👀 Mark Rutte: "Russia’s economy is no bigger than the economies of the 🇳🇱Netherlands and 🇧🇪Belgium combined. But they produce in three months what all of NATO produces in a year. They don’t have our high salaries, our bureaucracy, and they have created a military economy."
What do you think? 🤔
What do you think? 🤔
With Ukraine transit closed, France, who has been increasing purchases from russsia is now likely the largest purchaser
The sanctions have limited chips, modern optics and many other essentials for producing modern equipment. They aren't sending T55s and 64s because they can build many modern tanks for example.
No econemy works like that for longer.
NATO just keeps revealing their weakness to putin
do they think this will save them?
Russia is happy to treat people as disposable objects, let's not copy that behaviour. Our politicians do, in fact, need to make some investments, though
At the very least, providing more could very well save Ukrainian lives!!!
We will reduce everyone's salaries
(well, not that of us bureaucrats),
reduce all public services
(we rich folks don't need them anyhow), and
create an economy that everyone benefits from
(well, everyone who is already rich)!
It'll continue to get slower.
He is right for the rest, and we should have started the european war machine 2 years ago. trump is just another reason. ruzzia would be in shambles by now if we would have prioritized ukrainian victory.
But when you don't obey, there is always a window near your place or a "friend" with a good tea.