Tragic. A male wolf who was released from British Columbia into Colorado earlier this year was shot and killed in Wyoming last weekend.
Wolves are explorers by nature, and it's likely that he traveled from his release site in search of something - a mate? New territory? Home?
Wolves are explorers by nature, and it's likely that he traveled from his release site in search of something - a mate? New territory? Home?
What is wrong with you all!
Because Murica .
A country incapable of decency.
That fucking sucked.
God he was fucking gigantic. He sprawled across the entire middle lane. This was in WI, off topic, but I'm still tortured by the memory it 😭
Since when did shooting a wolf somehow compensate for some asshole having a small penis ?
They also killed all the passenger pigeons “for sport”.
These are the ancestors who built the USA so little wonder their descendants are just as bad if not worse.
And it’s hunger for it will never end.
How do so many Americans get to be such dicks ?
Is there a giant factory somewhere churning them out in vats ?
Republican men love to kill anything that reminds them that they are not truly free.
When you hunt the hunters
The aristocracy and the oligarchs did
They stole the land from us in 1066 then imposed the enclosures acts and the highland clearances to steal what little was left
We are slaves on our own lands
Empathy is literally and figuratively beaten out of citizens to uphold these systems.
And that is the oligarchy regardless of what race they are or their religion because they repress us all regardless of our race or religion
Every ideology designed to divert attention from them, serves their agenda
Not ours
Its an ideology created by the left to control you and divide people, like the right push anti immigrant and anti trans ideology to control and divide people.
This is you.
In the box.
Like the Nazis.
White supremacy is nothing to do with the oligarchy, they have mo loyalty to any race or loyalty to white people, they only care about themselves and their wealth and power
So is Montana.
They kill everything that moves.
But they have a valid point.
Wolves are extremely crucial for ecosystems.
Just go shoot boars lmao
Canada should just keep them for now 🤷🏻♂️
How about sheep dogs and guard dogs? And there are a number of ways to apply technology as simple as electric fences on to other surveillance and deterrents.
Think bigger, do better, people🤷🏻♂️
Wolf was killed for being a wolf.
"Wyoming humans are hunters by nature, and extremely territorial.
They occasionally resort to gathering, but only if federally subsidized.
They may also rely on live stocks, but they're apparently unable to build fences."
Too much for a nature channel? 🙄
There is almost no wild mammalian wildlife left, all other biological classes are in rapid decline... yet we are thriving.
I actually hope whoever shot that wolf.. dies....!!
I stick by my words.
After all Cody Roberts captured, tortured, and killed a female wolf outside a bar. He only received 250$ fine. WY is full of mega rich congress lobbying cattle barons.
Didn't know, Charles.
Such a beautiful place and all of that on it.
If Americans miss seeing them, they can come here to visit our national parks.
Hunters suck
To the entire state full of corrupt politicians.
I got pulled over once for going 55 in a 25. I was on interstate 80. There was no construction to justify. Just a crooked cop.
You can have WY it’s a shithole.