If republicans reach across the aisle to impeach and convict Trump, at least some of them will be killed or at least attacked, family endangered, and so on.
Now, that’s the gig. I’m not saying these are valid reasons to let him continue, but it is the truth.
Can just keep impeaching and removing until congress gets something palatable. Congress always has the power, the question is does congress have the political will?
I don't think we should wait for Congressional Republicans to rediscover their resolve.
Dems are without options barring defections.
So, who do we look toward to kick off Ameri-Maidan? Sincerely asking.
Trump is just the figure head, we need to get rid of all the crazy Christians and Catholics that are really pushing this new world order. Peter Thiel. Clarence Thomas. Mike Johnson and just about every other republican.
And then we have JD who co-signs every move. It is the entire administration, cabinet included. And the extra-judicial authority given to musk. And congressional republicans Lucan’s are co conspirators. This isn’t one bad man, this is the outcome of the January 6th coup. It just took a while to dev
And then we get to a real zealot in Mike Johnson. This goes all the way down in that party and they’re all going to follow the same playbook. There is no politician fuckery in at out of this
I mean, listen. We're talking about a world where the Republican Congress is willing to impeach and remove Trump and JD! You think they won't remove Mike as well? You just go down the line until the traitors are gone!
It isn't likely, but it's not likely they remove Trump either!
They could impeach him, too! They could have President Mike Johnson. If this were some developing country, that's the outcome we would expect within a few months.
Jesus Christ then you get captain gillead at the helm. The rot is to the bottom with the party and the lot of them will continue down project 25 pathway. Don’t people get it?!
Even after today I wouldn't mind impeaching them down as far as Rubio, or even Johnson might actually be ok.
You have to remember the bonus aspect that the true MAGA supporters would decide that Johnson or Rubio must have engineered the whole thing and would abandon R's forever.
One thing I've noticed is people will forgive, even admire trump for being trump. This doesn't seem to extend to others trying to be trump. So yeah JD is a shit-weasel, but without trump-musk, maybe he goes more to usual GOP evil.
This situation exists due to catastrophic stupidity and malice at all levels, from Trump voters to judges to the entire congressional Republican Party.They can make a normal person president any time they want and go back to arguing about tax cuts or defunding health or whatever.
They could do JD first. They have the power to make any Republican President that they want through playing cute games with who the speaker of the house is and the Dems would go along with it.
It’s not up to the ‘dems’ but rather it’s up to the citizens of USA. Many republicans will be concerned by the actions coming from the WH. Bridges need to be mended & fast for the people to come together to demand much much better of THEIR elected representatives. Most of this has NO mandate. Resist
I agree, it would be great if people could do this, but Republicans don't care about mandate. It's all been thrown in the bin the minute Trump was elected. They were told that their only job now is to sit there and legitimize anything that comes out of WH. Like it was done in Russia 20 years ago.
PEOPLE can & will join together to resist the worst of theTrump & WH actions. Lumping all conservatives together as MAGA is a hopeless mistake. Many people who have a conservative outlook are deeply alarmed & uncomfortable with what’s happening, how it’s happening & the speed at which it’s happening
And if the moral dimension isn't enough, consider that a dictator doesn't NEED Congress so it DOESN'T FUCKING MATTER IF YOU GET PRIMARIED, one way or another you WILL become irrelevant if you don't STAND THE FUCK UP.
The thing is, their careers are ended one way or another if they DON'T.
At this stage Trump is doing all he can to work around Congress, I'm sure they can figure out an (undoubtedly completely unconstitutional but since when do they care) to erase Congress.
I mean, it's very very VERY obvious that most of them don't think their "career" is crafting meaningful legislation. It's holding a title, gaining social cache, and getting a lot of money. They think they can still do that as a powerless rump Congress.
Dictators need puppet institutions to support their legitimacy. Search for Franco's "Cortes Españolas", Hitler's "Großdeutscher Reichstag", or Mussolini's "Camera dei fasci e delle corporazioni".
Congressmen may find it easier/safer to keep their seats by licking Trump's boots than by winning elections (since that requires licking the boots of a large number of rich people).
I am not disagreeing with the point you are making that Trump is running his agenda around Congress and bypassing the structure and intent of the American Constitution.
I'm suggesting dictators often keep instruments like Congress around to rubber stamp their agenda. They "need" them for that.
More importantly and addressing the original context that Congress can "stop this" "anytime they choose" is that ship has sailed quite a long time ago and Congress is going to do no such thing.
the 2 congress people who were not going to vote for the latest budget thingy (yes very technical) has donald trump personally call them and hurl untold levels of abuses at them down the phone till they did what he wanted. They are scared of him
You can tell by the way he spoke to Zelenskyy today that he is used to bullying people into getting his way. I’m sure that’s what happened with those congressmen too, except they were too spineless to stand up to it.
Both Russia and China have their own versions of Congress, no? They just rubber stamp dear leader's mandates. In reward they get some perks not allowed the peasants.
Again, he seems to be doing fine without them so far?
Why waste the money? The entire rest of the world can SEE what he's doing, and his base don't need any smoke and mirrors to go along with his every whim.
Nah, even Putin needs his nominal sycophants in the Duma and regional governments to blame for the state's failings and say he will have to step in personally to fix it.
Thats what I dont get!! They are in more danger if this continues! The sooner they get these traitors out, the faster the threats from russia/trump/musk go away. Are they truly so deluded they think this will pay off for them?? They are disposable to them and, worse, they may even be a liability.
Opting for a singular leader of the executive - even AFTER rejecting monarchical rule from England - is the dumbest thing the founders ever did. Sheer luck has carried the experiment this far.
Yes, spare me the "duh, you're Caligula," stuff. I'll let you in on a secret: I'm not really him.
Yes, but if they do it often and repeatedly they can at least slow down everything else that is ACTUALLY going through Congress (not a lot granted but still).
No, not “Congress.” Republicans. Republicans can end this. The rest of us are hostages until he either destroys the Republican Party or a majority of them grow a spine. Neither will happen anytime soon.
Even ones with enough vision to realise that NOT doing something will result in the same outcome in the end
A dictator has no NEED of Congress, so either they stand up at the risk of being primaried, or they don't and they will become surplus to requirements when Congress is deemed no longer needed
The Democrats unfortunately don’t have the votes to force anything. We didn’t show up for them in November.
And I dunno, maybe if things get awful enough the Republican cult will turn on its cult leader. But I have no clue what that breaking point looks like.
I have to put this small bit of cold water on this… did you see JD Vance today??? It’s no coincidence that he was selected as VP. Trump isn’t in charge….
Doesn't matter. The executive authority comes from him. Not from anyone else. If President Vance wants to defy Congress and turn on America, so be it, there will be a close precedent for what to do. But the immediate problem is Trump and only him.
I’m with you 100% and believe Trumps ranting after the fact showed a clear loss of mental capacity. I’m just saying that when (soon 🙏) he’s removed, the problem isn’t completely gone. JD Vance isn’t much of an upgrade. Although JD has to live decades longer with his actions than Trump will.
It's clear there is no line they won't let him cross. Tanking the economy? Fine. Gutting social services? 'Kay. Showing his belly to Russia? Cool, cool.
I wish they actually would, but they'd never get enough support from one specific side to make it happen. It's going to take something absolutely horrendous to change enough of their minds.
Yep. In reality, Vance becomes president, names someone to become VP, and all that person needs is senate confirmation. So, very likely some bootlicker in congress becomes VP.
He doesn't need video zing (whatever that is in your mind). If you impeach trump, Vance becomes president, and he's gonna do the EXACT same shit trump is doing now. No difference. He was literally in the room today.
WTF you talking about voters? No one is talking about voters here. There's a slight chance voters are gonna have a say about things in *check notes* 200 weeks from now. Until then, impeaching trump gives us Vance, not whoever you wish you'd get.
You could have 100% of voters, you'd still get Vance.
I understand the inclination to feel defeatist right now.
But, there are special elections soon and the midterms are less than two years away. The balance of power can shift through elections fairly soon, and if even a couple of republicans in Congress stand with the Constitution, it will matter.
I don't care about Vance per se, I care about Congress being willing to vote down the President's bills and his cabinet members, which they won't do because of Trump's personal popularity.
Impeaching Trump, I believe, gets us way more than you think it does
I think Johnson *is* an upgrade? If for no reason than he would be so politically weak, and without the fanatical personal loyalty, that he simply wouldn't be *able* to upend the system to accomplish whatever heinous shit he might want (definitely wants) to do.
He would be a puppet of Thiel/Putin, just like trump, vance, grassley, and any of trump's cabinet member.
And that's not even considering how the shit that's going on right now is the policy they've always desired. They've wanted to gut SS, Medicare/aid, all of it, since forever.
The judiciary in most if not all democratic countries aren’t elected at all. Does that make these countries less democratic? Democracies aren’t just about elections.
That second chamber also fairly has less power than first. Also I’m not sure the number of chambers is a defining feature for the Westminster system. The defining feature is the head of gov is simultaneously the head of the ruling party and an elected MP.
Republicans are mostly malicious and the Dems are mostly spineless. This isn't ending anytime soon. Although an impeachment in the first 90 days would be a helluva thing.
Now, that’s the gig. I’m not saying these are valid reasons to let him continue, but it is the truth.
I say all of this, I’m also strongly considering running for my district’s seat.
California, New York, etc
This is the way. Don't send taxes to the dictatorship.
Impeach Trump
He is not fit to be president!
Dems are without options barring defections.
So, who do we look toward to kick off Ameri-Maidan? Sincerely asking.
But I was truly dispirited by the number of GOP Senators fully-throated and unsolicited back Trump on this.
The man is obviously, and I say again, OBVIOUSLY, deranged and in the midst of a mental health breakdown.
If there's "one simple trick," spell it out
It isn't likely, but it's not likely they remove Trump either!
You have to remember the bonus aspect that the true MAGA supporters would decide that Johnson or Rubio must have engineered the whole thing and would abandon R's forever.
Like, can Congress just decide the Speaker becomes President if they want?
This situation exists due to catastrophic stupidity and malice at all levels, from Trump voters to judges to the entire congressional Republican Party.They can make a normal person president any time they want and go back to arguing about tax cuts or defunding health or whatever.
And if the moral dimension isn't enough, consider that a dictator doesn't NEED Congress so it DOESN'T FUCKING MATTER IF YOU GET PRIMARIED, one way or another you WILL become irrelevant if you don't STAND THE FUCK UP.
They actually love doing but being able to say we had nothing to do with it...
At this stage Trump is doing all he can to work around Congress, I'm sure they can figure out an (undoubtedly completely unconstitutional but since when do they care) to erase Congress.
A dictator has no NEED of Congress.
How many of his EOs have precipitated actual legislative action in Congress?
How many of his EOs have actually landed in the house as legislation as is supposed to happen?
I'm suggesting dictators often keep instruments like Congress around to rubber stamp their agenda. They "need" them for that.
We need to be louder, and we need to shout, "YOU BETTER."
Remind them who they really answer to.
We can do this either way.
15 or 20 r’s agree to do the same.
Why waste the money? The entire rest of the world can SEE what he's doing, and his base don't need any smoke and mirrors to go along with his every whim.
Yes, spare me the "duh, you're Caligula," stuff. I'll let you in on a secret: I'm not really him.
It’s a whole new “axis of evil.”
@hakeem-jeffries.bsky.social @aoc.bsky.social @repjasmine.bsky.social
#WTAF ‼️💥
Obstruct, obstruct, OBSTRUCT!
But yes, it's a bandaid on a gaping laceration.
A dictator has no NEED of Congress, so either they stand up at the risk of being primaried, or they don't and they will become surplus to requirements when Congress is deemed no longer needed
And I dunno, maybe if things get awful enough the Republican cult will turn on its cult leader. But I have no clue what that breaking point looks like.
But not in ours.
Just don't bet anything on that happening. Tomorrow or ever.
Can we really expect a party to have 1/4 of it's senate members willing to do the right thing instead of the partisan thing?
Next in line is Grassley, the insurrection guy. Then the entire trump cabinet. There's basically no way out of this.
We just need 3 “Republicans” to switch parties.
And in the nearly impossible case where 19 GOP senators vote to convict, Vance still becomes president.
And we had no media in place. We do now.
we do have power, as a mass. we are 160M registered voters in America. we only need 11M to be 3.5% of the population for non-violent resistance.
You could have 100% of voters, you'd still get Vance.
But, there are special elections soon and the midterms are less than two years away. The balance of power can shift through elections fairly soon, and if even a couple of republicans in Congress stand with the Constitution, it will matter.
I don't care about Vance per se, I care about Congress being willing to vote down the President's bills and his cabinet members, which they won't do because of Trump's personal popularity.
Impeaching Trump, I believe, gets us way more than you think it does
And that's not even considering how the shit that's going on right now is the policy they've always desired. They've wanted to gut SS, Medicare/aid, all of it, since forever.