While living off the grid in the mountains of Northern California, I was seeing mosquitoes in February. That was at an elevation of about 3,400 feet! EXTREMELY alarming!!!
🎼Mosquitos in December, biting near the tree,
🎶They’re caroling in harmony, “Fa-la-la, bite me!”
🎶Santa’s in a tank top, the reindeer need bug spray,
🎶Christmas feels like summer—it’s a holly-jolly day! 🎄🎅
My new go-to aedis agypti killer has a swivel head, a blue light and a long extendable arm. It is re-chargeable with a USB cord. Find the bug resting on a wall/ceiling, position near it with light on. You will kill it. Otherwise they are impossible since they do not fly straight.
Cannot understand why folks here in Phoenix live in record high temps, year after year, but continue to mock climate change. These docs are really helpful to understand the science & what must can be done.
Where I live will be part of the new heat zone. I used to live in the *almost* north. Now we're not getting snow until the next year and wearing flip flops in November.
I think that everyone should be concerned, especially when you are a parent or grandparent, because you want your loved ones to have a great life without worrying about how to pay for the damage climate change is doing
Agreed, those "runs" she does drives me nuts. She's like nails on a chalkboard to me, it's like bad yodeling. I realize she's very talented, but I'm entitled to not like her. She probably wouldn't like my singing either.
You should try my family’s holiday game: “Avoid the Mariah Carey Song” Whoever makes it the longest wins. I’ve literally run out of a checkout line to avoid it. It’s become a full contact sport for us 😂🤷♀️
That's a great idea. If I went out, or ever had company, or saw other people, I'd definitely do that. The kids are grown and out of state and we're surrounded by maga.
Ugh! I’d hate to be surrounded by magas Good thing is you can avoid that awful song remotely. Everybody just has to pinky swear to be honest in your self reporting 😀
Someone needs to make a map of the US with contours based on the last mosquito bite date. In Michigan late September has become worst for mosquitos because HOAs haven't changed the pesticide spray dates.
I thought I was losing my mind. Got bit by a mosquito n was like but it's November, wtf. Things are bad when you have to pull out the mosquito spray a week before Thanksgiving.
Part 2
It doesn't help when I'm sweating,
putting up the decorations.
I'm itching right now,
the welts oh how they grow.
I'm living a mosquito wonderland.
I'll start in the tune of "winter wonderland"
Part 1 (because we are limited in post space)
Citronella candles glow, in December.
When it was cold, I can't remember.
They're still biting a night, oh what a fright.
I'm living a mosquito wonderland.
Reporting in from the across the northern border in Canada. We ALSO have mosquitoes heading into December. It's consistently about 12C above average right now.
Buzz buzz buzz
Buzzing in my ear
🎶They’re caroling in harmony, “Fa-la-la, bite me!”
🎶Santa’s in a tank top, the reindeer need bug spray,
🎶Christmas feels like summer—it’s a holly-jolly day! 🎄🎅
Are you itchin'?
On my arm
The blood is glistenin'
A frightful sight
They rise at night
Mosquitos are covering the land"
“I light my fire and sit down in my chair!
I hear the tiny buzzing everywhere!
As I spray the air with mist i do remember.
There didn’t used to be mosquitoes in December!”
Georgia, as we have mosquitoes year round.
🎶If you like mosquitoes in December… keep ignoring climate change🎶
And there's reason to believe,
Maybe this year's mosquitoes will be less than the last
Now we can swim any day in November"
“Chestnuts roasting on an open forest fire,
Jack Frost melted, now he’s gone…”
In the winter we now can all lay out,
in our best summer outerwear.
We could never seem to do that,
until our government refused to care.
It doesn't help when I'm sweating,
putting up the decorations.
I'm itching right now,
the welts oh how they grow.
I'm living a mosquito wonderland.
Part 1 (because we are limited in post space)
Citronella candles glow, in December.
When it was cold, I can't remember.
They're still biting a night, oh what a fright.
I'm living a mosquito wonderland.
It practically writes itself !
In Chicago, we used to start bitching in mid September how COLD we were, but landlords waited til Oct 1 to turn heat on.
It doesn't hit as hard.
it was 98 degrees
there were mosquitoes the size of dive bombers
it was unpleasant