Or the implementation of how he defines compassion….🙄
“If they come here illegally but their family is here legally, then the family has a choice. The person that came in illegally can go out, or they can all go out together,” Trump said.
🤷🏻♀️ just send them back together never mind the children were born and raised here. How do you just ignore the American Citizen part of that equation?
I don't think it'll happen. How much $$ will it cost to implement an infrastructure to accommodate mass deportations? A shit ton, and Republicans are incapable of funding that- I remember when the GOP refused to pay for Caligula's wall and he had to pilfer money from the Pentagon -
Another excellent piece. Pardon the TMI/cringe, but wanted to say I'm going to upgrade to paid as soon as I can. (Living on a tiny fixed income.) Thanks for making so much available free in the meantime. You are IMO one of the most important observers of this mess we have. Thank you for that too!
Yes, and if he tries to include citizens its even worse, thanks to all those low-information voters who could care less. they won’t even see that article.
This will be heartbreaking to watch AGAIN. How can self proclaimed "Christians" do this to human beings who for the majority are seeking asylum for horrors WE could never imagine and the Dreamers who have been here for decades.
The guy T is putti g in charge looks like he’s going to enjoy sending people to other countries when he talks. Also like he might be happier living in 1930’s-1940’s Germany.
Trump needs to look inside his own immigrant family. Melania has been here 19 years and still speak broken English. Ivanka, Don jr, Eric and Baron are subject to be deported under Trump birthright citizenship. Tiffany is the only child safe from deportation.
This should have been the end of the trump presidency. The world should have denounced us. The tape of children crying for their parents should have been played in congress and the Supreme Court until all were held accountable.
Such a disingenuous headline. At least be honest. It's not like what they did before separating at the border to terrorize, and it's the parents choice to take or leave the children.
Glad you’re bringing awareness to this. But you forgot to mention 1996’s IIRIRA which is the root cause of family separation w/ its inhumane bars to reentry. Mixed status families have been fearful of separation for decades - incl those with kids, and no criminal backgrounds.
For 13 years, my undoc husband and I (a natural born U.S. citizen) lived in fear of separation and it nearly killed us, so we finally left the US on our own, with my 85 and 90 yr old parents in tow who we care for, bc we’d rather leave the US than risk him getting thrown in a detention center.
Now he’s safely outside the US - but can’t return to our own house for 10 years due to the IIRIRA! The punishments mandated in that law are harsh and disproportionate. We had to abandon our lives, our work, our house, all due to a small paperwork problem in the immigration process..
We spent our life savings on lawyers trying to fix his situation but never could. Finally, just to live w/o fear of separation and be like normal married people, we left the country.
Altho I’m happy he’s free + we have no more fear of separation, the toll it’s taken is a violation of my human right to family. If you thought we had marriage equality in the U.S., think again. If we did, then I’d be able to have my crime-free husband with me in our house in NY right now.
It makes me sick Trump&Co will continue to separate kids and parents, but you can’t talk about keeping families together + ignore the 1MM+ US citizens like me who have been irreparably harmed by the IIRIRA. For those unfamiliar with the IIRIRA, read this from @vox.com: https://www.vox.com/2016/4/28/11515132/iirira-clinton-immigration
I can’t believe we’re back here again. They don’t care that our female citizens are dying from abortion bans or if American children are hungry in schools, so they definitely don’t care about humane treatment of immigrants.
My heart aches.
MAGA's favorite "mainstream" minister ran a very successful "Russian adoption" deal with Putin until sanctions stopped it, so rich white folks looked elsewhere for cheap parent-less children. Oh look! Here's a bunch of MAGA Senators shopping for their own children, or their own NESTOR, Lindsay?
Just remember that it was at this time of year that Joseph, Mary and Jesus were persecuted by the authorities of the day and had to become refugees and asylum seekers. Lest we forget.
It was shocking to me that a bunch of white people holding “mass deportation” signs was not the front page photo in newspapers across the country. For days.
I think it's going to be far, far worse this time. With a roundup the size they're aiming for, we'd encounter interruptions in the supply chain and food production.
So they'll find excuses to keep them here, imprisoned, working for free. Slavery.
I am a mother and grandmother, my family has been in the US 2 generations before me, and I still feel heartsick at what is being perpetrated. It sickens me.
I don't even have words for this level of cruelty. I have cried countless buckets of tears for these families. This will have lifelong devastating effects on the children and infants as well as parents.
why didn't the Harris campaign talk about this? It had fallen out of the memories of most ppl. Soboroff's documentary release was postponed by MSNBC (WHY???) until after the election.
What the hell?
Not in a beating voters over the head w/ it. I didn't see MSNBC or MSM or pods cover it in any significant way as a voting issue/what Trump would do... until they played the documentary after the election. Then it was 24 hours of Kids in Cages for days.
And Melania wearing that jacket to visit caged children, broadcasting that she didn't care! Stomach turning. Perverse. And she's back "for the schildrin". Vampira.
The most brutal action there is....separating families. This was done to Native families with boarding schools. This was done to enslaved families in this country. This was done to immigrant families AGAIN during the current times. Brutality!!!
It's also why they want to end birthright citizenship. The problem with that is that the vast majority of Americans are citizens because of birthright citizenship. He could deport anyone if they managed to get rid of birthright citizenship.
Except that he couldn’t, because no country will take them. My dad had birthright citizenship. He wasn’t an Irish citizen although his parents were. If he were still alive, where would they deport him?
Obviously the answer is concentration camps. 🤦🏼♀️☠️
When recounting the Roberto Beristain story, you seem to take side with the villains in the story. All those heartbroken White people including David Keck thought their bigotry & racism could be targeted. DHS came for their “friend” because he was working and paying taxes. He was easy to find.
I had heard they are exploring deporting US citizens married to undocumented immigrants to avoid family separation. Which gos without saying, an equally horrible option.
Family separation also means isolated children ideal for abuse and exploitation. Brought to you by the party that ALWAYS screams about LGBTs coming for your kids.
We must do everything we can to fight this.
“If they come here illegally but their family is here legally, then the family has a choice. The person that came in illegally can go out, or they can all go out together,” Trump said.
Right wing never considers the human cost of their policies. Pure evil.
Buckle up it's gonna get bumpy.
My heart aches.
Separating breastfeeding mothers from infants & kids in cages made me cry every day of 45.
I'm an immigrant. My kids were born in 2018 and 2020.
I couldn't ever imagine France doing that to us.
But this is the reality in USA soon.
So they'll find excuses to keep them here, imprisoned, working for free. Slavery.
How heartless MAGAts must be to be fine with tearing babies away from moms.
And I'm terrified that this time these deportation camps are going to be exactly like those of WW2 Germany
Scary times for all of us actually. Unless you're a white, Christian conservative male, you really could be fucked.
Joyce- please keep us abreast of anything we the ppl can do about this issue.
What the hell?
But why did MSNBC postpone this? It was a conscious decision. And when they finally aired it, it was too late.
Obviously the answer is concentration camps. 🤦🏼♀️☠️
Who are we?
It’s Reverse Immigration & it forces children to assimilate to another culture & be forced to learn the language & go to school in that country.
It’s CRUEL & no one is talking about this.
NO. It’s traumatic. Children don’t talk about the trauma because they can’t process emotions the way adults can & talk about things.
It curtails their promising future.
Let’s talk about this.