uh yeah the CIA-backed neonazi coup that involved the burning alive of trade unionist organizers, the banning of communist parties, and the formal integration of ultranationalist paramilitaries into the Ukrainian armed forces
cmon man, the most formally fascist state currently in existence is an explicitly jewish state. the idea that modern far-right political projects can't incorporate jewish actors/populations when it suits them is ludicrous
Zelensky was the neoliberal guy slash critiqued as soft on Russia by the UKR right. the UKR far right parties didn’t really get any electoral pick-up after Maidan.
Also everyone forgets about poroshenko who got elected after Yanokyvych fled Maidan for Russia. Even setting aside q’s of the far right perceived prominence during Maidan, I don’t think anyone believes they were planning two president ahead.
Ryan's argument was that maidan wasn't fundamentally far-right because a jewish person later became president, my counter was that this is fallacious. I don't understand what any of this has to do with this very narrow argument
Do you have any recommendations to brush up on it? I think I’ve watched too many Paradox game playthroughs because my YouTube algo is lousy with Russian agitprop if I search.
I think especially how hard Ukrainians have been willing to fight for a democracy that is (or was at least) even more corrupt and dysfunctional than this one. Americans writ large simply do not know how good they have it
A surprising number of people online have a geopolitical understanding that doesn’t extend past “America bad, therefore anyone opposed to America good”
The only times we have gotten large enough majorities to really expand good things or fix broken stuff are after major economic or other disasters, major wars or through accidents like the parties realigning on segregation, it really sucks that 10% of voters just can't remember things
This is also what frustrates me about people who say the US installed Zelensky, etc. I lived in Poland during the Orange Revolution in Ukraine. I saw how desperate Ukrainians were for sustainable democracy and the end of Putin's influence.
Americans are more moved by the price of eggs and the loss of Tik-Tok than by a full frontal assault on their way of life, because they've been programmed for generations that Nazis are the bumbling butt of TV humor, and rich people are morally superior.
In abolishing entire government agencies and departments, it sure seems like DOGE is creating a large group of educated well-organized professionals who have time on their hands to do some protesting.
Also an early indicator of who on the self professed left was just non-US imperialism apologist, with all the color revolution accusations to branding everyone as Nazis
I remember the images that were so metal and inspiring. I also remember security forces openly firing on unarmed demonstrators, killing one after another as they tried to rescue those who had been shot. I’m not looking forward to that.