Exactly. This is just The Illegal And Immoral Outrage Of The Day, for which there will be absolutely no consequences, and by next Monday we’ll sadly have forgotten all about it as ever more horrifying outrages compete for attention. Until we’re just numb to it all - by design.
He’s not gonna get fired. They love that the libs are screaming about this and calling out the double standard about emails, replaying video from Hegs on FOX bitching about the Biden administration, and posting old tweets from Tulsi. US be damned.
Uh no, we’re talking about deceitful and highly discredited members of the Republican Party including JDVance, Marco Rubio, Peter Hegseth, and Michael Waltz
This is how they roll. It's not that they are ever doing anything wrong. It's the people that point out the wrongness that are the problem. This is the Criminal Mind. And our administration is packed with criminals.
So if he feels that way, why would he send such messages with him in the thread. Also… sending this on a commercial app is so psycho it’s hard to even believe.
UNQUALIFIED, CORRUPT PUTIN/TRUMP CRONIES like Hegseth NEVER take ANY responsibility for any of their own endless incompetence; but, instead, simply spew false accusations against Democrats and Free Press Journalists who DO report the real truth about these corrupt anti-American fascist lying pigs.
Ahhh ..YES .. the quintessential “ blame game “ deflection, projection and defamation … this guy is a pussy ass little bitch ..who needs to be bitch slapped !!!
They should be thanking him for not releasing the entire chat instead of calling him names. If I were Jeffrey Goldberg, I’d release it to the public. Screw them for being rude about it.
Hegseth’s smear isn’t just deflection. It’s a tactic. Discredit the press and make loyalty the only truth that matters. It’s about control & loyalty. In this game, journalists aren’t critics. They’re targets.
🤣 Oh, yeah, surrre, Hegseth! On the contrary, we are talking about YOU, an unfit alcoholic rapist who was and is supremely unqualified for the critically important job you were rammed into! Whatabout and cast blame elsewhere all you want- but we demand you resign, you lowlife punk!
These fools are a danger to the Republic, they act like it is a rave at Buffy's house.
There is no remedy except REMOVING and CHARGING all these incompetent actors with ALL Applicable LAWS.
#FireThemAll NOW!
“ … While - I - am a drunkard who shares military secrets, not because i was using a civilian app for military planning, but because I managed to invite the super bad journalist into the group chat ALL BY MYSELF!!! You see the difference?”
We are talking about a drunken, sexually abusive, lying, sack of shit that doesn’t have a clue what he is doing, and never should have been designated, much less confirmed, as Sec of Defense
The media really needs to do more to get the administration to actually answer their questions. This is an obvious deflection. We need to get true answers ‘on the record’ / document their lies.
Consistent message, blame the victim (Goldberg, who didn't ask for this). Humiliating and embarrassing and the first of most likely many mistakes these clowns will make.
Yeah Pete we're talking about him, why were you talking to him? Why were you sharing secret information on a group chat if you didn't know who was in it?
no. that’s the point. that’s their version of ‘loyalty,’ & ‘fealty’ to the wannabe ‘imperor.’
yes. i know how to spell. this word is better … it’s meaningless & just wrong, just like these imbecilic jackwagons who’ve highjacked our government.
He’s such a liar 🤥 🤥🤥 And why is he always so fidgety and angry? He should never in a million years be Secretary of Defense or anywhere near the government.
I lost my mind this morning when I saw this video. Impeach this incompetent joker. And they have all lied in front of the senate confirmation hearings so they all need to go away. And Trump once again deflects using his ignorance statement and then the bully statement about The Atlantic.
The video interview, the reporter, he watched for days! Till they actually did what they said they was going to do. Right down to weather reports & targets.
So, he’s saying that he sent classified materials to a journalist that he thinks is deceitful and discredited — which makes this even worse than if he had sent it to a journalist who is honest and credible.
Mama? Oh no—wait. NOT mama. Ignore that last txt. It wz for, um, JD Vance. Yeah, Vance. NOT you. 😬 I didn’t mean to talk about war plans, BUT—hear me out—the wine tasted GOOOD. Like, gourmet level. Do u forgive me? Say u do. Love u. 💕 Also plz delete this text... like, forever. 🙈
Luv Pete.
He sounds just like Trump. That’s the playbook they’ll try to use. Just remember EVERYONE knew this drunken slob was unfit and unqualified and yet Republicans confirmed him anyway. They OWN this just as much as Trump does.
Gosh SO STUNNING that Pete Hegseth would do this, said NO ONE. Hope all the Republicans in the House are mortified with their decision to confirm this. Did anybody ask if he was drunk?
Hegseth is irresponsible and completely unqualified , add in his swaggering bravado and it is downright scary that he is at this level of our national security… but the buck stops with Trump! (Who also fills all these unfortunate qualities)
Why would you expect anything different. This is the playbook.
1. Accuse foe of what are already doing or plan to do.
2. Do the terrible thing.
3. Deny you did the terrible thing.
4. State the terrible thing is not terrible, just normal practice.
5. Rinse. Repeat.
Deny deny and deny some more. I can't tell the truth. We're losers masquerading as competent politicians. We're just criminals in suits! We have no idea the proper protocol for highly sensitive information. We're winging it!
Such false reflection and direct deflection from a drunk dialing incompetent fool. He should be fired, charged with espionage and treason and sentenced to Leavenworth. Period. Full stop.
I’m pretty sure that if we invaded Greenland right now, with this guy in charge, we’d lose because our infantry would be shooting at our Navy and our Air Force would be bombing them both and the Marines would be getting Nazi tattoos.
No, Pete. We’re talking about you using an unsecured public app for official government business. If you used proper channels none of this would be in the news.
That coming from a deceitful and highly discredited SecDef. He, like his boss, won’t ever admit they screwed up, so they lie and divert attention and blame. If this keeps up then Hegseth may find himself thrown under the bus, like so many others, by Trump.
The principal requirement of the new ethic is not that the individual should be "good",
but that he should be psychologically autonomous ‐
that is to say, healthy and productive,
and yet at the same time not
psychologically infectious.
* https://sites.google.com/view/somnus/psychoanalysis/erich-neumann
Hegseth has been a clown and full amateur from the beginning. Can’t help but think the other nat sec folks want to at least seem like they are competent. Easiest move is fire Hegseth.
That is just not going to cut it. It’s authentic and he sounds like a hysterical lunatic who probably writes epithets on his house and car like the town weirdo
They learned it from the best of them - Trump.
And they have total, unassailable impunity.
But her emails, right?
#FuckTrump #FuckTheGOP
Act surprised,
Look concerned, and
Deny everything.
liar. If he had ANY integrity at all, he would resign IMMEDIATELY
How long before they just start saying "fake news next question"
And this is just the stuff we know about.
It will just get worse.
There is no remedy except REMOVING and CHARGING all these incompetent actors with ALL Applicable LAWS.
#FireThemAll NOW!
Roy Cohn
He could have listened on forever.
yes. i know how to spell. this word is better … it’s meaningless & just wrong, just like these imbecilic jackwagons who’ve highjacked our government.
Nobody? Hello? Bueller? Bueller? Bueller?
If you are in charge, responsibility falls to you. If you can't handle the responsibility, take your bottle and go back to FOX.
Luv Pete.
Gonna be a Lot of These Forms passed around, too.
But who’s keeping track
Now we know what Pete thinks of himself: Deceitful and highly discredited
1. Accuse foe of what are already doing or plan to do.
2. Do the terrible thing.
3. Deny you did the terrible thing.
4. State the terrible thing is not terrible, just normal practice.
5. Rinse. Repeat.
It works like a charm every time. At least it has, so far.
Scapegoat Psychology :
The principal requirement of the new ethic is not that the individual should be "good",
but that he should be psychologically autonomous ‐
that is to say, healthy and productive,
and yet at the same time not
psychologically infectious.
Yes we know this is part of the Republican playbook but it is getting really old.
Uncle! UNCLE!!!
Might have to throw out the “double down” playbook this time.