george clooney writing an op-ed for the NYT demanding biden resign because his rich campaign donor buddies are mad biden was making them slightly less rich by enforcing labor laws & anti-trust regulations
Wow. There are tensions between the billionaire donor class and the left! That's why we need the news media, with these investigative insights into politics. Next, we will learn that a larger percentage of the rich support Trump than white union members!
We tried the Repub wet dream, drowning the Fed Gov in the bathtub. Think about, Convict Don spent 99% of his term looking for his dick and never found it. His dept. picks spent all of their time talking Don out of the idiotic Putin play of the day, or keeping essential services running. 1/2
2/2. Report card: a million Americans dead, economy trashed so bad even the oligarchs complained, international standing lost, stock market down. But Repubs want a retry. Let’s say no.
She makes peace quickly. Even if she constantly gets the short end of the stick. It's how she sticks around despite being in the minority of her party and having incredibly little leverage. Even less leverage now that the "squad" has been attacked and weakened from inside the party.
No one operating from inside the political establishment is going to be as idealistic as we'd like, but trading one issue for something else she wants is still good if she wants good things, right?
Holding onto strong anti-trust policies is good. It is not solely, or even primarily, her job to hold onto them. And the wing of the party that would hold Khan's appointment has shrunk. I'm not admonishing her personally. I'm saying she lacks the power to meaningfully make a threat here.
Which is exactly why I don't find the criticisms of her chasing the limelight to be valid, because her outsized attention from the national media is her biggest leverage on issues like this.
I have bunch of people who don’t know what a great job she is doing and I don’t even know how to tell them how great she is. Kahn’s antitrust work should be one of greatest Biden’s brags.
Over the last 40 years, we have seen one party focus on winning every election at every level of government THEN move right incrementally. We need a strong unified left party focused on the same.
Maybe she can do it with her views, her personality and her knowledge on how DC works.
Unironically that picture is Pulitzer material. The Financial Times probably thought it makes AOC look like a fanatic, but it could be the album cover for a presidential run.
Maybe she can do it with her views, her personality and her knowledge on how DC works.
Let me dream
The citizens demand it.
I tried to prevent this.
hint: it ain’t quietist but it DOES pick its battles (& I have total confidence
in AOC’s ability to pick the right battles)