NEW: The North Carolina Supreme Court blocked the certification of a race for a seat on its own court. The decision comes from Griffin’s ongoing legal challenges to contest to his loss to incumbent Democratic Justice Allison Riggs.
Paige and I explain.
Paige and I explain.
I mean, I knew things would be bad but this is lawless
Either we fight back or we die. That's it now.
What are the legal mechanics of stopping this crime in its tracks?
Nowhere to even go from here
I call bs all day long on ncgop😡
They're fighting it...
Please tell me you are or will be involved, Mr. Elias.
Surely there is dirt on someone on the NC Supreme Court to dig up. Just make something up and then tie up the court for years or demand someone be replaced. I'm kidding, sort of.
The non-complacent ones.
North Carolina may end up being the state that ignites a national violent political uprising. An armed clash between MAGA and non-maga.
that once there was a place,
That was known as Camelot.