Smoke & mirrors
It’s all theatrics to them.
They think everyone is as stupid as his supporters. That we’ll suddenly forget the disruption of the past 39d when he throws another tantrum to divert our attention.
I haven’t forgotten anything
Lol..if anything that POS FOTUS has substituted his name for his political enemies. I won't believe anything they release & what's infuriating is Maga will believe whatever they're told.
No shit!! Isn't deflection his super power? Well plus his aversion to the truth if any kind! Fix just when you think you've seen it all.. more corruption
It’s difficult to keep up with the firehose of lies, civilians commandeering government agencies and firing federal workers en masse, berating an ally and more. Flooding the zone…
Now that the judiciary and entire moral compass of the country is irreparably demolished, they could parade the contents of those documents down the Main Street and no one would do a single thing.
And so, the truth shimmered for a fleeting moment before vanishing into the mist—obscured not by shadows, but by the blinding light of carefully placed distractions.
Don’t worry. They’ll eventually come out. There are other countries that have copies of those files. They await in the wings. Epstein got around. I believe he was friends with a Prince, but I may be wrong.
Well, the fact that Krasnov is a child rapist and generally a pervert is probably only slightly less important than the fact he is a fucking Russian agent and is totally destroying the federal government.
The redacted files are, infact, the same files that have been unredacted and shown in various courts. The just put redactions all over & put them out. So, maga got nothing.
Everything we needed out there was redacted. People don’t care his a moron and a criminal until he hurts them. They watch to many movies and are enamored by a mob boss.
Epstein files released, she bragged.
New stuff is public. No longer gagged.
Rightwing influencers got the big scoop.
Oops, it’s old info. Nothing but poop.
Yep, because of the chaotic shit show set-up that backfired on their asses too. They know what they are doing but have yet to learn about fallout and repercussions.
They haven’t figured out all the charges that will be brought against them for being traitors! They think CF34 will save them.🤣😂🤣
Screw the files, I want to see the tapes. Epstein had every room of every property set up with audio/video to gather "dirt" on anyone depraved enough to use his services (sex with underage girls).
They were never going to disclose them in full display. The pure evil the whole lot of ALL of them done to the young children, human beings in general is the most vile of Sick perverted bastards. Needs corporal punishment. No tax $ prisons, death by a firing squad of Citizens.
I don’t think It meant Epstein debacle to be forgotten in this particular way though. It thought that It would reign supreme over Zelenskyy. Instead It was taken to the cleaners.
We already know he was in them. We have seen the photos. We have read the Katie Johnson legal filing describing his depravity. No one is going do anything about it anyway. They allowed him to take classified files and not return them and attempt a coup on J6. It won't matter what is in those files.
It’s all theatrics to them.
They think everyone is as stupid as his supporters. That we’ll suddenly forget the disruption of the past 39d when he throws another tantrum to divert our attention.
I haven’t forgotten anything
(Attention span: gnat equivalent)
The last time the files were spoken of as an upcoming threat, he had “the” assassination attempt.
Trump has decided Russia is no longer a cyber threat to American systems.
Trump surrenders the country on a silver platter.
We have bigger issues and not much bandwidth. As Dems we had 4 years with this topic and moved it nowhere.
Yes, it’s still horrific. I’m not minimizing.
Now, we need to fight for our democracy with our full attention (IMHO).
lack of criminal consequence for monsters is the last great bipartisan issue we need to solve
cant do much about trump but we can certainly dump hakeem
the folks who let this happen dont get to be part of the recovery
Exactly and precisely
Like everything with Trump, amateur hour.
Epstein files released, she bragged.
New stuff is public. No longer gagged.
Rightwing influencers got the big scoop.
Oops, it’s old info. Nothing but poop.
They haven’t figured out all the charges that will be brought against them for being traitors! They think CF34 will save them.🤣😂🤣
Always with the misdirection
why was there absolutely no beef over that dude?
what the fuck is happening
We know the truth.
The Independent
The Epstein List: Full list of names revealed in unsealed ...
And the firing day at the SSA was never brought up.
vance is just an asshole
A Lago papers are being returned, too!
You might almost think it was on purpose.