“What we’ve seen in these last few months of a Labour gov’t is a sustained increase in living standards. Next month people on the national living wage will see a 6.7% increase in wages, only possible because of the stability we’ve returned to the economy”
Chancellor Rachel Reeves
Chancellor Rachel Reeves
2) issues with economy requiring lowering interest rates all gov fault. Not necessarily good thing.
3) making life harder for most vulnerable is not a good thing.
Labour, do better. !!!
Food prices never coming down!
The people of the UK are being royally picked over.
Yet Labour wants to cut more services.
They're in the pockets of the architects of greedflation.
Really?! Wages (and pensions) are going up by 6.7%, but inflation is at 3%, Council Tax is going up by 10%, Energy by 7% and Water Rates by at least 32%!
I'll remain the latter until proven otherwise.
How come I can’t see/ feel it?
Not me. I’m actually worse off, although I can manage to deal with that.
Labour, like all the rest, has been bought by the elite to do their bidding. The extreme form of this is presently seen in the US. It's not so different here; we just keep it hidden better.
Coming for Britain's Sick & Disabled to save the richest tax dodging 5 percent.Starring #ToryShiteLiebour's very own gormless #RachelReevesMP
increases in council tax (up 4.7%)
gas and electricity(6%)
food (average 3.3%)
- nowhere near met by 4.1% pension increase
Water: up 26%!
Council Tax: up 10%!
Food: up 7%!
Or something.🤔😩
However: after listening to the previous governments mantra of sunlit uplands just round the corner, I am prepared to wait and see.
I understand they took on a huge mess, but FFS, punch up, not down 🤬
I still don't understand how they can call it the 'national living wage' when it's barely enough to exist on🙄
Unfortunately, her arrogance means she will keep on the same track and ignore the damage she is doing.
This is very hard to believe
If we reunite with Europe and reintegrate, then I think living standards would rise, along with business confidence
That's much easier to believe than Reeves statement
They need to show quite a bit more stability and a lot less post colonial arrogance before they get back in.
The cost of everything is higher & will be higher again from April. The weakest in society are actively being targeted by her.
Labour MPs it’s time to show whether there is any socialism left in you or whether you really are Red Tories, stop the cuts tax the rich
I see no empathy in anything they do but I do see actual cruelty against societies weakest