I'm for it as long as someone in SD is successful in simultaneously rescinding ordinance § 132.11 on the prohibition on public urination and dedication.
Is this government efficiency? Taking the money allocated to feed elementary school kids to plop his disgusting gobbler up on Mount Rushmore is beyond embarrassing.
Being so stupid and bootlicking doesn't get into my head. The country is literally starving and they want to put the chief thief's ugly mug on Mount Rushmore.
This is the shít they do in places like North Korea, changing the names of international bodies of water and erecting monuments to their dear leader. We're witnessing unprecedented levels of fanatical fascism in the US.
Yeah, good luck with that. Your cult is too stupid to know how to carve and immigrants aren’t gonna do it cause they hate you and you’re also kicking them out.
I am embarrassed to be a U.S. Citizen... Two deployments to Iraq, 12 years of Active and Reserve time and we end up here. A President who does not follow the Constitution, a Felon, a likely traitor, and a Congress full of enablers!
She needs to be educated...
There's no room on MT. Rushmore. she should watch the MT .Rushmore documentary before making uneducated wants..
Plus. It is not needed..
Way to defile a National Memorial. It was declared a "completed project" in 1941 and there would be a LOT of red tape to alter it.
I can only imagine the cost of sculpting another face.
I also don't find it surprising that Rep Luna-tic put his photoshopped face nearly entirely over Lincoln's. I'm more surprised that she didn't just remove all their faces to make them all Trump.
I am still waiting to hear about all his best accomplishments. Allowing people to be their worst selves? Being complete assholes? That is what they care about?
She is instigating vandalism? Tourism will fall and you'll need bleach for your eyes. I never seen shit smear in a mountain. I guess there is a first for everything.
Just her distracting & misdirecting. Why pay attention to their antics? 1st-it's a National Memorial, so ppl depicted must be dead. I'm 100% behind anything she can do to help hasten Trump dying, 2nd-no space for a 5th face as the rock isn5 stable, 3rd-the rock isn't tan enough
This is so dumb but honestly our democracy may depend on him getting easily distracted with shit like this…sure rename Ohio to Trumpolina. Nickname Illinois “Land of Trump”. Take a football team & call them the Trumpians if it means he doesn’t take Meals on Wheels, voting rights, gut Medicare, etc.
The amount of absolute sheer goddamn stupidity by women who are TRUMPISTS is on full display. She could get fired today and HOOTERS wouldn't hire her.
you just can't get dumber
Call you reps and ask them to amend this bill to Stone Mountain, because Mount Rushmore is just sooooo crowded there is no way to fit Trump up there.
Do not accept, Do not comply!
...& it has nothing to do w/ -adding- faces
There's no room on MT. Rushmore. she should watch the MT .Rushmore documentary before making uneducated wants..
Plus. It is not needed..
I can only imagine the cost of sculpting another face.
She doesn’t look anything like Ivanka.