Fwiw I did not like this film. If Denzel were not in it, it would have been truly bad. Great actors stuck with a really rough script. Somehow the story is 3x cornier than Glad1ator.
What’s your opinion about Paul Mescal’s role? Without any doubt, he’s a great actor, but he doesn’t fit in that role, in my opinion. No charisma, somehow.
Agreed however there's a chance it could be further improved with a Dir Cut. Somethings it won't solve, but it felt like there are some character bears that were cut, mostly around the political intrigue. It may get better, but i doubt it could be saved in the same way Kingdom of Heaven would be.
I think The Last Duel is an excellent film. But about 4 months after it came out I met Matt Damon and told him how much I loved it and he says to me, "You know, you're the first person to tell me you loved that movie."
He’s been chasing the high of Gladiator specifically for a while (his biggest awards winner) and it’s had consistently poor results, like the terrible Robin Hood or that white Moses movie no one even remembers.
I was behind him in a queue for lunch takeout a few years ago. Didn't say anything to him, partly because why bother the guy?but partly because the only name I had in my head for him was 'Lord Percy Percy'
That's about what I expected both Denzel and Pascal are incredible actors but there's only so much you can do with the material. Short of pulling a full nick cage in wicker man
We must uphold the icon of marcus aurelius over us all. When you were marching to fuckin germania or whatever the spirit of marcus aurelius marched alongside you lugging a javelin
Entertaining if you watch this as a "fast and the furious set in the past" type of film. Looking through the lens of a film connoisseur I can see people hating it
Not going to lie... I just want to go and see it for Pascal in a leather skirt w/ sword.
I will be happy to hear reports that other aspects of the film were good as well. Visuals look stunning as to be expected though.
Then House...
I'm enjoying my select picks because they consistently haven't been wasting my time.
I will be happy to hear reports that other aspects of the film were good as well. Visuals look stunning as to be expected though.
Your verdict after watching, good sir?