The only thing you need to ask yourself when playing a video game is:
“Am I having fun?”
If the answer is yes, then congratulations, you’re gaming ‘correctly’😌
“Am I having fun?”
If the answer is yes, then congratulations, you’re gaming ‘correctly’😌
Unless of course you can respawn, parry, or dodge roll 🤣
You can always come back!
Nah I’m only kidding, you’re 100%. It’s like Final Fantasy for me - I know they’re quality games but everytime I’ve tried, they just don’t click for me.
It’s the ones with turn based that put me off.. then as you say, they’re all different so I’d just be skipping random games? Lol
(Partially kidding, but I am guilty of this)
Gaming should be fun, whatever that looks like.
"Mindlessly collecting all the things" is what's important.
But those things aren't going to mindlessly collect themselves!
I totally agree with you in one way, I despise pointless collectibles but I love trophy hunting - so it’s still kind of fun. If that makes sense?
(I don't mean just playing well either, I mean smurfing, griefing etc)
I think my basic point was, if the game isn’t giving you ‘something’, then maybe move onto something else. You can always come back
Fun is subjective for sure.. what I find fun, you may not😌