NEW: "In the seven years since CISA’s creation, it’s become a crucial agency to help secure elections from foreign and domestic cybersecurity threats."
Bad actors are already swamping social media with disinformation bots.
It’s only going to get worse, and republicans are counting on it.
OT with Putin’s help gonna control elections under perp Muskolini’s control.
Know this from people who have worked for him
He just buy these stuff and people who build that.
He's not a styling designer, mechanical engineer, software architect or electrical engineer
He's a loudmouth with lots of money - shame that so many younger males look up to him
I’ve been sharing this a lot lately. I don’t believe we had a secure election.
This dude don’t plan on leaving after these next 4 years
Remember kids!
Joseph Stalin said — 'Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything.'
Who counts our votes?
1. Create chaos by shutting off government payments, firing feds, deporting Latinos and oppressing blacks
2. Escalate violence with army against protests. Declare martial law
3. Let Russia hack voting systems
4. Suspend elections due to martial law/lack of election integrity.
We already know the south will open the doors for Russia, but most swing states won’t and definitely blue states will up security.
If there is another election, it will be overseen by the Russian Elections Board, controlled by Vladimir Putin, Trump's boss.
putin's a pro at that.
He already said that...when he was campaigning.
Tell us how efficient & effective this department has been. Ask people how much do they value their vote being counted
Here’s an IDEA: How about we rehire everyone and start over?
They'd have to be insane to not make sure they can never lose another election, with how angry people already are at them.
And this is how they're doing it. Blatantly, like everything else.
What's next?? Martial Law?
Republican motto: “If we can’t beat them honestly, cheat but blame our opponents for that cheating”
FYI-ALL Dems need to be on BlueSky! This is where #TheResistance is.
Russia/Putin interfered with the 2016 election. It did not help us in stopping Putin’s takeover of the USA.
WTFU Dems and Fight Back, 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥NOW
They are intentionally leaving the door open for Putin and inviting him in.