I cannot promise that our courts are up to this task. Indeed, there are good reasons to think they will fall short. Donald Trump is hoping they will. We cannot make it easier for him by expecting failure. Instead, we must insist on success. https://www.democracydocket.com/opinion/courts-are-the-last-guardrail/
When we see Clarence Thomas and Sam Alito getting extravagant gifts from “donors”, it makes me think that SCOTUS has already been compromised 🤨🤨
These judges would NEVER give that power to President Obama
I know I’m not telling you anything new but I hope much of what he attempts gets tied up in court.
Four years goes quickly.
That's so ... dead on balls accurate.
Wouldn't it be cool if we got a democratic house and senate and the first order of business is to deal with the conservative SCOTUS? Like day 1
It is a way out after all for this continuously embarrassing con man who is nearing the end of his life, and making more and more age related blunders.
At least from the mid-oughts when courts, from bottom to top, moved heaven and earth to NEVER rule against a bank, financial institution, or other FinServ entity.
Others may have good arguments for prior to that, too.
It makes me sick.
The fact that Clarence Thomas & Sam Alito have been bought & paid for & John Roberts won't insist that SCOTUS justices adhere to the same Code of Ethics that district and appellate court judges must abide by is also telling.
It may be too late.
A good start is to begin mailing Republican politicians a reminder of what knowing liars they are.
Yuval Noah Harari, Nexus
It’s truly frightening…
It’s hard not to expect failure when you’ve witnessed it fail, innumerable times before.
And it continues to fail…
Gorsuch replaced Scalia
Kavanaugh replaced Kennedy
Barrett replaced Ginsburg
I think it would be good of you to post why you think he retired. You know, for the folks who don't know.
He was young, his mind did not seem to sound and appeared very healthy.
My two cents worth, anyway.
Care to share?
I never wrote about it significantly (which is what REALLY commits things to memory for me), and I've slept WAAYYY too many times since.
I understand. So much has happened in the past 6 1/2 years for me, too. (Well 10 in reality.)
If you know of a 3rd please enlighten me/us.
We have to keep trying.
We count on 🏛
Tell AG Merrick Garland to Release Jack Smith's Report
For General Topic: Scroll down to Message the Attorney General
The COURT undermined the people by a lengthy sentencing delay, and refuses to imprison this convicted felon.
Courts are corrupt & afraid. Obeying in advance!
We could (should?) be winding down from a 2nd Sanders term.
I've known for 2 decades that if the rot and dysfunction in our judicial branches wasn't cut out, and healed, the US would be nothing but another banana republic, subject not to a rule of law, but a rule of whimsy.
We're there.
You're in good company though; Tribe, Vance, Phang, Luttig, Kirschner ...
Give Article III, § 1, a closer read.
The rules of statutory construction are applicable and in such consideration the maxim "expressio unius est exclusio alterius" controls.
I've presented rebuttal sufficient to remove the presumption from consideration.
It's disappointing that few have the proper/correct interpretation. I submit those in error are the biggest part of the problem in re the rot in our courts.