Not enough study is put into his ability to manipulate a soft tortilla in Toy Story 3. If you jabbed his eyes into a blue whale carcass, could he destroy a city?
From 1952 until 1963 Mr Potato Head was meant to be used with real vegetables. In 1964 government regulations concerning children playing with their food caused Hasbro to include a plastic vegetable or styrofoam to use.
Over the time his head took over as his torso, hips, and legs vanished.
Next you’ll say that they aren’t a gender and they can use any restroom they want and chaos will rule as the end times arrive dogs and cats living in the streets!!
Even now, typing it out, I chortled. The fact that it’s still funny 30 years later obliterates your lil stance.
Everything else is an ill thought out coincidence and people should be kinder
Over the time his head took over as his torso, hips, and legs vanished.
Potato: Not another f*cking hat!!
Potato is his first name.