Like he would know dirty from clean produce. I doubt he could identify an apple even before syphilitic dementia set in. If it’s not fried, wrapped in paper, or served in a paper container, he ain’t eating it. Cholesterol, please I’m begging you: do the thing!
OK, but let’s level the playing field. They have harsh consequences. Let’s have harsh consequences if people start dying because of negligence the ceo should be put to death by firing squad.
As a chef who testified on the magnusen act of 1993 for fish safety n handling , I will now tell America eat seafood at your own risk. Because this will get ripped out.
WHat the hell does Trump know about produce? All he eats are McDonalds hamburgers and french fries! With diet coke to poison his brain even more than it already is poisoned!
Vegetables and some berries grow in the ground, unless in hydroponics. Fertilizer is used and sources vary. He’s never been on a farm or in a garden. Hence, dirt. Produce is always cleaned initially to remove dirt, then again….
A lot of the people who are left to do this job are active duty - USPHS Commissioned Corps officers, and they are the public heath version of the thin blue line.
I’m so sorry our elected officials and their abjectly twisted tech bro are absolutely, violently batshit nuts and that you kind people are having to deal with this psychopathology.
We’re trying to fix this. Please believe me. It’s daunting.
Oh, he meant "rare earth" (minerals.) Sorry.
so that all the dummies who support him actually believe that it’s possible to grow tropical crops in Michigan
Has anyone commented on the 🍊🤡 statements about bringing in foreign workers?
Nothing against worker visas, only wonder how many Americans will remain unemployed as jobs are filled with lower cost labor.
Given current trends, this is going to be very bad for American white and blue collar jobs.
Sorry, I’ve been up for way too long.
Does he EVER eat produce which can be washed!
I don’t know why they don’t want our food. They have their reasons. 🙄
Who the f&@k knows what he is talking about.
He doesn’t know
I've given up on all produce from the US but In gave up on the lettuce a number of years ago. It's only going to get worse from here.
Birds of a feather flock together.
Steven Miller writes his stuff
Not sure he knows where food even comes from , or how it gets turned into hamberders
He knows this.
Oh, and guess what? PRODUCE CAN BE WASHED YOU STUPID NUMPTY (him, not you Joyce)
We’re trying to fix this. Please believe me. It’s daunting.
“Don’t touch the dirty produce Donny!.”