The audio was horrible for those of us lucky enough to get into the deportation hearing but it was good enough to make clear that the Judge wants the gov’t to clarify the facts so he can determine whether they were in contempt of court. He only used that word once but it was clear.
I predict not long.
With near total immunity, pardon power and a complicit SCOTUS, what incentive do they have to comply?
What happens when Trump
Declares Martial Law,
replacing civilian rule
with military authority,
suspending civil liberties
and allowing the military
to enforce laws?
(Looks up from book) Right?
Seize that company's planes.
Time to MAKE AN EXAMPLE of people who break the laws and defy the courts.
We’re beginning to be wise to the ways of this “transparency“ 😏
not 1 hearing tho cuz never rcvd an appliction frm the AG 4 the removal of an alien terrorist
Where or where art thou Pam Bondi ?
aren’t they arrested?
You know, public safety.
He's probably going to throw one or more DOJ lawyers in jail.
Put them in contempt, jail them, then say it's 'too late' to do otherwise.
He must be spittin' mad behind his incredibly restrained demeanor.