lower taxes over a functioning of
Government. None of this has been a surprise. We left the Kurds to die... no one should ever trust us, I don't.
I don’t think the infection will disappear in 4 years. The world needs to assume the US is aligned now with Russia, North Korea and neo-Fascists wherever they may be.
It will take a generation. And that's best case scenario. Quite frankly, we have a terrible track record. We bailed on the Kurds and Afghans who helped us. Going back farther, we bailed on the South Vietnamese that helped us. Again and again, we've proven that we can't be trusted to keep our word.
Nope. When America was attacked on 9/11, we stood with you and sent our husbands, sons, daughters, brothers and sisters to die across the world on your lies. And now when we need you to stand in NATO with us, you betray us again. We’re done.
75+mill, try 500+ million people in Europe who have stood with you for 100 years, and which security, democracy and sovereignty has been sold to Russia for the price of American eggs.
Hitler did not represent Europe. Europe is not one country. Second, let’s get history right, America only joined the fight against Hitler when America was attacked and ignored the cries for help until America was hurt. America first, we know very well.
Voter suppression is real! 4,776,706 voters were wrongly purged from voter rolls according to US Elections Assistance Commission data for 2024 elections! That’s a lot!
Hitler invaded Europe. Come on. Be kind we are in complete distress. I would care about all people in any country in the same situation. I am sorry you can’t see we didn’t want this.
There were bomb threats during the election and people had to leave. Plenty of time to mess with voting machines. And the bomb threats were in swing state. So humm and lots of votes didn’t get counted.
If you can’t understand that 75+ million people are under attack that is sad. He didn’t win by a mandate at all. We are terrified what is happened. But ok.
We support Ukraine. And Europe.
We have a traitor in office who probably didn’t win either time.
We can’t help the internal politics of your country. We still believe in democracy and sovereignty. As any other country threatened by anti-democratic take over, you, the people, have the power and must rise. We will be here to support our American friends when you stand up.
As long as the "president" and his unelected foreign billionaire buddy are in the White House and destoying our reputation as a country and destroying our country's agencies without any accountability, I don't think that will happen.
Probably not. I live here and I'll never trust America again. Well I'll take that back, I trust that a significant portion of Americans are terrible people who actively plot against America.
I have no doubt the US will return but you need to end this MAGA cult nonsense where reality and facts no longer matter because to the rest of the world THEY REALLY DO.
how bad is it that that horrific GAZA video of genocide on sea isn’t the worst thing trump did this week.
Can but dream. Can’t imagine a single person brave enough to try, what with his Nazi thugs threatening war if he’s even looked at funny. Needs to be a massive coordinated sweep through the entire country. Get rid of every single one of them.
If you guys ever clean out the rot in the oval office, congress, the senate and the Supreme Court- Make new rules.
No game show hosts in office?
Anyone running the country can't be a fucking criminal?
Maybe in order to be president they have to have served in SOME branch of gvmt ever?
I don't think so, and I don't think we should. Our government has lied time and time again, and we kept re-electing the liars. We don't deserve that trust. I can only hope that somewhere wiser rises who isn't just after power at any cost and truly wants what is good for humanity.
Sorry, our relationship with you may become less heated, but we know that from now on, the moment you have a Republican president, it might start all over again. MAGA won't die with Trump. It's part of your culture now.
I wouldn't. We had donold 1.0 and he was a walking cluster fuck. We voted a sane person in, and America was back. A competent person was running against the catosophre, and dummies voted for donold 2.0 with no guardrails.
This country looks dumb as fuck, and hateful 😒
Yep, of course, get rid of that baby and his mini me in the white house and you'll have our trust and gratitude. (Ps. We know most Americans are as aghast as we are at Trump the Traitor being against democracy and siding with Putin, but y'all are the only ones that can stop him now)
Only part of the world that had any sort of trust on America was western europe, don't think the rest of the world have thought of America as trustworthy. It be nice to remember that America has fucked a lot of ppl over, this now is the case of chickens coming home to roost.
If America allows Putin to turn Ukraine into a “Gaza Strip”, then America will never be respected again. Let’s emphasize that tens of thousands of lives will be wasted. For what gain to America? At this time the world blames one man. If Americans become complicit that will be tragic for all.
(AI-transl.)I am a Chinese person, under the rule of the CCP, I have no voting rights or freedom of speech, longing for democracy but unable to attain it...How can Americans so waste their democratic rights and vote for a bastard like Trump!
We don’t deserve it. We never did. We got a lot of nerve acting like we are the moral compass of the western world. The crop we are reaping now was sown long ago and nobody ever cared to recognize it because it made us feel bad. We all allowed this to happen with our apathy.
Gotta be sure you've really changed before we trust you again.
If I'm wrong, I'll gladly take all the "I told you so!" bitchslaps with grace.
No treaty, alliance, pledge, promise or policy of the USA is good for even 5 years.
We are an untrustworthy ally.
Remember,the 🍊🐀 is NOT a "politician" is a criminal & puppet.
We've never been liked.
We're the new Russia.
Humanity should be given that gift ASAP! It can NOT happen soon enough!
You know it’s bad when we’re ALL cheering for the cholesterol!
Today was revenge for Trump. He loves only vengeance and attention. Ask Melania.
Only to have an asshole move in under a 4 year lease. He’s obnoxious, keeps threatening to alter the property line and you just want to raise the height of the fence.
I am shamefully embarrassed to be American today 🇺🇦🙇🏼♂️🇺🇦
77 million voted for it.
90+ million didn't vote, a defacto endorsement of it.
And the remaining 75 million are standing by and doing nothing to stop it.
That's how the world sees Americans now.
It's time for civil disobedience.
Biden fixed it quickly.
The problem is that France is right. Every 4 years the safety and security of Europe is at risk at least until Putins regime is deposed.
in a few short years this will ALL BE YOURS
today was just icing on the clown cake
Zelensky HERO
I don't know if I should get back with my boyfriend! He's so abusive and violent. But I know he wants to change! I'm sure he'll change for ME!!!
That ship has sailed.
Government. None of this has been a surprise. We left the Kurds to die... no one should ever trust us, I don't.
The world is aligning economically and otherwise with Europe. It appears America can fuck off.
I feel so bad for the people but the world is gonna need to witness an uprising .. yah it’s chilli outside, but tweets will not fix this.
If there is another 9/11, will anyone offer safe harbor? Will anyone send their sons and daughters to help the fight?
Voter suppression is real! 4,776,706 voters were wrongly purged from voter rolls according to US Elections Assistance Commission data for 2024 elections! That’s a lot!
We support Ukraine. And Europe.
We have a traitor in office who probably didn’t win either time.
I’m just trying to wrap my head around it all.
Fuck you John for wanting America to exist.
We need a revolution
Then the world will respect us again
how bad is it that that horrific GAZA video of genocide on sea isn’t the worst thing trump did this week.
Just think about that
We had our time.
We may have talked the talk of democracy but rarely did we walk the walk.
No game show hosts in office?
Anyone running the country can't be a fucking criminal?
Maybe in order to be president they have to have served in SOME branch of gvmt ever?
A gigantic lift which will take significant work & time, basically.
Vive Le Canada
I painted this to remind me to resist and rise from the ashes!
This country looks dumb as fuck, and hateful 😒
Canada strong 🇨🇦
Ukraine strong 🇺🇦
(AI-transl.)I am a Chinese person, under the rule of the CCP, I have no voting rights or freedom of speech, longing for democracy but unable to attain it...How can Americans so waste their democratic rights and vote for a bastard like Trump!