True story: I worked for a nonprofit that put in a full-page ad in the NYT and we put a special URL/page on our site to see how many referrals/hits we got. “Oh boy we’re in the big leagues now!”
We got five. Probably the board members who paid for the ad.
I remembered today that it was right after 2016 that I first started a monthly donation. Must confess sometimes I thought about stopping (if I felt stingy or too politically complacent) but never did and now I’m so glad.
For those of you who are old and decrepit like me, you can donate $ to the ACLU or leave a bequest in your will.
(Boy is my MAGAt loving family gonna be PISSED)
Isn't one of the big lessons from this election that legacy media is on life support and has approximately zero influence? Shouldn't they start a podcast?
True story: I worked for a nonprofit that put in a full-page ad in the NYT and we put a special URL/page on our site to see how many referrals/hits we got. “Oh boy we’re in the big leagues now!”
We got five. Probably the board members who paid for the ad.
it is 100% true that you will learn more from *carefully reading the NYT each day then from being here
also, you morons, how the fuck do you think the ACLU raises money ?
--The Onion
Here’s one for your blocklists
(Boy is my MAGAt loving family gonna be PISSED)
I will have the last laugh.
It is a fafo time of life 💙