sheriff Chris Swanson from this 2021 article spoke on the final night of the DNC. he's now running in the Democratic primaries to replace Whitmer in 2026.
I hope this is a real question. For example, many people are now attacking Sen. Chris Murphy - who has been our most vocal Dem attacking this horror show. Why? Because he voted to confirm Rubio. Rubio would have been confirmed regardless. Why are these idiots attacking Murphy? Purity test.
Of all of them, he was the least bad. A person I was very good friends with for decades went full Maga and screamed at me that he wouldn't be a fascist because others would check his power. I didn't believe, but I hoped. Don't punish people for hoping when they can't fix it.
Who does it hurt if we get rid of an effective dem senator who isn't perfect? Us and the kids in Sudan who don't have food, the environment that will be trashed, the poor that won't have aid, the Ukrainians who will die, the unemployed feds, the people who won't have healthcare. That's who loses.
Purity test is used when a liberal or other conservative shitweasel is faced with someone who won't buy into immorality regardless of personal politics, such as a genocide and the promise of continued genocide. That was the immoral choice offered. Some of us declined to shit on our morals.
i think that's great, I understand your stance... but I also think that 90%+ of leftists probably held held their noses and voted for harris anyway, not because they supported her but because voting is how you pick your opponent and (arguably) the dems should be easier to sway on progressive causes
the notion that those people who *could not* in good conscience vote for Harris are such a monumental voting bloc that they could sway an election that Harris lost by 3,000,000 votes is kind of wild. Like, if that's true, then run on policies that will earn those votes back!
I don’t think that considering sexual harassment to be a disqualifier is a purity test. It’s a basic standard that any candidate of any party should be held to.
Having a sense of basic decency (don’t be a liar, don’t sexually harass people) is not imposing a purity test. We pretend like these were good politicians. They were good at acting the part, that’s all. We don’t need them. The dead weight needs to be cleared out, and that’s people like Cuomo
I agree, M. The Democrats have gotten inflexible, far too right wing to make a credible opposition party to the Republicans, and it's cost them.
Dumbfuck, running a campaign that paraded around Republicans and refused to acknowledge marginalized groups, and a sitting Dem president who supported genocide got us Trump 2.
Go fuck yourself and your cowardly spineless “we must move further right” jackassery.
Take your disgusting, illiterate, uneducated, smelly, shit filled ass to the homeless shelter of your choice and fuck yourself. No one is interested in your excretions.
No - he kept telling me I didn't look out for the marginalized, so I suggested that he go do it. I feel sorry for the shelter residences if he took me up on it.
Losing to a twice impeached, rapist who stole classified documents and tried to overthrow the transfer of power is the definition of hemorrhaging support. Keep lying to yourself.
Your watered down gornless center right Dems LOST IN A LANDSLIDE one of the easiest elections in modern history. Your approach is a BIG ASS LOSER. it couldn’t be more clear.
Right - because centrists like Obama and Clinton were losers. We had a woman stating that illegal immigrant prisoners' sex change operations should be paid by the government. The "they/them" commercial toasted them like marshmallows.
Jesus, throwing marginalized groups under the bus is always your go-to, huh? Why the FLYING FUCK would ANYONE EVER see you as anything but a spineless opportunistic coward? Nobody will ever fight for such trash. You stand for nothing and everyone can see it perfectly clearly.
You have no idea what I stand for except that I don't agree with people who can't flex or destroy a good thing because it isn't perfect. You are NEVER EVER going to be in power. Ever. No one will ever elect people who scramble to make the majority bow to the minority. It's simply human nature.
Not wanting to elect a guy who sexually harassed 11 employees while in office isn't a "purity test". "Purity tests" are like "we can't elect them because, despite being popular, they don't line up with 100% of my platform"
Granted - Cuomo is not a good example of this, but on this app I see so many people acting like it's ok to cancel good Ds for something "bad" they did. Chris Murphy voted to confirm Rubio - now everyone is piling on because he regrets it. Fuck That Behavior - it's for people who want Dump 3.0.
If serial sexual harassment is not enough to convince you that someone is not a “good” person, can you tell us what is? I’m genuinely curious as to what other behavior you’re willing to excuse in the name of losing elections
Then maybe you should ask yourself why you’re choosing to have *this* argument under this specific post? Do you generally think it’s appropriate to use criticism of a predator as a starting point to criticize and scold people for not voting for him? I would really encourage you to read the room
A purity test is what kept AOC from leading the Dems on the Oversight Committee. A purity test is what kept Bernie from the party nomination in 2020. It’s not what is happening with Cuomo. You’re right about Trump 2, but not in the way you think.
And he still should've voted no.
Character and principles matter.
It was a mistake *that we knew at the time was a mistake.*
It's not beyond forgiveness, but there sure as hell needs to be repentance.
Go fuck yourself and your cowardly spineless “we must move further right” jackassery.
Oh thats right, you are.
And Obama is as well, to be quite honest—he only won at all because he promised Change, which he had eight years to deliver on and didn’t.
“Oh but his Congress was—” yeah and he, the president, should’ve not kowtowed like a loser.