Sadly, this was entirely predictable. Little grievance babies are going to keep on whining about how their Christian faith compels them to marginalize and hate.
I’m a 74 year old woman & I just don’t get the whole thing about bathrooms. Don’t they shut the doors on their stalls? Do they take off their clothes to wash their hands? Just how damn dumb are these Christian women? I think they need to actually pay attention in church because it’s not helping yet.
Really? Did anyone just tell her to shut up? I am so done with these people! They take up all the air in the room. Look at them just say “More of the same? Do you have an original idea or do you want to continue your tantrum?”
What are the rules about House members using violence on one another? Does "in the gym" count? Not that I wouldn't love to see MTG get clocked by ... well, by anyone ... but certainly by another woman she physically attacks.
This is so sad and pathetic. But this is where we are with many Americans. We’ve regressed in compassion, empathy and humanity. The Mace is the ultimate Karen and Maga claps.
I wonder if there have ever been trans congressional aides, staffers, interns, family members, or visitors? Surely yes. So this isn't even a new issue. It's targeted bullying toward 1 person.
When guy who will be in WH said in his 2024 campaign, send girl to school & comes back a boy & Mace spouts anti-transgender rage, 'Not on my watch' & same guy said in his 2024 campaign they can shoot through the press & MTG echoes violence with 'fight' is not surprising at all.
Reminds me of Jim Crow. Whenever my parents left their Black neighborhood, they would see the signs. "Whites Only" signs were everywhere. My mother had fair skin. She would go into the dress shops and try on everything, and leave the dressing rooms like a 💣 went off. It was her personal "Fuck You."
They won on demonizing trans people. Its the new abortion, now that they've overturned Roe- and its no longer effective to focus on "dead babies".It effectively galvanizes those evangelicals who will make terrible choices for themselves as long as there is someone to be godless sinners to point at.
I worked and shared bathrooms with transgender women (at least 1 that I knew) at a casino for 11 years. She never peeked and I never peeked. The ones who need therapy are the ones who normalize discriminatory treatment. They act insane, instead of educating and accepting. Disgraceful!
finger smellers, every one of them. More concerned about policing everyone's thoughts and personal lives and raking in cash than anything to do with National best interests. They disgust me, TO A MAN (or woman)
We need to deliver the blow or their lies will win. We need to ask our members oF Cong not to support recess appointments. Tell them not to confirm specific nominees. Send the facts, ask for a response. We need to be counted+ or -. We make them own so they can't pretend they weren't involved.
It's not trans that they don't want in bathrooms. It's non-passing trans. There needs to be a bunch of adds with passing trans men on them that say, "MTG wants this man in your daughter's bathroom."
Take the gloves off and fight.
This goes both ways. I’m a staunch democrat, but we really need to learn how to pick our battles. Force feeding these issues on people is a loser. I think it’s the democrats who died on that hill.
With respect, this is "conflict avoided." The only problem here is with Mace and Green. It seems wrong to make Ms McBride use a separate facility just because of the hatefulness of those two.
Sounds a lot like “separate but equal”. How about just one labeled “trans haters only” and by the way make sure it is the most out of the way place so they will soil themselves before they get there. Wait… they could just ware adult diapers.
whackos. kooks. old sarum. willfully ignorant. worship only money. cruel. mean. laughing at degrading jokes [punching down]. insults funny. use bible like a baseball bat.
Who Cares?The women's bathroom line is always longer at any big event. I've used the men's room several times. No big deal.
I better hear that the Democratic women in the House protect her when she goes to use the restroom and the gym. I want to hear about fistfights and hair pulling.
Okay, so, if my son in law is shopping with one or all three of his girls, (aged 4-9), and one has to go to the bathroom, where should he take them? Frankly, I don’t see the problem with this entire non-issue. They’re implying the trans woman is a perv, when we know we have to be more afraid of men
Anything Republicans do, the mainstream media will blame Democrats in some way & give the Republicans a pass. Media play down the successes of Biden's administration while amplifying the lies of Trump & Republicans. The pen is mightier than the sword. Years of Right-wing propaganda has worked.
They are using this issue as a distraction because they know that it divides their opposition. It's their Roe v Wade. We can argue amongst ourselves about it as fascism takes root.
They don't really care about the issue, they just id'd it as an easy means to get in front of the cameras. Writing bills is really hard and legislating takes so much time
If MTG or Mace walked in to a bathroom I was in, I'd have to check to make sure I hadn't walked into the news room by mistake!! Two disgusting hags right there!!!
Didn’t The Citadel adjust their bathrooms to accommodate the first women students? And wasn’t one of those women … ahem … *Nancy Mace**??
Hypocrites all of them.
Every minute they waste on this and similar issues is a minute longer that fundamental due process survives. The longer they serve red meat, the harder their arteries clog.
Mace and the like put all their energy into discriminating against small segments of the electorate to make themselves seem important - it’s beyond despicable
They’ve ridden the culture wars to so much power including - at least in part - the most recent election. I think the GOP wouldn’t know what to do if the debate was an intellectual discussion about how to spend our tax money. That doesn’t frighten their voters enough!
I know (knew) a woman who voted for Trump, despite knowing full well he was a criminal & a genuine threat to women, because of this issue. Single issue voting killed this country. She’d rather see everyone suffer so she could have her own particular brand of hatred catered to.
Twins peaks of Trans fear & immigrant horror got them elected. They distracted from Trump's promise of hard times for 95%, huge wealth for 5%. Economics & democracy are abstract. A 6' guy in a dress and Black Haitians eating puppies, those are real people they can hate.
They are afraid of what they do not understand. Therefore, they bully, name call, and attack. Low emotional IQ's who think they ate better than everyone different from them.
I have kept myself largely together since the election but this triggered me. I am a CIS woman, 77, 2 CIS children. What is wrong with the the GOP that they could be so wacko nasty? Are they afraid of seeing penises? Don’t stare! Honestly, just let people alone!
This is their vile idea of a lovely picnic at the top.
a skank.
I'm hoping that maybe we're overreacting about trump's presidency. They may be evil but they are also incompetent.
If it were the hill they were dying on they wouldn't have the WH, and majorities.
Can the people that voted for these “leaders” please explain how this works?
They need to fight even after they won because their souls are so empty and nothing fills that void.
I lived in a farm…
That's all they've really ever had, hate.
Take the gloves off and fight.
Who Cares?The women's bathroom line is always longer at any big event. I've used the men's room several times. No big deal.
#PamelasFeedYourHead with
The more I learn about maga republican conservatives, the more I like dogs.
Not cockroaches.
Distraction 101, IDK??
Of course this isn't about genitals at all. it's about power and subjugation and hate.
Sarah is going to be great, just as she has been for Delaware.
There’s not two types of pallets are there. I mean wood and mouth share don’t they?
Hypocrites all of them.