The only change Labour had in mind was who gets the brown envelopes. 10 months in nothing of any substance to improve the lives of ordinary folk. Starmer and his cabinet are smoke and mirrors, very Johnsonesque
The problem is Labour won the election. They used slogans to get there and lied a lot but now in power are completely out of their depth. Same old same old. Scotland needs out of this awful union.
I see no problem with the government being tougher on illegal migration and setting realistic targets for how many legal migrants we need/can accept each year.
The problem with the way Starmer and the Labour Party are acting is that they're trying to appease the Right Wing media who influence voters. It's a waste of time the same media is still doing it's best to destroy them. Forget trying not to upset the rich and start trying to be a Labour Government.
If Labour go down this road it only reinforces Reform and its ilk. Instead it needs to call out that our problems do not stem from immigration and that parts of our country and economy need more migration not less. Standing up for your principles will get more votes than compromising them
Can we get a picture of them walking down the steps from the aeroplane waving the piece of paper? Not so much 'Peace in Our Time' as 'Appease in Our Time'.
Why oh why do they insist on trying to capture the vote of those who will always blame minorities & love Brexit? They won't change. Focus on improving life in the UK (Inc climate action, education, send and more) and secure people affected by that.
Net migration went through the roof, it's not a race to the bottom or pandering to the far right to want to have manageable levels of immigration. Jumping to such conclusions just plays into Reform's hands. It's like people learnt zero from the EU referendum.
They're already at the stage of the Tory party of fifteen years ago -- but by the time they've caught up with Badenoch's nasties, the Tories will have reached full-blown National Socialism.
Immigration is a white elephant. 80% of the country don’t care! What they care about is a government actually doing something, like anything. At the moment Labour have stood still really since election day. They have brought nothing to the table.
Have they learned nothing from the Toxic Tory disaster of trying to play the Reform songbook? Competing visions of racism can only benefit the far right
They’re so fucking stupid! Oh my god! How are they so fucking bad at their jobs? I think I’m going to have to start a new daily routine of smashing my head repeatedly into a wall.
Reform have captured that ground. Labour should be proposing, funding and shouting about effective policies to actually help ordinary people improve their lives not trying to beat Farage at his own game.
This never works. Reform and their far right ilk can always outflank and “be tougher” on immigration. So because it never works a group of idiot Labour MPs want to do it. Useless.
Yeah, let's be fascist lite to fend off the full fat version. Pisses off progressives and leads to fascism anyway. What they should be begging for is rejoining the EU to revitalise both the economy and Labour's ever-diminishing hopes of fending off the far right at the next election
All this will do is allow Reform to claim that they have “moved the dial”, and then try and move it even more. A downward spiral (or perhaps a “rightward” one)
They aren’t reform and can’t appeal to reform voters or play that game. So be different. Coz at present all that’ll happen is they’ll have no reform voters and alienate those who would vote for them. Leave mimicking reform to the tories!!
Who is in this group of fannies lobbying Starmer's cabinet of fannies to make them fend off the rabid fannies by being even more like a bunch of Tory fannies? Asking for a friend, obvs.
Of course they are - it’s politics. The question is what do we suggest happens to convince Northerners, who are attracted to simple right wing anti Southerner solutions, that Farrage is a self promoting baddun?
Keith & his Blue Labour mob manage to be simultaneously deluded, incompetent & mendacious. Even his own inner circle mock him for just how shallow and vain he is as Owen Jones explains:
Well, they've lost so many quondam Labour voters, they've got to cling on to their seats somehow. They'd presumably already been turned down as Tory candidates before jumping to Labour.
But to be honest, they’re not wrong. If Reform or a right wing Conservative Party gets into power because of the migration argument - as Trump did in America - what then?
Instead of that, how about we have a decent comms strategy to counteract all of the shit Reform represent. Debunk their lies.
Reform is pretty much on the same playbook as Trump. Farage is trying to edge us towards total deregulation and uses all the same tactics. We need migrants for goodness sake.
I wouldn't presume to tell the Labour party what to do, but our experience in Aus is that our Labor party may be a one term government for this sort of acquiescence to the loony right wing.
Aside from specific policy, people need determined leaders whose guiding principles are rock solid.
Following Farage is destroying the Tories. Has Labour learnt nothing? It would appear not. Own goal after own goal. Once in No 10, Farage will attempt his own Trump/Musk like coup, ripping out the levers of government, and making future rule by left of centre parties impossible.
Its almost like they watched the demise of the Democrats and went 'lets have some of that'. When are they ever going to learn that you can NEVER out Right the Far Right. Never, so why bother?
I know.The point is that The Mail,The Torygraph,The Express etc doesn't give that perception+many see the boats as all immigration.Proper asylum procedures need to be put in place +the boats stopped.The misery needs to end.The Right are very powerful+Farage is feeling very emboldened with 5 MP's
I know, its almost as if someone needs to stand up and call out their lies. Ive given up on Labour as the party to do that. all the way for me.
A tale as old as time and when they fail and hand the country to the right wingers they'll blame everyone but themselves
Too radical Keir?
This Labour Party couldn’t be any more lost if it tried.
Not Lauded.
They are so out of touch with the people who voted for them.
I despair.
This Labour Party is dead from the neck down
But a real and present danger to us all.
Reform is pretty much on the same playbook as Trump. Farage is trying to edge us towards total deregulation and uses all the same tactics. We need migrants for goodness sake.
Aside from specific policy, people need determined leaders whose guiding principles are rock solid.
We've all seen the Reform conference attendance, that many passes were definitely NOT required!
All the photo shows is that Reform is a hugely wasteful company.
The boats will wither and die overnight