When the U.S. joins Canada, keep in mind: over 1,500 assault-style firearms are banned, new parents can enjoy up to 18 months of paid leave, your SIN number grants you immediate access to free healthcare, tuition costs are half of what they are in the States
and I, as a Californian, would prefer Canada but equate myself to a rat on a raft. Safe as I can be in this Sea of Tyranny but storm clouds gather, and I'll gladly jump ship to Denmark if they come get us first!
I'm sure you understand we can't have a bunch of newcomers from a southern land messing up our elections until they've integrated.
New York
New Hampshire
That's it...
(And Louisiana couldn't support itself without our tax/tourism dollars)
Call us anything. Just call us!!
Sum of us iz real good at thinkin’ and didn’t vote fer the orange feller. 😉😂
They will have a better Hockey team too 😂🤣
hands in the river, my feet back up on the banks
Looked up to the Lord above & said, "Hey, man thanks"
… feel so good, I gotta scream
She said, "Gordie baby, I know exactly what you mean"
She said,said
I swear to God she said
Oh no, no yeah
Group of our girls had no money to buy tickets. They went to meet his bus with welcome signs.
Someone noticed girls didn't get in. Told girls Mr. Bieber would like them to join the concert. They were so happy.
He has Canadian goodness in him. 🇨🇦
They can stay put and clean up their own house.
In Quebec we’re paying around $4 a dozen
You're going to have to get used to using the letter U if you want to join us. ;)
So a SIN number is actually a Social Insurance Number number. Sounds kinda dumb, doncha think? Like a PIN number.
Yes, when I am on Firefox my flag shows up but not on Chrome - another reason to hate Google.
And do you count the less-deadly ones?
I'll bring snacks.
Just no MAGATS please we don’t like them.
The entire reason the USA is in the mess it is today is because of Americans who own guns. That's not reasonable people. No logic or reason around the rest of the globe aligns with their okay, to see kids murdered in classrooms or supermarkets. And those same owners, are also Democrats.
To believe it's okay to sell guns/assault weapons/bazookas to anyone at the counter, so they can cover their whole backyard with a display of weapons...Makes us nowhere near the same.
Our differences are the best part of being Canadian.
They are not going to gain Social programs, but we are going to lose, everything they lost, and then some more. We stand to lose more than they did.