Counter Programming State of The Union: This is literally the best piece you could read tonight, because, puppy. Also, chickens.
Even named my first born Christopher because that Christopher Robin song got stuck in my head when I was pregnant with him. 😊
All these pictures are great anti programming to #SOTU.'s%20Federal,important%20on%20the%20congressional%20calendar.
They are so adorable.What are their names?
Puppies are ALWAYS a good thing!! I love puppies!! Hell, I actually watch The Puppy Bowl on Super Bowl Sunday before the real game!! 😀🙌👍🐶🐕
Beautiful, keep on adopting!
Everyone should be watching the Democrats follow Al Green's example one after the other, stopping that speech line by line, interrupting and either being removed or voluntarily turning their back and leaving
Then I will join your revolution
Yes, puppies & kittens
The mood in Canada is fire
We are pissed, it’s a special kind of idiot to start a trade war on an ally that has been a solid, true friend
My friends don’t make the mistake of confusing kindness with weakness this dumb FCK has messed with the wrong country.
My lad Kit at 3 months, he's a Jack Russel
My beautiful lavender Belgian d'Uccles
Soldiers from Canada have fought against our enemies many times over the years.
Canada and the people of Canada have earned the right to be treated well by our government and our people.
I will not watch the speech, as I literally cannot stomach looking at that creature or hearing its voice.
💙💙🌊🌊 #NeverGiveUp #UnitedBlue #Resisters #BlueCrew #TrumpSucks #NaziElon #AndysMyGov #Obama2028 (Any of the 4 will work)🌊🌊💙💙