Yes it is and it's time to liquidate them for their agreed their corruption of our government and their treason liquidation is the only proper punishment for those three crimes combined or even individually at this point and they brought that on themselves
I think its actually evil versus good. I really think the evil just want to hurt good. There is no reason why Trump is destroying us other than hes an evil man doing nothing but mass destruction of good.
I think it is a left vs right for those who are deep maga but some of them are waking up and this is quickly morphing into a class war which will morph into the citizens of the world against our oppressors
Billionaires are the problem.
I keep saying it over and over to get people to understand.
If you have enough money to buy politicians, the government and the media, you have too much money.
I like the spirit of this, but no, it is a political struggle first, and the right needs to be defeated politically before moving on to the next stage of struggle.
Billionaires each pay $11,000 per year in Social Security.
Let that sink in.
Billionaires each pay $11,000 per year in Social Security.
A billion more times
If you can't beat them, destroy them. The only point of being a part of the system is to help dismantle it from the inside while others dismantle it from the outside. 20% of us are 32 million. Not everyone can do a general strike but everyone can do there bit.
Yaas!! People need to focus their ire in the right direction - the corporations and the politicians that they own. They have manipulated and twisted and lied for years to make us hate each other and protect themselves. Enough is enough. It's revolution time.
The dumb thing about social security is that everyone, including billionaires only pay in to it a percentage of salary up to $168,600/year. That is a mere pittance to Trump and Musk. Musk doesn't even draw a salary so he is paying nothing.
If I get a paycheck deposited in my account but I do not spend it and do not buy things to enjoy with them, isn't that an "unrealized" gain? The government taxes it before I even get it. If Musk's stock rises in value to $500B, he pays no tax on it and uses it as collateral to borrow against.
This is anything but a class struggle! Are you suggesting that Trump and Musk actually have class? In UK terms they are the total opposite. Having money does not bring you anywhere near.
It’s been that way for years. Some people have been conned into believing it’s about race, religion and gender. Too many buy into these ham fisted, weird propagandist divisions, but the truth is it’s about money and greed. It’s about wealthy people who believe they are chosen rather than lucky.
And believe me, they are lucky. They also have oppressed and brutalized others to get their way. They have bought politicians, used people’s hard work and labor to build their millions & billions. And most do this without care, compassion, or empathy.
Medicare, Medicaid, and especially Social Security have no real impact on the budget, so billionaires’ tax cuts do not depend on eliminating them. They just hate anyone who isn’t rich. Cruelty is the point.
Their plan:
1. Fire enough SS employees to cripple it
2. Fox "News" will constantly scream that SS is hopelessly ineffective and corrupt
3. Privatize SS a.k.a. "SS Advantage" to make more $$ for billionaires and Trump
You are right. Almost every case the Supreme Court takes involves a corporation. Over 80% of the time the republicans on the court sides with the corporation. That is enough proof for me.
"Lazy Americans who don't want to work when their old should have invested in Bitcoin and Tesla on Robinhood so they can live out their golden years rather than relying on government handouts" noted Benjamin Rail, a 24-year-old Social Security administrator and recent graduate of Liberty University
I have better things to do with my time. Like saving transgender people from abusive homes.
If you have the time and feel that getting out the vote is the best use of it, genuinely, please go do that. I’m sure they could use your help, and it’s a better use of *your* time than criticizing me.
What you're doing is important but getting out the vote is too. So many on here complain about the Dems but have not done anything to help. We need everyone.
Are you a commie? I have no problem w billionaires like Bloomburg, Gates, Buffett, Cuban. Who are willing to do their civic duty, pay their taxes, do good for the country.
Senators, are you aware? A cemetery has removed links to "Notable Graves" of Black, Hispanic, and female veterans, per The Washington Post, as part of a review to align with administration policies.
Perhaps the right are beginning to wake up to this fact. The left has always known that the rich and the corporations are getting richer and that the rest of us are sliding deeper and deeper into debt.
Sadly, many people I know in our rural Texas lakehouse town are too busy hating the 10 trans people in collegiate sports to notice what the billionaires are doing.
Let’s be clear. There are a lot of people suffering the mind virus that is religion and they seem hell bent on seeing Revelations through. This is more than a class struggle.
No war but class war. But there’s going to be blue and red trenches.
The last thing I want to hear, as we’re being slaughtered by project 2025 robo-dogs, is some fucking QAnon asshole telling me how George Soros invented chemtrails to turn the frogs gay and that the world is flat.
But people have still power. Look at what has happened with Tesla in Europe. No one wants to buy swasticars. Do the same. Avoid all billionaire owned businesses. Buy directly from small businesses. Do it now.
It's a narrow-minded view that the super-rich don't need those services of government. Our economy demands that people spend money and the poor and retirees require money to live, thus the social programs.
It's good economics, and these brilliant billionaires should know their benefit.
Honestly, that's all it's ever been. From the mayflower until now, that's all it will ever be. All the "isms" all boil down to rich people trying to keep their money. This is the human experience, and iykyk the codes.
NEVER lose sight of the fact that Republicans enable this kind of behavior. They are not Lawmakers, they are LawBreakers, and have proven it time and time again.
MSM isn’t saying what you’re saying at all. And I’ve been saying the incoming war is really a class war that CORRUPT CORPORATE CAPITALIST OLIGARCHS are doing their absolute best into spinning into a race/religious war.
Don’t let Cult of mAgA & The Apprentice hissssself ruin the land of freedom.
The billionaires in government and in the White House hoard wealth, dodge taxes, and demand handouts while attacking the safety nets that millions depend on.
It’s not a political divide. It’s a class war and they’re the ones waging it.
That debate has been going on for 50 years. Happy you figured it out just before they declare martial law.Now what are you going to do about it? Bake cookies and complain,
Revolution is a blood sport,
Lemmings march in peace,
Hyenas beat them with sticks,
Just so y'all LIBS know when u whined about student loan reform...THIS IS THE EXACT SAME THING..WE NEEDED UR SUPPORT THEN BUT IT DIDNT AFFECT MANY OF U
Lifting the cap income for social security deductions would make it solid for generations. Oh, just as a reference, 1 million seconds is 11.6 days. 1 billion seconds is 31.7 YEARS. Billionaires should not exist.
One thing I'd add. It's us against the billionaires AND Russia. The billionaires are getting aid and material support from a hostile foreign nation. That adds a whole new dimension to the conflict.
Genuinely wtf are you saying?! Like the right is not primarily the party of the fucking billionaires, helped by millions of useful idiots who vote for billionaires interests and idiots who can’t tell the difference between the two political parties
It’s to ensure America cannot afford Universal healthcare and therefore never get it. Because billionaires need to have more money for rockets to nowhere.
Bringing down the class system is the left-wing mission, btw. Maintaining class (by maintaining capitalism, a system which requires a class of workers who must sell their labour and a class of owners to whom labour is sold) is the right-wing mission. When capital has a crisis, it does a fascism.
You’re right it’s not a left vs right. It’s a what’s right and what’s fascism! Those who still stand beside him are also standing with fascism and hate and bigotry. The rest of us will fight for what’s right for all. Not just the rich asshole religious idiots who use that to stifle the rest of us.
My question is,WTF's anyone of America's pass Presidents, VPs,Secretary of States not getting together to hold a News Conference on the situation going on in America.Are they afraid too?
If they are,then were truly up 💩 Creek.
Even more reasons why someone needs to say something.NOW & Publicly.
If you're interested to learn about just how and why the system is biased for the rich, I recommend checking out some of the videos from Gary's Economics ( He delves deep into how wealth inequality is destroying the middle class.
I keep saying it over and over to get people to understand.
If you have enough money to buy politicians, the government and the media, you have too much money.
10% 20% 30 %?
It was over 43% !
We're talking ignorant vs sane.
It also has nothing to do with class. Stupidity is stupidity
Let that sink in.
Billionaires each pay $11,000 per year in Social Security.
A billion more times
If you can't beat them, destroy them. The only point of being a part of the system is to help dismantle it from the inside while others dismantle it from the outside. 20% of us are 32 million. Not everyone can do a general strike but everyone can do there bit.
Great episode. It's pretty historically accurate, considering it's from the British. With some the west bias.
It's a class war."
Eat the rich.
1. Fire enough SS employees to cripple it
2. Fox "News" will constantly scream that SS is hopelessly ineffective and corrupt
3. Privatize SS a.k.a. "SS Advantage" to make more $$ for billionaires and Trump
Still true...
We need to flip the pyramid.
Bro, fifth time for a protest across the nation
We’ve shouted it from every rooftop we can. Now what?
If you have the time and feel that getting out the vote is the best use of it, genuinely, please go do that. I’m sure they could use your help, and it’s a better use of *your* time than criticizing me.
It has always been a class struggle. #iww
Oh wait, we ate that too!
Christian Dems should publicly leave the church.
The last thing I want to hear, as we’re being slaughtered by project 2025 robo-dogs, is some fucking QAnon asshole telling me how George Soros invented chemtrails to turn the frogs gay and that the world is flat.
sign if you can n pass it on
We can accept exploitation or end the oppression ourselves.
Our leadership is falling short, and our time to make a decision is rapidly dwindling.
That's my opinion.
It's good economics, and these brilliant billionaires should know their benefit.
Don’t let Cult of mAgA & The Apprentice hissssself ruin the land of freedom.
The billionaires in government and in the White House hoard wealth, dodge taxes, and demand handouts while attacking the safety nets that millions depend on.
It’s not a political divide. It’s a class war and they’re the ones waging it.
Class solidarity is the ONLY way we push back against these corrupt fucks.
All power to all the people.
Revolution is a blood sport,
Lemmings march in peace,
Hyenas beat them with sticks,
Then they want all the money in the trust, because there is never enough money for them. They are compulsively greedy to the point if mental disorder.
Even a small number, working together, could shift votes and make both right and left come toward the center.
Their platform would be to promote what the majority of Americans want.
It's Right vs. Wrong.
Unbelievable greed.
#WeWereRight !
If they are,then were truly up 💩 Creek.
Even more reasons why someone needs to say something.NOW & Publicly.
Now the billionaires BUY the government.