Donald Trump is the one who negotiated the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) during his first term.
Is he this senile?
Is he this senile?
Here's hoping sooner rather than later.
AND he’s denial.
We don’t need/want your dairy
Senility coupled with pathological levels of lying
This constant lying is not aimed at making the people believe a lie, but at ensuring that no one believes anything anymore.
A people that can no longer distinguish between truth & lies cannot distinguish between right and wrong.
Plus stirring up their base, by normalising the idea of annexing Canada and that we started it all / caused it.
We're in for some 'fun times'.
God’s cheeseburger finally doing its holy work might be your best bet.
And…he’s dumber than a box of rocks.
I love so many things about 🇺🇸, but cannot wrap my head around the idea that SO many people could be convinced voting for this idiot would be a good idea.
💥 SOMEONE… fucking assassinate this traitor already! 💥
He is a sentient combination of rocks and miscellaneous goo in a sack of cheap fake leather
It’s all he knows how to do
It will happen if allowed
A: Cheese.
Certifiably Fucking Insane!
Yes he is.
A big rat.
but noooo… US had to be first, and the Don wanted to dance to it
"The weave", "4D chess", the all-night social media ragers, forgetting words, names, people.
The wildly erratic emotional outburst, much smaller range of vocabulary, repetitive themes.
All definite signs of diminished mental capacity.
Then it's something.
Now it's milk.
He's just going to keep going and Canadians will out last him.
Donald tRUMP does NOTHING but complain.
All actual negotiating is done by others, who never give him any details because it's a waste of time: he doesn't pay attention and wouldn't understand anyway.
So whenever dumbOLD hears actual numbers, they're news to him.
Canada is not going to import the same $ amount of cars, eggs, tons of wheat, etc. from the US that it exports to the US.
The fool thinks trade should be $ for $ with each country.
But they need to amp up the B.S. to get all their followers on board for annexation, by getting them to hate us because they now/will then think we caused it all.