If you want “Riveting Storytelling for All of America,” by all means, subscribe to the Washington Post.
If you want fiercely independent, uncompromisingly pro-democracy news, subscribe to Democracy Docket. https://www.democracydocket.com/me-subscribe
If you want fiercely independent, uncompromisingly pro-democracy news, subscribe to Democracy Docket. https://www.democracydocket.com/me-subscribe
translation : Horseshit For All
“It’s the end of the news as we know it, and we feel fine” instead.
Apologies to Michael Stipe and REM.
Thank you for not stepping away so easily.
By the way that is the clunkiest motto that I've ever heard.
Story telling and news reporting are NOT the same.
There, fixed it for ya.
If I want “riveting storytelling for all Americans”, I’ll check out the fiction section at the library.
Didn’t think the WaPo could sink deeper into pathetic irrelevance and outright bow down to a fascist regime but…
Sure do miss Katie Graham.
They are reporters of facts.
Stephen King is a storyteller.
And even he couldn’t make this up.
OWNER: Let’s start writing stories for the people who don’t read!