The International Criminal Court prosecutes those accused of war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide. 125 countries are States Parties to the treaty, but US, Russia, Israel, Saudi Arabia, China, India, Israel, Turkey & Pakistan are not. But Putin can be charged for actions against Ukraine.
Legal question: how does the International Criminal Court (ICC) choose who they prosecute? Are they above SCOTUS? Can someone please tell them to put Trump at the top of the list?
My understanding is that we (the US) are not subject to their jurisdiction because we didn’t agree to their authority in whatever charter or treaty they fall under. So, they can’t prosecute Dumpster, and they have no authority over SCROTUS.
We have some very important special elections coming up on April 1st. On the next 3 Thursdays, let's donate en masse to the special elections. Put a reminder on your phone calendar to donate $5, $10, $20, $50 or whatever is doable. We got this! Let's gooooo!
Niemoller was a Nazi for a number of years. He wasn’t afraid. He was deceived until he was not. Once he was no longer under Hitler’s spell he had the courage to stand up and they threw him in a concentration camp.
"...the white moderate who is more devoted to order than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice"
- relevant snippet from MLKs Letter from Birmingham Jail
The bullying just on here, by ppl on the same side, is relentless, and this is as safe as it gets. I completely get why ppl go silent, if even the ones in the same boat are willing to throw you overboard for disagreeing.
If you stay silent for whatever reason you imagine it is a travesty to your fellow citizens!
Stand up don’t be quiet!
It’s your republic and democracy that’s at stake!
You are the key to all of us being free and living in the USA as we have for over 340years
How do we survive the idiocy of Trump and Musk. Is he trying to create a world depression/collapse, then claim he needs to invoke martial law because people are protesting in the streets❔ This is beyond any James Bond drama.
**Keep the pressure on Tesla** in all countries.
They will only yield to the strength of people in masses.
Write your congressperson, both Rep and Dem. I live in a red state and red district, but I'm still writing.
Attend a **Tesla** protest if you can.
We need more brave heroes taking action like Al Greene!!
It takes guts to interrupt a speech, especially one that the American people don’t need to hear!
I wish he shouted over his words MORE in fact, we should hire more cavemen actors to yell in the speech next time honestly, that would own Drumpf
The warriors have been waiting for some time now. Understand that regardless of your personal risk tolerance-or how safe you falsely believe yourself to be-you already (or soon will) need these people.
Give them a reason to wait for you.
For those of us on islands of blue in seas of red, our hope begins in our communities, hold fast, support each other. This is our sanctuary.
The inclusive attribute is what makes our islands defensible against the storm upon us.
No longer can people be silent. I tell everyone I know who don’t really want to engage in some format. Fortunately there are just a few and I hound them and send items from Move On etc. to sign petitions!
Nov. 7, 2028. The votes were counted before they were cast. Musk funds it, Trump blesses it, the crowd roars on cue.The world bows to Beijing, America plays pretend, and history signs its own death certificate.
Welcome to 2028—a Twilight Zone for the 21st century.
Part 1 is below. Well worth a read!
You give too much credit to politicians, publishers, lawyers, n the wealthy, they're just being authentic. They were always cowardly, undignified, greedy n lacking principles. It's been brought to light
Funny too cause lots are asking Canadian to come do something since we keep asking why they people aren't standing up.
Not our job! That's your boy!
Trudeau listened to the people and stepped down. Trump doesn't even like the people.
Some senators and house members are standing up to Trump. Unfortunately they are not Republicans. Frankly, all representatives must uphold the oath of office over their desire to be re-elected.
One last recommendation. When a congress member stands up to voice or act against this authoritarian Trump regime, send them praise. People respond well to praise and appreciation. They hear lots of complaints.
House just passed the back door Budget in their CR. VOTE THEM OUT! Support the Dems: Valimont in FL-1; Josh Weil in FL-6; Blake Gendebien in NY-21; Crawford for WI Supreme Court in the upcoming Special Elections. DONATE at and State Legislatures at LOCK HIM UP!
What type of life will we have if we don’t stand up. If not now then when! If we all stand together how can Trump-Muskrat administration retaliate against the masses.
You’re living in it, it’s a facist world where you can’t speak out against Drumpf without fear of being picked up in a black van by his new secret police
And before someone says “hurr durr it’s not real” do your research, it’s literally happening every single day
I don’t think it’s just fear that’s keeping people from taking a stand, I think it’s complete & total exhaustion from the constant onslaught by the Felon-in-Chief and the MAGAts. How do we help those folks act, too, and not just want to ignore it all so they, understandably, don’t feel so flooded?
I’ve been doing that and more. Just talking about other folks who can’t deal with everything going on. But you’re right! That’s a very actionable item, though not sure it’s doing much these days sadly since the Dems are outnumbered (for now!).
the phrase “[I’m] not sure it’s doing much” is one of the most defeatist out there. For those feeling overwhelmed, stop thinking about the big picture and narrow in on the fact that you did what you said you could do. That’s enough.
I thought it was just fear initially, but it's the American way, Mark. If it's NOT happening to me, it's NOT my problem. This admin will impact all of us, and many are still asleep and don't care until something impacts them directly. It's the AMERICAN way.
I'm discovering that the more I'm involved, the more I'm motivated. And one thing leads to another. Dem town committee to regional, LWV regional, protests, postcards, "5 calls". As Timothy Snyder says Stand Out, Be as Courageous as You Can. And as Joyce Vance says "we're in this together".
I prank call my Republican senators every day, it’s fun to pretend to be a girl salesman on the phone only to cuss him out~ as a bonus it also lets me practice my *girl voice* on them~ ✨
Two things are required- words and deeds. And words with deeds aren’t as effective, if at all. I knew we lost the CEOs to maga when they refused to stand up for women when we lost our rights. They are worthless and weak.
Marc, are you aware that there are thousands of people in the streets almost daily in many cities across the United States?
There is a march on Washington for veterans on March 14, another March on the 15th, the Ides of March, let's take that hint, and another Martin in Washington on March 16
Yes, but it's not like nothing is being done. And unfortunately, it takes momentum. I'm sure you know about overcoming inertia. It sucks that that's the truth, but that's likely the truth.
I hear you. We're doing our part for democracy on a small scale, from the bottom up, where the seditonists of J6 should've been prosecuted from the top down. And we wouldn't have been in this maniacal situation.
I take my stand by continuing to spread truth about what is really going on right now. I endlessly post things I find here that provide true news and information and post it over on the vile Facebook place.
hakeem is the one calling the shots. w pelosi's hand up his ass. its the same shit its always been but the others were more afraid of pelosi and hakeem has the tech billionaires
we can agree to disagree on her. i personally think she ruined the party. and never forgave her for going after AOC. but we dont have time to litigate how we got here. we need to replace te current leaders w tim walz, aoc, crockett types
It is often said: When the government fears the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny. If that is true, then only weeks into Donald Trump’s four-year term, we are approaching tyranny.
So right
But who fears him? His own party
I take a stand. I am very active in my resistance. I have acknowledged that I may find myself arrested and disappeared somewhere.
But I absolutely refuse to go quietly in the night. I’d rather die being free and than become a slave.
I’d make a terrible slave! Too rebellious!
The world has been listening to American excuses for allowing school shootings for decades!
And now those reasons are real, the NAZI’s are back, but the rabid gun owners are too scared to face the enemy & get their country back from the NAZI’s.
So all those kids died for NOTHING! NOTHING!
The movement demanding paper audits in swing states is growing. Keep applying pressure and advocating! Between potential tabulator interference and voter suppression tactics, there’s too much to ignore.
I understand what you’re saying. I’m not a lawyer, but doing nothing isn’t an option if we want to survive. At the very least, it would underscore calls for impeachment (insurrectionists being ineligible for office aside), force Rs to admit complicity and/or support for fraud, and expose truth.
I get where you’re coming from and didn’t think you were saying we shouldn’t investigate. 🙂 It’s hard to know exactly what to do, but the audit movement could be picking up steam *because* so many know they went to great lengths to vote against this. My hope sits in the power of those numbers!
I’m torn because I want stronger voter ID to be able to stop them from stealing elections, but on the other hand I’d find it absolutely wonderful if we could keep non citizens in the voting booths as well, maybe create a loophole against Republicans? We have to do something
Non-citizens voting is a myth the Right wants people to believe to justify voter id. They do NOT currently have any right to vote. We do NOT have evidence that they try to in any meaningful numbers.
Voter ID laws hurt citizens who don’t have time or money to jump through hoops. They are a barrier.
The FIRST thing we do is get organized NATIONALLY.
Disorganized mobs accomplish nothing.
Kohmeni took over Iran with a cellphone, sitting in a hotel room in Paris.
Greed and corruption are the greatest seducers of humankind. They create a void of indifference and cause a lack of moral compass. They motivate the corrupted to utilize darker aspects of themselves and blind them to all emotional connections. This is the current seat of our government.
Thanks for all you do, Mark! Please pass this along to the previous administration! We need to hear and feel support from Joe and Kamala! Oh, throw Obama in there as well! Keep Fighting!
They don't realize that by stopping now it won't help them in the future, when they bring up all of the past to charge them they will still have to answer to these "crimes".
Stopping now provides no future safety.
People really didn't pay attention to history and it's really starting to show.
If only we could shift our focus toward assisting those who are currently suffering rather than fixating on the perpetrators of harm, we would be in a much better place.
When discussions revolve solely around the offenders, it not only consumes valuable attention that could be directed toward the victims but also feels like a painful disregard for those in need.
We need to vote Blue! Get Kamala back on stage, I want to hear her smart opinions and policies, I think she would beat Drumpf in 2028 once the average American sees that DOGE was just stealing money the entire time to line Muskrats pockets
FYI: Ongoing research indicates we voters might have voted in Kamala Harris & Tim Walz with a strong 2024 Election win!
See's videos at including their urgent March 3 Audit Update for us to help them in their new sprint to #VerifyTheVote.
If anything, it is those who can afford it the most (the large firms, the huge corps, the multi-millionaires and billionaires) who are speaking up the least.
That’s the part right there. There is fear because of the ‘potential’ but they don’t have the capacity to wield that power without burning themselves in the process.
Exactly! They have no argument and always turn to “facts” when making their arguments
And it turns out the facts are just crime statistics that they paid the FBI to fake to make PoCs look bad 🙄
When the Hell will the rest of America wake up.You are on the very knife’s edge of a full blown dictatorship.Everybody all over the 🌍 has skin in this game so please for the sake of democracy and human decency RESIST
I don't think fear even enters into it, if you do not live in the US. We see this Felon/Nazi criminal enterprise and we know that the US is no longer stable.They can try all they want but they will implode.Americans who know how wrong this all is, will not go quietly. Organize and stay ready.
I am more furious than fearful. We need more true patriots like you instead of most of the left whining. When Joe was running, I was out there every day to work on him winning and keeping this country great. Where are the rest of the resisters now?
Well put, Marc. This pervasive fear smacks of “the crime” that James Baldwin accused us all of in The Fire Next Time: “that they have destroyed and are destroying hundreds of thousands of lives and do not know it and do not want to know it” (1963, p. 5).
"I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me..."
Chump and Etard are destroying our government, our economy and civil society in collusion with Chump’s boss, Flaciddick Poo-tin. These cowards betray our country, our people, and our Constitution. This is treason. Enforce the penalty.
Share. Together we win.
Well, I’m not sure who you are hanging around with but everybody I know is taking a stand and is actively doing what they can, whether it be protesting, giving time, or giving money.
He’s talking to his colleagues in big law and other industry leaders: “It does not surprise me that people are worried. I expected many to be concerned. But I did not anticipate that so many leaders across industries and professions would allow fear to silence them.”
I would also add: The non Trump voters who are telling Canadians that are upset at the unprovoked attacks to our country that THEY are the injured party, not 🇨🇦s, and we shouldn’t point out that America voted him in —— well, we are sick of fighting your battles for you.
Step up and do something.
That goes for all of us. Now is the time for ALL good citizens to come to the aid of our country.
“We must hang together or assuredly we shall all hang separately.”
I would love to participate in marches and protests. But I'm 63 and on disability. I have severe osteoarthritis in both knees. I was an organizer for the huge Women's march in Orlando, about 8 years ago. But now, I think my marching days are over sadly. At some point, the torch has to be passed.
It’s never been about efficiency. It’s tearing down the US strength, security, economy, health and education for the benefit of the tinpot war criminal and allow the uberrich to pick up assets cheap in a recession.
Sanctimonious White House Press Secretary Karoline Leavitt could use a refresher course on “Religion 101”!
Thou shall not:
-Speak Falsely to one another.
-Act dishonestly.
-Take no revenge against fellow countrymen.
-Stand by idly while your neighbors life is at risk.
It's true, my family has told me to shut up, even on Bluesky. I have NOTHING to lose or fear. I AM literally living at 150% BELOW poverty level. Oh well, if I am targeted.🖕
We must not give into fear & we must stand up. Every Democrat & GOP member of Congress must stand up. They are being bullied to vote and giving in. That won’t save them come the elections.
ALL members are paid to represent ALL people in their districts. Partisanship & unequal treatment must stop.
Yes, & ongoing research indicates we voters might have voted in Kamala Harris & Tim Walz with a strong 2024 Election win!
See's videos at including their urgent March 3 Audit Update for us to help them in a 2-week sprint to #VerifyTheVote.
I would not be surprised in the slightest. When Trump goes on about how "Elon is good with computers" and "we already have the votes," that should've triggered an immediate audit.
He's right.
As you think about the Third Reich, do you absolve all the Germans who stood around and did nothing?
Because that's how history will look at you.
Thank you so much for posting this, I agree MLK would love the trans rights movement and would be rolling in his grave seeing that it’s 2025 and PoCs in Amerikkka still haven’t gotten their reparations from whypepo
The felon is a Russian Puppet. This is the message that needs to be sent 24/7. We are in danger if we don’t stop this now. The bottom line is Russia is white and that’s why the felon embraces its ideology. trump is a racist and he’s willing to throw the United States under the bus.
People with antisocial personality disorder (ASPD), also known as sociopaths, often lack empathy. This means they may have difficulty understanding or caring about other people's feelings or whether or not they live or die.
I can scream into the void but no one cares. I have written to my Congressmen. It's Oklahoma. They don't give a damn what I think. I need people to take a stand who can actually accomplish something. Like Democrats in Congress, for example, who have been mostly AWOL.
Due to high call volume and privatization, The Void politely requests all politically related screams be directed to Trump’s hotel’s main switchboard . #CallIn to the Trump hotel, Lunch every Friday 1(855)878-6700 #resist
USA now part of an axis of evil with Russia, North Korea, China; with a fascist president Elon Musk, Vice president Donald Trump, and 1st lady J D Vance
The media’s nose is so far up trumps rump they can tell you exactly what he ate 5 min ago. Really sad is they feel the survival of their rags are more important than our own so they aren’t reporting on anything that’s news.
If you look at his little coverage the boycotts and protest marchers are given you are given the sense that nothing is working - take a look at trumpy whining about poor little elon - it is working - show trumpy what a million protestors really looks like
And one more thought…maybe it’s the “ little” people who ARE showing up where it matters, who will pull us thru this. Boutique law firms, aforementioned
-have faith in The People.
- relevant snippet from MLKs Letter from Birmingham Jail
All Americans are welcome to join the March 14 nationwide veterans march in D.C., every state capitol & cities, street corners & overpasses near you.
We swore our oaths to the Constitution, not a treasonous fascist dictator & its Space Nazi MuXkovich sidekick.
Stand up don’t be quiet!
It’s your republic and democracy that’s at stake!
You are the key to all of us being free and living in the USA as we have for over 340years
**Keep the pressure on Tesla** in all countries.
Write your congressperson, both Rep and Dem. I live in a red state and red district, but I'm still writing.
Attend a **Tesla** protest if you can.
the Russian asset
occupying your White House-wreaking havoc-looting-destroying-killing off people-ruining things the world over,
& SUPPORT Al Green instead of CENSURING him like 10 of you did‼️
It takes guts to interrupt a speech, especially one that the American people don’t need to hear!
I wish he shouted over his words MORE in fact, we should hire more cavemen actors to yell in the speech next time honestly, that would own Drumpf
What is bravery but to stand up to slavery and characters unsavory?
To buck the fearful throngs and call out your leaders' wrongs.
And comport not as the fowl when your name risks food for gravery.
Give them a reason to wait for you.
The inclusive attribute is what makes our islands defensible against the storm upon us.
Where in the holy hell are Americans going to run, you out there ?
There is no place to flee. We must take the stand. We must hold fast. There are far more of us than them anyday of the week.
The same fight our fathers fought in WWII.
Do not stand a post for nazis nor Russia.
I'll die if I must.
I don't want to, but I will.
Welcome to 2028—a Twilight Zone for the 21st century.
Part 1 is below. Well worth a read!
He became a martyr in his death. My mother Anne gave him a safe haven to write his I Have A Dream speech.
We need to tell the truth. 🙏🏽 #MLKFiles
Come on, fellow Americans, if we band together, we can get through this BS
People have the Power
Target Amazon everything Eio touches
Never was I more furious than at the DC mayor for obeying in advance,
Not our job! That's your boy!
Trudeau listened to the people and stepped down. Trump doesn't even like the people.
And before someone says “hurr durr it’s not real” do your research, it’s literally happening every single day
There is a march on Washington for veterans on March 14, another March on the 15th, the Ides of March, let's take that hint, and another Martin in Washington on March 16
The time to stand up is NOW.
im making plenty against schumer. dont u worry :)
And agree, no time to litigate the past — love AOC, Crockett, Al Green, etc. wish any of them were my representative. 😕
Shared it
So right
But who fears him? His own party
But I absolutely refuse to go quietly in the night. I’d rather die being free and than become a slave.
I’d make a terrible slave! Too rebellious!
And now those reasons are real, the NAZI’s are back, but the rabid gun owners are too scared to face the enemy & get their country back from the NAZI’s.
So all those kids died for NOTHING! NOTHING!
Quick question before I click on your link - based on my prior experience w/your very fine newsletter, & your email marketing to date:
Will there be an “upgrade to paid” button right before you share the important stuff, or are we getting a free one today?
He’s been sworn in, and as-such, he controls all of the federal law enforcement and he wants to control the FEC (which is largely toothless, anyway).
Voter ID laws hurt citizens who don’t have time or money to jump through hoops. They are a barrier.
I should do something about it after all…
Disorganized mobs accomplish nothing.
Kohmeni took over Iran with a cellphone, sitting in a hotel room in Paris.
Stopping now provides no future safety.
People really didn't pay attention to history and it's really starting to show.
See's videos at including their urgent March 3 Audit Update for us to help them in their new sprint to #VerifyTheVote.
How about this fraudster?
He’s not answering calls nor holding town halls. Join us to demand his resignation!
He works for us and we demand to be heard.
- Mary T. Lathrap
Now is the time for clandestine action.
Make them cave.
And it turns out the facts are just crime statistics that they paid the FBI to fake to make PoCs look bad 🙄
Get your broom ready sister.
Likely, not remembered at all. The history books are filled with white space for those public figures who never bothered to do anything remarkable.
Corporate CEOs, media giants, big law firms, billionaires & politicians have something in common: male control.
The people marching, calling our legislators, etc. are WOMEN.
Every man I know sits back to protect his privilege.
Let women lead. Follow us.
Getting rid of them means we give up on democracy too, but how do you work with them? How do you trust or believe them again? Ever?
It’s going to be up to ‘we, the people’ to show these wusses how it’s done!
Share. Together we win.
#TrumpismIsFascism #Resist #Disrupt #FightBack
Repubs yelled at Z in the Oval Office
Is now..
Repubs tried to gang rape Z in the Oval Office.
One does not emphasize their actual crime of stupidity while the other does.
Here a few screen grabs from the article.:
Step up and do something.
MAGAs are sinking into the hedges
“We must hang together or assuredly we shall all hang separately.”
Thou shall not:
-Speak Falsely to one another.
-Act dishonestly.
-Take no revenge against fellow countrymen.
-Stand by idly while your neighbors life is at risk.
"He who acts to save his country from tyranny, terrorism, and radical right wing criminals, violates no laws.”
- no fear!
ALL members are paid to represent ALL people in their districts. Partisanship & unequal treatment must stop.
See's videos at including their urgent March 3 Audit Update for us to help them in a 2-week sprint to #VerifyTheVote.
As you think about the Third Reich, do you absolve all the Germans who stood around and did nothing?
Because that's how history will look at you.
Deep in my heart , I do believe …..