The fact that the legacy media is even having these event shows how little they understand the moment we are in. That they think “snubbing” Trump for a “toast” is a meaningful gesture makes me think they are hopelessly too far gone.
Support fearlessly independent media.
Support fearlessly independent media.
It' about clicks, not subscriptions and Trump gets clicks.
Would you rather they toasted him?
not toasting the sitting felon costs them absolutely nothing and is meaningless
if they really wanted to do something about 1A they would have all marched out the room when AP was barred from pressers
66 MILLION!!!!!!
According to research, all we need is 3.5% of the population to non-violently assert and overturn the illegal and inhuman acts of a fake-president-wanna-be dictator.
Where are the 11 million?
March Madness ?
Daytona ?
1.5 Million for the Super bowl Party?
Every thing but your democracy … it would seem ! ?
That is what the world is wondering!
Canada in 55 days is preparing to be for USA 🇺🇸 invasion!
And we are not anticipating the US population to help us.
We dont see them helping themselves. In fact Trumps polls are up among Republican Voters! Crazy!
Ppl who voted republican are NOT HAPPY.
Maybe the news didn't get to them during the election (totally possible) but I watch ONLY INDEPENDENTS, and I see the clips.
They interviewed 13 GOP voters that were not happy with trump for 40 minutes. In Michigan!
At the end they asked all 13 if they had to vote again would they change their vote: only 1 said they would!
You can’t fix stupid!
They asked white farmers: same thing!
Spare me!
Nobody’s coming to save us.
I've cancelled WaPo, LaTimes. Do not watch television.
NYTimes "both sides" to a degree that has eroded my trust. They are next cut.
Why I'm HERE on BlueSky, to cut out the garbage.
#AuditIncelNAZIElmo #DefundIncelNAZIElmo #DeportIncelNAZIElmo #JailtheOrangePustule #SubprimeCourtReformsNOW
I am glad that they did not.
If that is the only change they make, it is negligible. If it is the first step in a thousand mile journey, it is good.
They stink of complicity, greed, corruption, and subhumanity.
In fact, legacy media is already foundering, and everything I said about it in my earlier post is correct.
And not everyone in Congress is that pusillanimous, either.
"WE are the American people! THIS IS OUR COUNTRY! And WE will NEVER allow them to STEAL it from us. So will you all PLEASE: STAND THE FUCK UP!!!!"
So, same response as always.
I am following, sharing media from & because of guests like you. Truth matters!
Because the former control the narrative. The reality is we cannot do this with independent only.
Brought to you by
1440 Daily Digest
Robert Reich's Substack
Heather Cox Richardson
Telegraph Digest
Aaron Rupar from Public Notice
That's a good start for you!
Way to flex their privilege! 🙄
unless you're playing the back 9, where it is a contest
agent orange does care about optics
The *only* defense they understand is violence.
No toast.
Doing the hard work for democracy right there…
For the first time in its storied history, since the 1850’s, the gridiron club declined to invite our treasonist fuck of a president.
Journalists/anchors etc with no cred have nothing to offer.
Stick a fork in'em. They're done.
We know for a fact that Trump's ego will see this and will react like the very wounded child that he is and he will lash back out in anger.
Keeping him angry makes him make bad decisions.