Canadians love theirs. Ukrainians love theirs! Gteenlanders love theirs! Panamanians love theirs!
So why do American politicians fail in that understanding?
I am no longer able t join protests. Instead whenever I go out, unfortunately not as much as i like due to medical issue I wear my protest shirts. I am working on more but here are 2 of them Ppl come up to me, thumbs up or I agree or take pics so that then my protest gets passedon.
If we love our country then we should take it back we should not let Russian traitors criminals run our country and take over our White House that's a shame that America isn't strong enough to keep their country together I'm just sick inside that are Representatives can't stand up to the devil shame
One week before my 75th birthday I’m heading out with my wife to protest against the destruction of American democracy.
I did not expect to be in this moment, but here we are.
Let’s Go.
💪💙🇺🇸 I will fight for freedom and human rights in this country till my last breath. My grandparents (and great-grands) did it and I'll maintain that legacy as long as I can.
Yet, what are We ACTUALLY doing to stop them from destroying everything we love and hold dear, like our basic human rights, our livelihoods, our access to medical care, benefits, and life, liberty or happiness?
That’s what appeasers think. We will stop them - the question is how long will it take & how much will it cost all of us. The iron curtain fell eventually but most people never saw it coming till it did. It died from millions of small cuts not one big bang.
They have you right where they want you and precisely why you can't stop them. We can and we will. Make no mistake, we are taking our country back. We fight or die. Will you join us?
Plain and simple. This is war that can and will be fought with the people. We have the power to enact changes!
WW We Will Win!
I've been protesting, but I decided to do something different. I made an ad. I've given a lot of thought as to how to communicate without confrontation to Republican voters, non-voters, or Trumpers who are beginning to be concerned. I hope you'll watch - it's only 30 seconds.
This is very interesting. I've been struggling to find ways to get trump supporters to change their minds about him. The message has to be very simple because they are not deep thinkers. Has this been shown to trump voters to gauge their reactions?
One thing I notice in this plainspoken spot is the vocal casting & directing for the voiceover. Tracks with the plain visual style. Fits since it’s exposing Trump’s toxic TV-fixation.
I have to follow you on Delphi 1.0/YouTube and Delhi 2.0 The BSKY!!! Thanks for existing, & there is the sun flower... its like every other second.
With faith based on recorded history and oral stories I AM here!!!🦁
I Trust in Gaia, the Constitution & Jesus; periodt!!!
What a terrific idea. It would be great if ads made by regular folks were encouraged and promoted by
You did an excellent job. Very effective. And Kudos to your neighbor. He has a great voice. You've started something that could be a real asset in the fight for democracy. 💙💙
Love the concept and the writing but your neighbor’s voice, though rich, was not the tone that message needed.
You need a lifted declamatory voice for this, a sound to rouse with the message.
Thanks for the work!
Short well produced informative ads are a great idea.
If they are not injected into the propaganda information silos they are absolutely worthless. MAGAs eyes & ears are in deep, deep cultish propaganda silos.
This nails it! What I've been doing is doubling all my too small contributions to food aid (home and abroad), UNHCR, environmental causes. It's all I could think of, beyond encouraging my wonderful Congressman #DeSaulnier, who focuses mightily "on the ground" with anti-poverty, child care etc
This is great! Really great! We need some where Rump/Musk aren’t mentioned at all. People put a wall up the minute he is seen. Focusing it on Our way of life being threatened. The things we count on being attacked. The elderly being expendable etc.
Good thinking, and great job! I like that you put a lot of thought into being non-confrontational. Fox has conditioned viewers to react with anger and disgust to key phrases. To reach those exposed to the conditioning, communication must stay clear of all prepared hot-button issues.
Yes, that was the most important thing, as far as I was concerned. I wanted people to be able to send it to Republican relatives without a family feud.
It’s true
It’s why he’s holds his sharpie EO signings & cabinet/praise the dear leader photo ops.
He’s doesn’t know how to run the government - and this time around he didn’t even appoint people who do…
We’ve had enough
Call Congress! 📞
(202) 224-3121
This should be aired on
And for people that would prefer to WATCH something rather than READ it, this is beautiful in its simplicity. I’m not being sarcastic. It really is much easier for us to just watch a 30 second spot rather than read, especially when we’re tired. GREAT JOB!
We’re going to a ranch (in Woke CA) for a quick vacation in April, so I got a cheap pair of western boots, but it wasn’t obvious from the photos that they had an American flag embossed on them. My initial reaction was, “I’d better return them so I don’t seem MAGA.” F that. I’m keeping them.
I have trouble loving a country that will let you rape children if you have enough wealth and power. It is 20 years since Jeffrey Epstein was first investigated and not a single client was jailed. It's possible that two of those clients held the office of President.
Hell no!! They're holding it back because Trump is all over it and God forbid people have it in black and white produced by his people. That is never going to happen as long as Trump is near anything US government.
When was Clinton ever accused of child molestation or rape? I must have missed that. Or are you talking about when he got a job in the oval office by Lewinsky?
He is all over the Epstein stuff. The difference between maga and us is that every dem I have ever talked to, says if it were ever proved true about Clinton, they would want him arrested. Maga would refuse to believe it about Trump
And that is true. And I don't believe that every single person that was in a picture with this asshat is a child predator. There haven't been any other reports of Clinton going after little girls unlike Trump. "In 5 years I could date her" is a disgusting statement.
I don’t think anybody has ever said that Clinton was on the island. I know the Clinton foundation used Epstein‘s plane several times, but nobody has said that slick Bill was on the island.
Exactly. Love for the country means working to preserve its core values, protect its people, and make sure everyone has a fair shot at a better future.
I’m done with these right wing MF’rs claiming ownership of America. I support universal health care and a living wage. I support peace, love & happiness unless you start breaking shit. Immigrants that are here committing crimes - buh bye. Immigrants here to work, I’ll hire you.
The odd thing about Trump is during his first term, he made me realize how patriotic I actually am, but during his second term, my patriotism found me rooting for Canada. He’s the only POTUS who has united millions in support of a country he has declared an enemy.
That's correct Joyce, but we also do this because we hate big fat orange turds, Nazis, fake Christians, deaf, blind and dumb Maghats, Elmo, and his swastikars, Repugnat Repubs, anti-DEI GOP & Corporations, rapists and Pedophiles, etc.
Greed formed them. All without compassion, empathy or humility.
Your leadership (and that of other talking heads and lawyers) failed in that the rule of law failed to keep us out of this current swamp, and you have not been able, in probably 20 years of trying, to stop that from happening.
I pray for a peaceful return to rule of law & good faith government.
Right now, just loving our country is not enough. Remember Trump successfully sold himself on loving this country more than any politician in history, and MAGA bought it, hook, line and sinker. Everything we are doing now is because we need to SAVE our democracy. It maybe our last chance.
You forgot the chunk in the graph for all the people who were too lazy to vote at all or so self-righteous they thought voting for Jill Stein would “send a message.”
The message was “we are fine with a fascist authoritarian dictatorship that harms everyone we’re pretending to stand up for, as long as we get to pretend we’re on a higher moral plane than everyone else.”
I hope the "We can survive four more years of trump" people enjoy watching millions of marginalized people get ruined. From their nice wealthy neighborhood in their big blue state. Because everything was always about them.
Many of them feel that this collapse was necessary and wanted to speed it along. But when you ask any of them what their plan is in the face of raging fascism, they have none. They can’t see past their own noses. They have no concept of how these things play out and how long it takes to rebuild.
Our system is designed in such a way that small parties damage the large parties they are closest to. It's like taking the positive end of a small magnet and trying to get it to stick to the positive end of a large magnet. All it really does is help the negative end of the large magnet.
Also doesn’t help the small party’s “leaders” are probably Russian agents who pop out of the woodwork every four years and do no party-building in between. Fuck Jill Stein and her unbearable supporters pretending to be champions of the downtrodden. It’s utter bullshit.
Steve Schmidt made a tweet 3 years ago saying that Russian influence of GOP started with Manafort on the McCain campaign in 2008, and went deep. He said that Palin was a Russian stooge, and Russians got her on the ticket. Schmidt worked for McCain. Seems like that's a thread that needs to be pulled.
Billionaires and insiders; people who hope they will benefit but will be punished by the first group; people who are afraid and who will be punished by the first group
I have an ancestor who died at the Battle of Tarawa, 20 Nov 1943, LT Clinton Donahoe. He was buried at sea. He's on the National Memorial in Honolulu. My father and Uncle fought in WWII. Cadet Bonespurs chooses Weekend News Hegseth who shares the same contempt he has for the military.
My uncle was on the Yorktown at Coral Sea and Midway....Dad was on a fleet oiler in the Pacific and Atlantic.....his youngest brother died on a B-24 Liberator. Mom's youngest died on a frozen hillside in Korea. All of my uncles served.
How many Republican people in Congress have parents and grandparents who served? I'm thinking few to none. They never saw their parents serve in their hometown in community clubs, collect for the March of Dimes, run the Soapbox Derby, or clean up the environment? Work their way through college?
I think that's why Republicans are so fucked up. They graduated college with no student loans to pay, and "pull themselves up by their bootstraps" was spoken as they looked at poor people from their raised windows with the AC on full blast. They have no idea what real people are like.
This is Project 25. Donald is too lazy and not smart enough to do this. This is Stephen Miller and the rest of these Nazis. The Republicans are all enabling this. Make no mistake. This is a Nazi takeover of our country.
Do what Joyce ?
With all do respect,the world watch’s America’s fall from grace through a different lense than most American’s,one that see’s an apathetic electorate that’s too ignorant to understand what’s at stake or an established opposition to communicate the solution to fight for it.
Trump, without Congress, is dismantling the Department of Education. He orders Chief Justice Roberts to "stop the injunction now!" This is a dictatorship—no more three branches, just Trump. Martial law is next. Arrests without due process. Democracy is over.
The audacity of threatening Maine by holding money until she apologizes????? OMG. Fuck him. I absolutely would not do it. My blood would boil. I hate him.
"I love America more than any other country in the world, and, exactly for this reason, I insist on the right to criticize her perpetually." -James Baldwin
To Congress, ALL of Congress, the majority of U.S. citizens collectively say, HELP Save the U.S.A.! There have been enough missteps of high crimes, misdemeanors, bribery, and treason harming ALL citizens this year. At this point impeachment is more than justifiable, and it's a Congressional duty.
The time is NOW for us to UNITE!!!
It's our turn!!!
Let's show them what the U in USA stands for! The ONLY way we can defeat them is to stand UNITED!!!
#Resist #HandsOff2025
We love our country, and we love our fellow humans. This is truly one of the essentials that has made our country strong. And it's likely the core of what will pull us out of this mess.
Not me. I don't love this country. I used to! 65 years of constant hatred of women, children, and minorities convinced me I should not, could not love this country.
Nazis should kill themselves.
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs ...
Imagine if we could focus on things that would fulfill these needs. We keep campaigning on the top two tiers when a significant portion of our country needs the bottom two right now.
When this is over, will Democrats have the courage to charge the lawless enablers with their crimes? Or will they put more people like Merrick Garland in place to sabotage the process with paralysis again?
Been fighting "the government" in court for many decades. Not doing it for the money, and can't pay tens of millions to the Dear Leader to continue to do so. But not planning on stopping anytime soon.
I could care less about countries. How about human rights across the world? Countries are tribes. Perhaps if we started to refer them as such, ancient…as ridiculous constructs we’ll continue to destroy the planet, ourselves, and every living thing.
Why does it always have to be the greatest, the best and what's with this American exceptionalism? Sounds at times rather ridiculous. Just be decent, honest and good to your friends. Canadian here 👋🍁#ElbowsUp
The notion of “greatest” is why everyone is just sitting around and watching! Why did I have to live with all these decades reliving John Kennedy’s brains exploding all over his wife for everyone to just shrug their shoulders when a real fascist shows up!
The greatest aspirstions/belief of many psychopaths maybe, is what got us here, but the greatest aspirations/beliefs of most didn't get us here. Good didn't create the evil we're dealing with. Good also isn't going to concur the evil. Fight fire with fire.
Yes- I think phrases like “America first”, and “Make America Great Again” are all shit. It’s become obvious they mean betraying our allies and isolating us so we have no friends except in this case Russia. It’s made us THE ASSHOLE of the world.
It’s their abuse and misapplication that’s the problem— “America first” is predicated on a false premise: that we can’t walk and chew bubblegum at the same time. Or, rather, that we can’t be a benevolent participant in the world and take care of our own at the same time. We have the capacity.
“Make America Great Again” is intentionally broad and ill-defined. Makes an effective rallying cry, though— who wouldn’t want to live in a great place? So the marks of this con are left to follow with their ideals while the con artists make serfs of them.
America was founded as a nation of ideals— ideals that outstripped even the imaginations of the founders; ideals like “all men are created equal,” or that we have “unalienable rights.” America became greater each time those definitions were expanded
I've never been one to settle for good enough. If we're gonna do something, do it right and if we have to settle it's only because our best was not quite good enough to get there, and never because it's what we were aiming for 🤷🏼♂️
We can't be kind nor decent to those that would tear our country apart for greed and power. We can't keep tolerating hate and injustice. Why do we say and justice for all, when we never see it. We don't have equal justice. And we are losing rights as I type this.
We do need to ostracize hate. And promote a just and kind society. We need a vision of what that looks like: we share goals to get there but don’t really have a collective vision for what it is we want to achieve.
My question is this if Trump’s opponents are being threatened with ASSASSINATION pulling their security clearances will make it easy, correct?! Donald Trump, the FBI and the current justice Dept. CANNOT be depended on to protect any opposition especially since he pardoned ALL THOSE CRIMINALS 🤔
Do you think the Justices see what is happening and recognize they are complicit and regret their delays and their decision? Or are some of them celebrating Trump’s actions?
It’s never been about efficiency. It’s tearing down the US strength, security, economy, health and education for the benefit of the tinpot war criminal and allow the uberrich to pick up assets cheap
Donald has done every single thing he possibly could to place America at a lower standing. Everything. Even things that make no sense to American prosperity. It feels deeper than simply capitalism. You’ve an outside force purposely destroying the country.
Both parties are say that, with different meanings. Trumpers say it meaning they will be suffering high egg prices while people disappear. The rest of us say it meaning we are fighting and planning to overthrow those who are trampling the constitution.
sincere question from a committed liberal: i like our country, want it to function to its highest potential and, given its wealth, offer justice and vision to a dark world. but i don't love it. i think "loving" countries can lead to bad things. what am i missing?
Or we love the country that John Adams, Franklin, Jefferson and colleagues created in 1776. If a country is a people of a certain character, that country is gone. If a country is an idea, that idea is no longer grasped.
It's true, America is like your drunken racist dick uncle at Thanksgiving.
It's well past time he sobers up. It's our job to force him to.
Diligently is the key. Most of us know that work needs to be done. Our spending is way off kilter, budget deficits way too big. Our infrastructure needs updating and our inner cities are in terrible shape. Our gun control needs improvement and city’s too. Bulls in China Shop not the answer.
Yes but a true patriot would not destroy the country prior to making it great again. A true patriot would not destroy people's lives for their own prosperity. A true patriot would live by the Constitution of this country!
Joyce a suggestion: with an education deficit, lawyers, scholars shld hold town halls to educate the public on the rule of law and the Constitution. Schools stopped teaching civics and basic legal principles and parents need a refresher—it’s up to them to fill the gap as we fast-track toward fascism
I can't believe how quickly we caved. The Constitution loophole was found and is being abused.
Congress= makes the law
Courts = decide if it's Constitutional
Executive = enforce the law ( but what about if the enforcer abuses it? Who is the enforcer then?)
Andrew Jackson (trail of tears)
So why do American politicians fail in that understanding?
I did not expect to be in this moment, but here we are.
Let’s Go.
Yet, what are We ACTUALLY doing to stop them from destroying everything we love and hold dear, like our basic human rights, our livelihoods, our access to medical care, benefits, and life, liberty or happiness?
Actions speak louder than words
WW We Will Win!
We seek to stop them because we love everyone.
More info on this on my pinned feed.
With faith based on recorded history and oral stories I AM here!!!🦁
I Trust in Gaia, the Constitution & Jesus; periodt!!!
You need a lifted declamatory voice for this, a sound to rouse with the message.
Thanks for the work!
If they are not injected into the propaganda information silos they are absolutely worthless. MAGAs eyes & ears are in deep, deep cultish propaganda silos.
We’re not.
It’s why he’s holds his sharpie EO signings & cabinet/praise the dear leader photo ops.
He’s doesn’t know how to run the government - and this time around he didn’t even appoint people who do…
We’ve had enough
Call Congress! 📞
(202) 224-3121
This country has been a lot of things, but it’s more than a sum of its faults. It is us, and our potential. We can be better.
And as Oscar Wilde put it, “it is not the perfect, but the imperfect who are in need of love.”
I requested they add court decisions to show progress reversals. It would also show democracy at work!
Greed formed them. All without compassion, empathy or humility.
I pray for a peaceful return to rule of law & good faith government.
It all looks like fun on television and in hammed up youtube videos.
But I do hate Trump and fascism.
They pulled out of Germany because of Pearl Harbor and more recently they were reluctantly forced to reduce their business in Russia.
Not just figuratively, but a complete realignment; an Allied power switching to the Axis side.
Don’t let this administration take our Democracy to a “second location”. Ignoring court orders/rulings = red line.
With all do respect,the world watch’s America’s fall from grace through a different lense than most American’s,one that see’s an apathetic electorate that’s too ignorant to understand what’s at stake or an established opposition to communicate the solution to fight for it.
Is this really how Americans want to treat people- ANY people???
For the many who don't
"We" did all that before and it got us nowhere.
The time is NOW for us to UNITE!!!
It's our turn!!!
Let's show them what the U in USA stands for! The ONLY way we can defeat them is to stand UNITED!!!
#Resist #HandsOff2025
Conservatives act the way they do because they hate half the people in our country.
Nazis should kill themselves.
Imagine if we could focus on things that would fulfill these needs. We keep campaigning on the top two tiers when a significant portion of our country needs the bottom two right now.
You, me, the people we know and love. We are all here too.
Part of the outrage is the dissonance, and the theft of what is also ours.
We are not conceding our country to thieves and abusers.
We don't riot, we don't pillage, we don't shoot anyone
THEY lose and they riot the capitol seat of our Goverment,
The candidate himself a felon goes on a mass shooting .
We are not the same. They are a danger to society.
The "greatest" aspiration/belief of many Americans is what got us here in the first place.
America was founded as a nation of ideals— ideals that outstripped even the imaginations of the founders; ideals like “all men are created equal,” or that we have “unalienable rights.” America became greater each time those definitions were expanded
But I understand the sentiment lol
#freeluigi gets more play than MSM. covers all the protests.
Thomas Paine
Tariffs are to extort and break alliances.
Never forget it was WE THE PEOPLE who wrote the Constitution, not a king, or autocrat, certainly not a convicted felon.
It's well past time he sobers up. It's our job to force him to.
Fight now.
This sucks.
Congress= makes the law
Courts = decide if it's Constitutional
Executive = enforce the law ( but what about if the enforcer abuses it? Who is the enforcer then?)
Andrew Jackson (trail of tears)