Way more worried about the olds who can't seem to tell that just because they read it on Facebook doesn't mean it's true, than the youngs who, in my experience, treat social media as the toxic waste it's largely become.
Reposted from
Paris Marx
we should be concerned about the impacts of social media on kids and teens, but i don’t think we’re worried nearly enough about what it’s doing to middle aged people and seniors
I think they're quietly comforted by the idea of a group capable of running the world, though they'd deny that.
They’re only dumb if they refuse to see how the media world has changed and adjust their expectations.
It's the olds who can't handle it. See: Brexit, Trumpism, all the triumphs of the modern know-nothings, all amplified by online disinformation.
It's undoubtedly done more harm to old people.
The youngs were right to abandon the whole thing.