At least 75% of people with facial hair present like shabby, unwashed hobos. I hope the beard pendulum starts swinging the other way soon. It's hard to find a guy to kiss.
There was this bitter one, that declared men only wanted women that shaved body hair off, because it makes men feel like they are with someone under age. I was wondering is that why women like clean shaven men?
Bless your heart, you also have to deal with the book burners. We currently have a Democratic governor, so we've been spared the absolute worst, but we'll never have another one and we have a GOP supermajority in our state legislature, so it's coming.
I'm old enough to remember when conservatives were all up in arms about upholding "the dignity of the office" and a brown suit heralded the Decline of Western Civilization.
Hes my moronic representative! 🤢
And yes, I know it was New Year's Eve a few days ago, but did he just now sober up enough to walk?
All bullshit. All the time.
People in grass houses shouldn’t stow thrones.