If they had to try and deal with the healthcare system like we do they would create universal healthcare. Everyone talks about the waiting times for universal healthcare. It’s better than here. Some people have to wait months to see a doctor here. It’s just an excuse.
Members of Congress and their staff have access to health insurance coverage through the DC Health Link, a marketplace created under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) specifically for them. Here’s an overview of their healthcare coverage:
Remind our government - THEY are OUR employees. Text PGZBAX to 50409 -tell them we find Trump to be entirely disqualified.
Then roll into DC- See link:
#HeIsNotMyPresident https://www.peoplesmarch.com
That just burns me up. Why do they get to vote for what we get when they already have everything.
Musk is the perfect example. He could fix childhood hunger and still have billions left yet he wants to cut our social security...THAT WE PAID INTO. grrrr.
Let not overlook their guaranteed pension and Free Healthcare for life with no premium and no out of pocket expenses!
Even if they serve just one term!
How many of US citizens get these benefits?
Congress gets their insurance from the ACA like millions of Americans. There is so much misinformation in this thread. Please fact check. This is no better than what the other side does!
I deserve, as do you, to the same high quality of healthcare.
If not, then those who are in this sector of our country must enjoy the same quality of healthcare they bestow upon us, the other.
Obviously. You're a #POOR and by association also dumb. The politicians must save us from the irrefutable harness caused by universal #healthcare. Imagine the POORS being healthy and fighting for their rights, what an abomination!
Members of Congress and their staff have access to health insurance coverage through the DC Health Link, a marketplace created under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) specifically for them. Here’s an overview of their healthcare coverage:
🤔 Every Election have Good and Bad Long Term Consequences that have Good and Bad Effects on Everyone. Regardless of you political affiliation. However The ability to discern the difference between misinformation and Truth has always been used to take advantage of those that can’t? maga?
They have Obamacare, paid for by the US Taxpayers. They tried to tank the ACA and then tried to go back to government funded group insurance policies. That didn’t work.
If you're interested in Healthcare for All, there are peaceful, legal 1st amendment events forming nationwide. Information is available on my page here. The group is on TT, IG, discord, and signal.
Actually members of Congress have to purchase their health insurance via the ACA. Granted, they can afford a much more expensive policy than you or I, but it’s not free. This info is on the internet and can be Googled easily.
I have these conversations with family and friends often. I always have to emphasize that many Congress members do some pretty hinky stuff to enrich themselves, but they don’t get the free medical. Unless they are veterans like Tammy Duckworth.
All federal employees do. And their retirement is calculated just like every other federal employees, and they can contribute to a Thrift Savings Plan.
here's how it works. it's same as all federal employees. not sure about the president but congress doesnt'. the only ones who do are SCOTUS. pension amt is determined on years of service
This DOGE needs to start with cutting the fat off those in the senate and the house.
Make those officials get private healthcare and cut lifelong pensions. Start the cuts by showing us those in Washington are willing to feel some pain.
Yes. And it’s time to cut those very generous lifetime healthcare and defined benefit pension benefits. They should experience what we do: high deductibles and meager 401k plans.
With NO OUT OF POCKET EXPENSE. Remember Dick Chaney had 3 Open Heart Surgeries that didn’t cost him a dime out of pocket. It’s criminal. They make $174k , Best insurance in the world for life and 150k per year pension when they leave office, but they fight against ALL OF IT for everyone else.
Considering the billions of tax dollars that go into subsidizing the US Healthcare industry, we already have a goverment Healthcare system, is just managed by the private sector.
And that second part explains why ain't working!!!!!!
Healthcare should never be for profit.
Otherwise they play the denial game.
America pays more than other developed nations who have universal healthcare, and everyone isn’t covered.
“BREAKING: Every GOP Congressman & Senator bravely votes to protect us from the horrors of affordable healthcare. Because, who wouldn’t prefer surprise ER bills & GoFundMe for surgeries? #GovernmentHealthcareIsBadForUsButFineForThem”
No it isn’t . My mom worked civil service for 28 years and was on Tri-Care for life. The ACA plans most members of Congress enrolled in pale in comparison to Tri-Care. Quit with that stupid bullshit.
That's not quite true. Only Medicare & Medicaid are US govt healthcare, and only members who are age-eligible (65, I think) have Medicare.
That said, members hv the best healthcare money can buy in the US, bc that's what they, or their underlings, have negotiated as part of their compensation pkg.
Bullshit. Members of Congress are required to obtain their private health insurance through the ACA. The gov't operates the exchange where private insurance companies can offer services. The actual insurance is private. WTF are you talking about?
I wasn’t aware our taxes were paying for their concierge doctors in the hamptons and their dental full set of porcelain veneers while my husband gets a turned down for a loan for partial dentures and can’t afford a new cpap or diabetes blood tests. Nice. 👍
Including rand paul who hopped to Canada to universal health care after his neighbor beat him up. What does that tell you about him. And America health care? And he's a millionaire, who calls himself a DOCTOR who knows BETTER THAN DR FAUCI.
Yup. All I want for Christmas is for all US citizens to have the same health care as their representatives in Washington (we'll save the lifetime "pension" after retirement for next year, 'kay?)
Average pension is around 1500 dollars last I checked. You have to get vested, 5 years, so house 3 terms. You get so much dependent on time worked. You can't collect until 55 or 60 years old ( dont remember) Normal retirement package until private companies quit offering them.
sort of. they dont' have govt healthcare with some very narrow exceptions. they have to purchase insurance on the exchange if they want coverage. healthcare is provided by the insurer, not the govt.
it's merely a clarification, not a fight about who pays for part of my premium, like all federal employees who participate like most health insurance from employers. it's the system we set up.
I indirectly pay for private co insurance, costs passed onto me. you think my elec. co eats those costs?
Not exactly. They have to purchase their health insurance from the ACA exchange. Their employer pays a majority share (72%) of the cost of premiums, as most employers do.
Used to be one of many military and civilian health care team members providing care to those in Congress hospitalized in Bethesda. Every patient, including them, received quality, single payer “government” health care. We would do well to have single payer for all. It would extend lifespans.
They got a $6,600 a year raise, which is about equal to inflation. Granted most Congresspersons are independently wealthy, but it’s their first raise in about 15 years.
And they get money for staff, office spaces, furniture and didn’t they give themselves a fat meal allowance? They also get paid to make speeches and they get book deals firm publishers. And don’t get me started on stock trading. But it was their first pay raise in 15 years and it wasn’t huge
Apparently members of Congress have access to health insurance through the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program (FEHB). This program offers a wide range of plans, allowing them to choose the one that best suits their needs and budget.
That’s correct. They get the gold plans which are far better then most companies provide or what you can afford to pay for on your own. If you need more info just ask :)
The BUY their healthcare from the ACA. They choose from what is there. They get no magic golden free healthcare. They get what they purchase. FEP was better for most of them.
Members of Congress and their staff have access to health insurance coverage through the DC Health Link, a marketplace created under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) specifically for them. Here’s an overview of their healthcare coverage:
Then roll into DC- See link:
Musk is the perfect example. He could fix childhood hunger and still have billions left yet he wants to cut our social security...THAT WE PAID INTO. grrrr.
Even if they serve just one term!
How many of US citizens get these benefits?
If not, then those who are in this sector of our country must enjoy the same quality of healthcare they bestow upon us, the other.
And a ridiculous irony!
The end.
I believe that is why they never revealed it. It benefits them and their families.
Make those officials get private healthcare and cut lifelong pensions. Start the cuts by showing us those in Washington are willing to feel some pain.
And that second part explains why ain't working!!!!!!
Otherwise they play the denial game.
America pays more than other developed nations who have universal healthcare, and everyone isn’t covered.
That said, members hv the best healthcare money can buy in the US, bc that's what they, or their underlings, have negotiated as part of their compensation pkg.
Like my FIL, who is on VA benefits, pension, and social security, and constantly screeches at my wife, "BUT THAT'S SOCIALISM!"
The conservative motto.
For free
*bows deeply*
I indirectly pay for private co insurance, costs passed onto me. you think my elec. co eats those costs?