This is really disappointing as a disabled person who participated in programs like this in high school.
These programs are largely designed to educate people on the autism spectrum about the nuances of working. Without them, people will just become more reliant on disability.
The reason I was able to get my first job was the references I got from doing summer internships through a similar program.
The reason I was able to hold that high-pressure retail job (until the store closed 😔) was that I learned to advocate for my disability through programs like this.
I'm 64. Was pre-ADA kid. No Junior high. No high school. Forced to get a GED instead. Struggled like hell to get through college. Get a sense of that period in Netflix's "Crip Camp" documentary (produced by Obamas).
Ok friends how do we fight this? I have a son on the spectrum in a wonderful HS that has programs to help transition him into full employment. This is pure evil on behalf of this administration.
It does look like it is as stupid and ridiculous as they are just cutting any and all programs and grants with words like transition and diversity in their descriptions by a keyword search without ever checking what the program is actually about. Incompetence on top of cruelty.
I have noted for some time that "the left" avoids talk of the EUGENICS angle - that it's not accidental, it's deliberate targeting of undervalued, dehumanized populations. Especially, they avoid raising the visibility of the FACT that people with disabilities are targeted. Any ideas as to WHY?
Well it's real whether or not people deny it. I've been tracking the eugenicists for many years. They're quieter during some periods and don't openly call it "eugenics". Most recently, since the pandemic, they're feeling more emboldened to spread their ideology and work it into legislation
Yes, it's pretty clear they aren't interested in making improvements. If they were, they wouldn't be firing the people who know about efficiency, firing the people who provide oversight, the people who recently received promotions, etc. "Slash and burn" is a good way to describe it.
Anyone who has worked at a large institution of any sort- business, school or church- knows there are flaws. Because they are run by human beings. Waste, mistaken priorities- this is the world even in businesses- it’s a myth that they are any different.
Eliminating all of these amazing programs will have devastating effects in ways we can't even foresee. It's not always about saving a buck. Saving lives, improving lives, is priceless.
These programs are largely designed to educate people on the autism spectrum about the nuances of working. Without them, people will just become more reliant on disability.
The reason I was able to hold that high-pressure retail job (until the store closed 😔) was that I learned to advocate for my disability through programs like this.
It sickens me to my core to think about what less fortunate cities and towns are going through if even the best-funded programs are getting gutted.
Because cuts like these might not be simple casualties of their oligarchical aspirations. They might be part of the design plan.
No system is perfect. The education system was flawed and in huge need of improvement.
But this slash and burn method will destroy children's lives. Gutting programs that are helping kids is dangerous and evil.